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  #1211 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2009, 02:47 PM
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Source for OEM stylus -

I have lost both of the stylii that came with my phone and the aftermarket ones are crap. Sprint online told me to go to my local store but my "local" (25-mile away) store doesn't have any. The local store told me to go to the HTC website to buy them, but if they're on that website I sure couldn't find them. There is a larger Sprint store about 90 miles away but I'm not really into making that trip just to pick up a couple of stylii.

Does anybody have any other ideas? TIA - sheureka
Do good. Be kind. Have fun.
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  #1212 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2009, 02:14 PM
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Re: Any good sites for docks and accessories yet?

Originally Posted by vick2080 View Post
thanks for that Ghetto BSD
the reason i ask is because, when i got my first TP i found that the Mini USB that came with my Blackberry and External pocket hard drive worked with the TP, so i was wow, dont have to carry another cable
but, 5 days into it, i found a screen leak on the LCD. so got a replacement, so not sure if it was the BB charging cable or just a bad LCD
thats why wanted to be sure
oh yeah you're good, that was just LCD as i use bb cables at work and at home! It's plugged into a bb cable right now!
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  #1213 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2009, 02:15 PM
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Re: Source for OEM stylus -

Originally Posted by sheureka View Post
I have lost both of the stylii that came with my phone and the aftermarket ones are crap. Sprint online told me to go to my local store but my "local" (25-mile away) store doesn't have any. The local store told me to go to the HTC website to buy them, but if they're on that website I sure couldn't find them. There is a larger Sprint store about 90 miles away but I'm not really into making that trip just to pick up a couple of stylii.

Does anybody have any other ideas? TIA - sheureka
hit up the free give away thread and ask for a stylus there, you'll get one soon enough! please make sure you thank whoever sends it to you and let them know when you get it!

I don't give anything away anymore people you'd think people would say "yeah it didn't get lost i got it" but nope, i am just asking to much! ahhaha
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