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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 09:49 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

Originally Posted by saumaun View Post

Oh wait. Its VZW.

Exactly, I'll wait til the phone is unlocked and a custom ROM loaded before I make my decision about their model.

Accepted NOT Expected
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2008, 08:38 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
You obviously haven't owned too many phones with qwerty KB's. I have, & every single one was different enough from the previous one that I had to spend some time getting used to it.

Although I am using a sprint TP ported over to verizon service, I could be perfectly happy with the vz KB. I might even prefer the larger keys, the tiny sprint keys seem awfully small to me at times...........

I meant it being the "qwerty" layout. Obviously every keyboard looks different, but they are all made so that you can expect every letter key to be next to the same letter keys in different keyboards, i.e. the top row saying "qwertyuiop" instead of "q~werty" with a carat/tilde key being placed between the q and w for no reason. Having an orphaned key and placing an up arrow between the 'm' and 'n' seems a bit silly in my opinion, especially when it seems like the directional keys could've been placed one over perfectly fine. The only times I've had to readjust using keyboards was switching from American keyboards to British keyboards, which for some reason have the / left of z. For the first week I kept on typing / in front of my sentences.

Last edited by Darkjedi; 12-06-2008 at 08:46 PM.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2008, 09:06 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

Originally Posted by foxnews View Post
verizon treat their customer like dummy and make money on advertized network.

Here are the summary of criple features that verizon did:

1) less memory: save equipment cost
2) no TF3D
3) disable GPS: to make more monthly charge on their GPS
4) No Youtube: force customers to use their content and to make more money on their content
5) More money: $50 more
6) no headphone
7) no screen protector
no Hoster
9) retarded keyboard layout
10) required to pay $30 data option for all smart/pda phones.

This is an example of corporate greed. verzion tried to milk more money from their customers who fall into their ad of "The Network". they treat their customers like dummy, again.

regular customer won't know these facts. only educated users are aware of this who can use ebay 30% cashback and buy sprint Pro to run on verizon network.
While I can give you the fact that the device lacks most of the accessories and has some apparently displaced memory, IT'S NOT THAT BAD.

I'm so sick of all the Sprint fanboys on here and it's utterly ing. I have had Sprint for 4+ years, dealt with ****ty customer service, billing system nightmares, lies, customer services and telesales reps in India and broken MMS on my smartphones. I still have Sprint to this day, but I cannot begin to tell you how much better the overall atmosphere is when dealing VZW.

When I call them, things get done. A person, who 9 times out of 10 works directly for the company (they have outsourced reps, but they're all American and they're pretty few and far between), answers my phone and sounds thoroughly happy to serve me. I have never in four years gotten that from Sprint. Ever. I have been lied to and nearly ****ed out of $100 because a telesales rep didn't let me know that my Fair and Flexible plan made me inelgibile for the MIR. Thanks, guys. Really.

Maybe VZW costs a little more, but I have no complaints AT ALL about their service. I know every company has it's moments when it comes to bad experiences, but sadly, it seems to be a common occurance with Sprint.

As far as the device goes: IT HAS TOUCHFLO 3D. For the love of God, can we please put that one to rest? IT DOES NOT LAG, either. I have extensively used both the VZW and Sprint Touch Pro. They're both slow because they're both WM6.1 PDAs with broken-*** HTC graphics. Oh no, the YouTube app wasn't preinstalled. 5 minutes on Google and I was up and running. The gripes about the keyboard layout are a ****ing joke. If you can't get used to it in 5 minutes like I did, you're lacking some serious mental capacity. It's not rocket science, it's a keyboard. Get used to it. I'm let down about the headphones and screen protector, but the holster is a piece of ****, and even the Sprint guys can attest to that one.

I'm not a complete VZW fanboi and I still happily pay my Sprint bill every month, but I think there are FAR too many highly uneducated people on here unfairly bashing VZW and their Touch Pro. If you don't like it, fine. No one is making you switch to VZW or get their device. Keep your useless opinions to yourself.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2008, 09:14 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

The irony is the person talking abou corporate greed and corruption has a screename of foxnews LOL. Talk about irony from the most greedy corrupt new agency in the land.

And i fully agree Sprint fanboys are annoying now instead of letting VZW people have their own discussions since they actually OWN the device.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2008, 09:28 PM
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Re: Video review of VZW Touch Pro-Crippled "Should be criminally negligent"

As much as I hate to admit it, I once wanted to port my number over to the Big Red. The only thing that held me back was the fact that they crippled their phones. I couldn't even get my friend's razr to install a ringtone using a USB and Moto Phone Tools. That was a deal breaker for me.
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