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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 10:17 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

There is no way they made a software change to it given that the ROM date is still 9/12/2008. If they made a last minute change in October, it would have a later date.

There may have been a hardware fix of some sort, but definitely not software, especially since many of us- myself included- have hard reset at least a half dozen times without suddenly experiencing issues.

Well, it's that or the ROM is dated the same and one of the pre-installed CAB files that runs during customizations implements the patch... in which case it's baked into the ROM so it would still install on hard reset except for those running custom roms.....
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 11:01 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by cbunting View Post
With everyone looking into spec shsets, and chipsets, etc, may I ask. WHY ARE WE DOING HTC'S WORK FOR THEM? They are the manufacturer here, we are the customer. We shouldn't have to fix their faulty product. And by saying faulty, yes I mean faulty. I'm not one of those people that is married to HTC and ignores problems that exist just because they have an obsession with them. HTC needs to fix these problems, and they need to fix them now. No excuses, they better have a programmer on this right now, or sprint should STOP selling their crappy devices..... they clearly have no QC
So, if Sprint or HTC were to recall this phone, what would you do? There is nothing (to my knowledge) that Sprint can offer to come close to the Touch Pro at this time. F that, i'll be fine with my battery (which works fine) and the heat (which i only experienced once, when tom tom locked up...talk about hot!!) -s
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Funniest thread ever!!

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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 11:04 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
I actually have the Pro again, and if you were following the threads of people trying to solve the problems with the Pro, you would realize that. I can understand if your TP was "flawless, perfect, ideal," etc, that you may not care--but I find it hard to believe, because so far, no one has stood up and shown that their TP doesn't overheat during normal usage.

I believe I have the newest TP manufactured, (11/7/08,) and it still has many glarying, device-crippling defects.

I love this phone too and I want it to WORK. Of course, if HTC and/or Sprint cannot deliver, then I will find another phone. I would hardly call it trolling to point out that most people here are pulling the wool over their OWN eyes, and pretending like there are no critical flaws with this phone. So far, the other main poll going on is saying that MOST people ARE having trouble with their Pro. Interesting news--and saddening, because it really lowers my chances, (as well as anyone else,) of getting a "perfect" Touch Pro.
I think you need to re-read my Signature you missed something.

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
no one has stood up and shown that their TP doesn't overheat during normal usage.
I have no heat problems with my TP, however, I will agree that this device uses more power than my iGo charged can supply. I put this puppy to the test today I drove from Dallas to Oklahoma City, I ran the GPS using Telenav all the way both ways Touch Pro plugged in and charging. On my way to OK City I had a continuous stream of calls 60 total, I get a lot of calls, after each call I went straight back to Telenav after 4 hours my battery had dropped 2 bars to 80%. I worked for 4 hours during which time I was making calls taking pictures and surfing the Internet when I got in my truck to head home I was at 50%. I then Drove home 4 more hours had 22 more calls ran Telenav all the way, battery was at 30% when I got to my house. My TP never got hot, with the screen on Telenav running my TP got warm but was never hot to the touch front or back. I have noticed that during long calls the back will get warmer from the battery drain but that's the only time my TP ever gets hot. I know that these batteries put off heat when they discharge that is what I contribute the heat to not charging.

I want to get me a power converter so I can use the OEM charger in my truck so I can find out if it is the charger not putting out enough power that is causing my TP to use more battery than it is gaining from charging. I know that my TP will charge and gain not loose when I am at home running WIFI and surfing the Net but it is hard to test the GPS and data use when I am siting still
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2008, 11:36 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Dont know if this has been discussed but thought its worth mentioning.

The technology to meet some of our expectations (whether its features, battery life..etc) does exist. And the quality control procedure could be expanded to find some of these deeper issues. (Here I refer to the issues trickling down from the original software bases)

But there is one thing IMHO that changes everything. The good old dollar bill. Money. That is what drives all business no matter what they say or lead people to believe. That is why new software cores are not created from scratch each time, to much time and money. I believe if more time was invested in testing, debugging..etc, more optimizations could be found. That is why PPCgeeks and other forums are great, because these DIY experts can then do what the big companies didnt have the time or want to spend more money on to do. And that is optimize to the greatest possible ability. Tweaks, custom roms, drivers, bug fixes and other optimizations will always be found.

The tech for such small and powerful processors, high capacity memory cards, batteries..existed 10 years ago. But it wasnt cost effective enough to bring mainstream. So really these devices aren't the cutting edge of technology, they are just the most cutting edge of profitable technology in its field.

Now I'm not saying HTC is an evil corporation that is trying to con everyone by releasing sub par devices. I personally believe that compared to alot of companies, HTC seems to spend more time in quality control and support. So I applaud them.

So the reality is that until the price is right for business, we really cant expect these devices to be perfect and or live up to every expectation we have. There should be improvements from model to model and I would say its a fair to say the TP is an improvement over the Mogul, which the TP was really the upgrade from.

I choose to accept that the TP does more things better than most if not all WinMo devices, with the knowledge something has got to give somewhere for all that power, and logically battery would be one. It will get better, when the price is right.
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 12:22 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

I think most people that are complaining are also not letting the battery break in (meaning using and charging the phone for at least a week on the same battery). Heat issues aside, the battery gets better once it settles in...

P.S. I used GPS a full weekend of driving (five to six hours each day) and I had no battery problems or heat that I noticed. I don't notice heat with normal usage either, but I am not a power user.

P.P.S. Maybe the TP is not right for some users, and maybe consider getting say a Touch that is very customizable and a decent phone IMO and can be used as a modem, and get one of those small very portable internet devices that I see that cost less then a TP... Just a thought, talk on one, use the other for surfing... Not as cool as a phone, but less issues and drama maybe?

Last edited by Insoc; 11-19-2008 at 12:48 AM.
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 01:50 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

The heat issue is not as bad as it is on the Diamond's. I had the diamond. It was really bad.. So bad that at one point I had to pull my phone out of my pocket because it was burning my inner thigh. Not super blistering hot, but uncomfortable hot. I could say something really.. Nah nevermind..
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 02:05 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by Big D5 View Post
I have no heat problems with my TP, however, I will agree that this device uses more power than my iGo charged can supply. I put this puppy to the test today I drove from Dallas to Oklahoma City, I ran the GPS using Telenav all the way both ways Touch Pro plugged in and charging. On my way to OK City I had a continuous stream of calls 60 total, I get a lot of calls, after each call I went straight back to Telenav after 4 hours my battery had dropped 2 bars to 80%. I worked for 4 hours during which time I was making calls taking pictures and surfing the Internet when I got in my truck to head home I was at 50%. I then Drove home 4 more hours had 22 more calls ran Telenav all the way, battery was at 30% when I got to my house. My TP never got hot, with the screen on Telenav running my TP got warm but was never hot to the touch front or back. I have noticed that during long calls the back will get warmer from the battery drain but that's the only time my TP ever gets hot. I know that these batteries put off heat when they discharge that is what I contribute the heat to not charging.
Sounds like you have a magical Touch Pro. Most of us can't get the phone to charge at all, with use like that, (or much, much less.) So congratulations on your find. Hopefully all the rest of us can get our hands on one like that.

I wish someone would write a test program that takes a TP, with battery at 100%, and then runs calculations, and measures battery % vs time vs heat vs voltage. Then we could compare apples to apples--rather than one objective review after another.

Again, it brings us back to the point, why the hell are we having to do this? HTC should have done this before release. That does not mean that I am not willing to do this extra work to get my phone to work--but so far, nothing has worked...

Originally Posted by mdodge View Post
Dont know if this has been discussed but thought its worth mentioning.

The technology to meet some of our expectations (whether its features, battery life..etc) does exist. And the quality control procedure could be expanded to find some of these deeper issues. (Here I refer to the issues trickling down from the original software bases)

But there is one thing IMHO that changes everything. The good old dollar bill. Money. That is what drives all business no matter what they say or lead people to believe. That is why new software cores are not created from scratch each time, to much time and money. I believe if more time was invested in testing, debugging..etc, more optimizations could be found. That is why PPCgeeks and other forums are great, because these DIY experts can then do what the big companies didnt have the time or want to spend more money on to do. And that is optimize to the greatest possible ability. Tweaks, custom roms, drivers, bug fixes and other optimizations will always be found.

The tech for such small and powerful processors, high capacity memory cards, batteries..existed 10 years ago. But it wasnt cost effective enough to bring mainstream. So really these devices aren't the cutting edge of technology, they are just the most cutting edge of profitable technology in its field.

Now I'm not saying HTC is an evil corporation that is trying to con everyone by releasing sub par devices. I personally believe that compared to alot of companies, HTC seems to spend more time in quality control and support. So I applaud them.

So the reality is that until the price is right for business, we really cant expect these devices to be perfect and or live up to every expectation we have. There should be improvements from model to model and I would say its a fair to say the TP is an improvement over the Mogul, which the TP was really the upgrade from.

I choose to accept that the TP does more things better than most if not all WinMo devices, with the knowledge something has got to give somewhere for all that power, and logically battery would be one. It will get better, when the price is right.
I have a feeling many of us would gladly sacrifice a bit of performance to get the phone to stay cooler, and actually charge.

Originally Posted by Insoc View Post
I think most people that are complaining are also not letting the battery break in (meaning using and charging the phone for at least a week on the same battery). Heat issues aside, the battery gets better once it settles in...

P.S. I used GPS a full weekend of driving (five to six hours each day) and I had no battery problems or heat that I noticed. I don't notice heat with normal usage either, but I am not a power user.

P.P.S. Maybe the TP is not right for some users, and maybe consider getting say a Touch that is very customizable and a decent phone IMO and can be used as a modem, and get one of those small very portable internet devices that I see that cost less then a TP... Just a thought, talk on one, use the other for surfing... Not as cool as a phone, but less issues and drama maybe?
A li-ion battery should NOT require a "break-in" period. The only thing you are doing by draining/charging the battery is calibrating the TP to give proper battery % readings. The problem that sticks out, is the fact that the phone stops charging. Most of us, from what I can tell, really aren't TOO mad about the battery life itself. I think it's okay, especially for what the phone is.

Originally Posted by marcus_cruz View Post
The heat issue is not as bad as it is on the Diamond's. I had the diamond. It was really bad.. So bad that at one point I had to pull my phone out of my pocket because it was burning my inner thigh. Not super blistering hot, but uncomfortable hot. I could say something really.. Nah nevermind..
This has happened to me several times on my Pro. Some of us just appear to be really lucky...
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 05:29 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

perhaps...you guys would be happier if HTC gave it a 450mhz cpu w/ 125mb. Wouldn't drain as much battery and cool to the touch.

We would all be happier right?
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 09:46 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
I remember him saying they made some changes... that's mainly why I haven't hard reset yet (that and because I didn't have low volume issues and that seemed to be the fix for peeps). I didn't know what changes they made, but when i started putting on apps and whatnot i started to wonder if any changes they made would be reverted if i hard reset the phone. Someone should contact him since almost everyone did the hard reset fix when they received their phone. Now i'm probably not going to hard reset for a while....... lol
My pro doesn't heat up for no reason*
I have not done a hard reset but still experience the heat issue, and have from day one (it's something I've learned to live with while I reasearch WHY it gets hot)

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
Sounds like you have a magical Touch Pro. Most of us can't get the phone to charge at all, with use like that, (or much, much less.) So congratulations on your find. Hopefully all the rest of us can get our hands on one like that.

I wish someone would write a test program that takes a TP, with battery at 100%, and then runs calculations, and measures battery % vs time vs heat vs voltage. Then we could compare apples to apples--rather than one objective review after another.

What kind of calculations do you want it to run? My battery log prog will keep a complete log of power draw, voltage, and battery temperature. and system events. I modified it to let the unit go to sleep, but my original version keept it in full power mode with the screen off. I could dump in a routine to do some heavy calculations the entire time and put in the option to enable or disable that feature. I have run some of my calculation intensive software while logging, and never see over 230mA of battery draw, (i.e. the application processor/WinMo side seems quite efficent) Where I have seen the heavy battery draw is with the transmitter. Which is why I am conviced that the issue lies in the radio ROM. (Since LG uses the RFT61xx series transmitters on many of their handsets (eg vx8300/8350) without major reported issues)
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2008, 11:08 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

has anyone even thought about... for a radio to work efficiently, the antena needs to be properly tuned.

perhaps someone who has a external antena available, and has the bat log software installed could start logging, attatch the external antena, and try a data call, and a voice call.

If there is a significant difference in that config, that would at least give a direction to attack...

I'm on vzw w/ a 6800 so I can't help, yet perhaps I just did...
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