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  #441 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 06:36 AM
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Re: A $1.48 goes a long way... Black Battery Cover!

Originally Posted by meccadon123 View Post
I missed that post too, nicely done. Where'd ya get all those backsssss
Thanks. I have to drive around my town alot and I simply went in to whatever store I had to pass by and politely asked for an extra.
I wish Mighty Mike could have an EVO
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  #442 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 10:52 AM
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Re: A $1.48 goes a long way... Black Battery Cover!

Man I cannot score a spare cover here in San Antonio, called and nobody has any!
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  #443 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 02:01 PM
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Re: A $1.48 goes a long way... Black Battery Cover!

Originally Posted by TreyBeno View Post
Ive beat u to it ! I already did all those colors and they came out great. Check out my earlier posts.

Yeah I saw those, and noticed earlier that you did a green as well. What was your water to dye ratio (powder or liquid) to get that exactly those colors? I used the whole bottle of black dye in a very small pot for black because I knew it didn't matter, but whats the ratio for lighter colors?
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  #444 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 02:02 PM
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Re: A $1.48 goes a long way... Black Battery Cover!

Originally Posted by tsowen View Post
Man I cannot score a spare cover here in San Antonio, called and nobody has any!
Call them again in a week especially if they are repair centers. If they still don't have them, give your name and number and tell them you need one and could they put one on the next order they ask for.
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  #445 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: A $1.48 goes a long way... Black Battery Cover!

Originally Posted by TreyBeno View Post
This might be worthy of the essentials thread. Does anybody have the guts to try this out and confirm if this works? If so we may be in business. It would be cool if all of us from this site did this to our Pros if its repeatable. it would be our secret sign to each other out in public when we cross paths.
LOL I think we should do it it'll be nice if everyone posted up thier pics and diff colors, you guys think itll void the TEP policy from sprint?
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  #446 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 04:10 PM
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Re: A $1.48 goes a long way... Black Battery Cover!

Originally Posted by TProUserOnSprint View Post
Yeah I saw those, and noticed earlier that you did a green as well. What was your water to dye ratio (powder or liquid) to get that exactly those colors? I used the whole bottle of black dye in a very small pot for black because I knew it didn't matter, but whats the ratio for lighter colors?
1. First off I use the lighter version of all colors. For example I use sunshine orange instead of tangerine orange. The reason being is that u can start with a lighter color and gradually deepen it depending on how long it stays in the pot. If u start with a dark color u run the risk of making it too dark and way off color and risk it turning out an almost black color. Same thing goes for the other colors. If u want royal blue then use the lighter evening blue and so on.

2. Next I only use half of the packet of dye bcuz this was made for much larger amounts of water and we want to keep the ratio of dye to fluids about the same. Less water= less dye.

3. I run scalding hot water from the tap into the pot and then place it on LOW heat on the stove. At this point I add the dye and stir it in and let it sit for 5 minutes. I use the powdered version. Its just like dissolving sugar in water. PLEASE LET ALL THE DYE DISSOLVE FIRST OR IT MIGHT MAKES SPECKLES OF DARKER COLOR WHERE THE GRAINS OF DYE SETTLE ON THE COVER WHEN ITS IN THE WATER!

4. i wash the cover with dish washing soap and get all the dirt, oil, and residue off the cover. iF IT DOESNT SQUEAK WHEN U RUN UR FINGERS ACROSS IT THEN ITS NOT ALL THE WAY CLEAN. Drying is optional unless u know u have really hard water and it might leave drying spots.

5. At this point I stir the pot again and slide the cover in texture side up. PLEASE USE A SOFT OBJECT LIKE A RUBBER SPATULA SO U DONT SCRATCH THE WARM PLASTIC. Hell I used a straw from a fast food spot actually myself.

6. At this point its all about the clock now. Bcuz u use a lighter color and low heat it gives u more time to work with. U need to stir it every minute or so. Nothing vigorous but enough to make sure any undissolved dye doesnt have a chance to settle on the cover. Every minute or so. Every few minutes bring the cover to the surface and check the color. THIS IS KEY. Take it out when u hit the color u want.

7. After u get to the color u think u want then immediately rinse it in cold water. Most of the extra will run immediately. Rub it with ur fingers until it squeaks again or about a minute or so. Then dry it with a paper towel but dont buff yet.

8. At this point hold it under some light inside and out if u can and see if its really the color u want. If its not then put it back in for only 1 minute at a time, then repeat from step 6.

9. If ur really satisfied with the color and have completely dried it let it sit for a minute before buffing. When u do buff it, use something that has a fine texture as well like paper towels or denim. Buff it for a good minute and ur done with the cover.

10. Now u have to take pictures and post ur results. Please mix it up and try some different shades. Its worth it. Good luck and please NO BOILING WATER
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  #447 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 04:12 PM
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Re: A $1.48 goes a long way... Black Battery Cover!

quote should go on first post lol

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  #448 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 04:19 PM
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Re: *A $5.48* (Rain-X makes back cover Water/Hand Sanitizer/Wipe PROOF*

My cousin works at a Sprint store and was able to hook me up with 2 extra back covers to give this a shot. I read nearly 38 posts and cooked everything up in my head and really wanted to make this work. I really wanted it to look OEM- and def didn't want the dye start blemishing and spotting when using hand sanitizers and wipes. SO that's when I thought of Rain-X, I added about a cup of left over Rain-X from the garage and added to it to the Dye.

The Dye I picked was dark black and for those of you who don’t know what Rain-X looks like it has this light peachy orange color to it, but it did not effect the color of the dye and the back cover once it dried up.

I dropped couple of drops of water on the back cover and it just slipped right off. Used hand sanitizer and wipes, the colors did not distort or smear. I will post pictures up after work !

Thought i'd experiment, and to answer my own question sprint doesn't care what you do with the outside of the phone as long as it doesn't "physically/water damage the phone" unless if you picked up some ****ty *** color then yes you have physically damaged the phone
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  #449 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 04:25 PM
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Re: A $1.48 goes a long way... Black Battery Cover!

Monsoon411 great find and and even greater set of b***s! U have guts my man. Ill have to grab one of my extras and try this later.
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  #450 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 04:28 PM
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Re: A $1.48 goes a long way... Black Battery Cover!

Side track: CHRONSTER how in the hell do u have that many posts in a month ? I know its cold outside but get some sunlight man its good for u lol.
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