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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2009, 09:37 PM
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Re: Horrible Shutter lag

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
You're right, it was. All that shows however is that HTC made a major blunder trying to cram more pixels into it with no idea what they where doing. Instead of a major improvement in the camera, all they came up with was a POS that's damn near impossible to take a decent picture with (it will take a great pic of your couch, but if there's a live child sitting in it you're totally screwed).

I know all about digital camera design, I have a $5,000 Canon DC sitting here that I use for sport shooting. I don't need to read an article on DC design to know that HTC is clueless in this area.

Then you also know simply increasing pixel counts isn't necessarily a bad thing, and 1.2M in a modern high-end devivce would be considered poor specifications.

Quality and performance depend on the specific sensor technology and, at least as much, on the processing technology. Question is, which is it in this case? If it's shoddy processing, then fixing it with software changes is plausible and HTC is neglectful (if not negligent), but if the sensor is simply too poor to sustain higher ISO equivalency, then there's no fix for that and HTC's software is a reasonable design tradeoff.

Still, in any case, even poor sensors can be forced to use higher ISO equivalency, noise be damned, up to the limitations of the electronic shutter.
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