I tried looking for any posts on this, but didn't find any, so hope I'm not repeating any info...
Anyway, I got an e-mail from Amazon with the top 10 deals in electronics. When I saw the Fuze was one of them I just had to have a look...
From the pix it seems to have that diamond shaped back cover and is all black. The keyboard is different too - instead of a dedicated number row on top, it has an fn keypad. It does NOT have that wacky arrow key between the N and M.
The eye opener for me was the price - $175 with a two year contract and $150 with the $25 additional rebate!
I don't know if that's just the Amazon price, as a few years ago I got a T-Mo T809 for free with a ONE year contract, after rebates. That's when the cheapest elsewhere was at least $100 with a two year contract. Yeah, a sweet deal.
Check out Amazon if you want to see what the keyboard and back are like.