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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 02:14 PM
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Re: Is it a given that the Touch Pro fixes the Mogul issues?

Originally Posted by TurboFool View Post
lol, sure, the phone consistently does that, 24/7, with no soft-resets, constant use of Oxios, and leaning just the right way. I've done all those things, as well, but the point is after I've done that and a few other things, and then try to open up one more program, such as Opera, or view pictures, or browse a complex web page, it all comes tumbling down. There are moments when my phone is awesome. But more often than not I have to jump through hoops to get the phone to actually work when I need it most. Want to take a photo? No problem, just Close All, then run Oxios, then hit the camera but--oh, the bird flew away. Want to find out who that actor is in that show? No problem, let me just open up Opera--oh, crap, out of memory, hold on--Close All, Oxios--oh, still not enough available--soft reset--there we go, Opera's loading now--oh, thanks Jeff for looking it up on your iPhone.

Sorry, but the Mogul's available RAM DOES suck. Just because certain apps happen to fill its small amount of space just right so that if you soft-reset recently you can run them all effectively doesn't make it suck less. I don't want to have to perform a song and dance routine to get my Mogul to open any app I feel like and be sure that app's going to stay open and work when I need it most.
Your problem is you keep trying to run opera. Opera 9.5 isn't really built for our phones. Of course its going to crash, our phone doesn't have enough ram to truely support that program. You keep running a program not meant for your phone then wonder why it crashes??? You know its ram issues, but if you don't run that, watch, it won't crash as much.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 02:18 PM
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Re: Is it a given that the Touch Pro fixes the Mogul issues?

Originally Posted by schettj View Post
Last night I used my virtually unusable Mogul running the stock WM6.1 Sprint rom to get turn by turn GPS navigation (via tom tom) to my destination, provide a network for my ubuntu laptop for 2 hours at the coffee shop w/o Wifi just using stock ICS, and do a little SMS chatting, then navigate back. Oh, yeah, and I did a little web browsing for the last couple minutes waiting in the car for my kid before I kicked off TomTom for the return trip.

Man, that thing sucks

But yeah, I hear you. It would indeed be nice to have more ram. I could have done all that *and* edited a 200MB word file I guess...
ROTFL, thanks for the laugh!! I agree 100% by the way.

I really love my verizon XV6800's (both of them) after flashing (one is dcd 3.2.6 & the other is nue3) & a bunch of tweaks that I would have done to any system.

I ran Slingbox Mobile for 6 hours last week while driving down the NYS thruway & running Google maps in sat view with GPS navigation.......

My Wife also sms's a few times with my son at college during the trip using my phone........

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 02:45 PM
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Re: Is it a given that the Touch Pro fixes the Mogul issues?

Originally Posted by TurboFool View Post
I'm in it for the RAM. Even if all the other problems are still there, they're pretty much all fixable. The RAM was the thing that made the Mogul virtually unusable. The rest may just take a little time.
Thats is 100% exactly right. But the question in hand. This is obviously the main "Issue" with the Mogul, does the fact that they came out with a device that quadruples this amount of ram in the mogul make you(thats a general you, not YOU) feel your entitled to a free TP?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 02:53 PM
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Re: Is it a given that the Touch Pro fixes the Mogul issues?

Originally Posted by sandiegodude View Post
I'm thinking about waiting until the first TP rom update will be released from Sprint before I jump.
ETA March 2011
Honestly, jump on early with us. I promise we will have most of the major issues fixed within the first week.

As far as other issues being "software" issues, this does seem to be correct, however I never had any hardware issues (except the white dot which wasn't a big deal, and the gimped amount of RAM which we all knew about) with the mogul.

In the end, I'll still be a proud mogul owner with a new TP. I guess I just believe comming from several PDA devices, the 6600, 6700 and Mogul. The Mogul by far was the best of all of them. I think alot of people expected the Touch Pro in an era where the features of the Touch Pro weren't really available on a mass scale for a good price (granted there was one device for $1500 bucks (the shift i think) that had alot of these features, but who'd really want to pay that).
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 03:00 PM
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Re: Is it a given that the Touch Pro fixes the Mogul issues?

Originally Posted by cohowap View Post
So, I offended alot of people with my last post and I just wanted to set expectations for some who think that the Touch Pro is going to be mounds of improvement over the mogul.

I decided to visit xda's Touch Pro forums for the first time (always spend my time with mogul). And well, what I saw was shocking, cause from the way people here praise the Touch Pro for fixing all the Mogul issues, which is why they are "OWED" a free Touch Pro, I find quite the opposite.
Reading most of those threads basically informed me that a lot of them are ones and twos having the problems, not a huge amount of overall issues.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 04:24 PM
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Re: Is it a given that the Touch Pro fixes the Mogul issues?

Originally Posted by TurboFool View Post
lol, sure, the phone consistently does that, 24/7, with no soft-resets, constant use of Oxios, and leaning just the right way.
Yes, Yes, No, No.

The "right way" is to not treat it like a phone with 128mb ram (this is all off topic now, sorry everyone else just skip over)

No dialer skins
No WAD, FAD, MAD, Manila, Magillia, Cubes, whatever, junk. Just a few today plugins, and rltoday.
Yeah, no Opera either.

S2U2 is fine, although I am trying without it this week just to see if it matters - so far, no.

Bottom line, you're not going to be able to run what the big dogs run. That's why this phone doesn't ship with that - it's too big. That's what a phone with 2-4x the ram is for.

So it sounds like, indeed, you want a different phone.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 05:40 PM
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Re: Is it a given that the Touch Pro fixes the Mogul issues?

Dialer skins don't increase memory usage. :P

Bottom line is, the phone wasn't very usable at all, even for the most basic of tasks, with the limited ram. Sure it would work, but it wasn't optimal.

baf.cc | GPS Toggler | Touch Pro Essentials | Got MSL?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 05:57 PM
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Re: Is it a given that the Touch Pro fixes the Mogul issues?

heh, everyone has some problem - take any phone, you can find a thread with every one of those same issues from some random person....

the only issue I have with the mogul is RAM (and speed though that is less of a problem)... I don't have any of those other issues to any major extent (although battery could use a little improvement I guess).

the touch pro will fix all of my problems, and probably the majority of everyone elses'
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 06:27 PM
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Re: Is it a given that the Touch Pro fixes the Mogul issues?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Your problem is you keep trying to run opera. Opera 9.5 isn't really built for our phones. Of course its going to crash, our phone doesn't have enough ram to truely support that program. You keep running a program not meant for your phone then wonder why it crashes??? You know its ram issues, but if you don't run that, watch, it won't crash as much.
lol, I only recently added Opera to my phone and rarely use it. I just gave that as an example of one app that consistently can't crack it. There's plenty. I had all these troubles before I touched Opera. IE would run out of memory on plenty of web pages, too, and other apps would drain my RAM down to nothing. And, again, the camera app is only sometimes usable.

Originally Posted by cohowap View Post
Thats is 100% exactly right. But the question in hand. This is obviously the main "Issue" with the Mogul, does the fact that they came out with a device that quadruples this amount of ram in the mogul make you(thats a general you, not YOU) feel your entitled to a free TP?
Free? Not necessarily (not that I'd turn it down). Discounted to at least the same price a new customer who never went through the 18-month beta test that was the Mogul? Yes.

Originally Posted by schettj View Post
The "right way" is to not treat it like a phone with 128mb ram (this is all off topic now, sorry everyone else just skip over)

No dialer skins
No WAD, FAD, MAD, Manila, Magillia, Cubes, whatever, junk. Just a few today plugins, and rltoday.
Yeah, no Opera either.

S2U2 is fine, although I am trying without it this week just to see if it matters - so far, no.

Bottom line, you're not going to be able to run what the big dogs run. That's why this phone doesn't ship with that - it's too big. That's what a phone with 2-4x the ram is for.

So it sounds like, indeed, you want a different phone.
So, the "right way" is to not use the phone for anything that a Windows Mobile phone's supposed to be? The "right way" is to not expect to be able to run any apps that make the phone's basic functionality less slow, clunky, and unintuitive? Yes, I do run several today plugins, and I run Mobile Shell. I've tried all sorts of variations of shells and tools to make it quick and easy to access functionality I need, just as it would be if I were using a normal phone. No combination makes it better. But I bought a Windows Mobile phone so that I could install and use various applications on it that make my life easier. I wasn't aware that the phone would, in fact, be completely worthless if I tried to run most of them. Considering many of these were available when the Mogul launched, I think it's reasonable to expect it to run them. If I wanted a phone that was only usable with what it shipped with, I wouldn't have bought a Windows Mobile phone, as standard phones are far faster and more reliable at running their built-in apps.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2008, 06:29 PM
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Re: Is it a given that the Touch Pro fixes the Mogul issues?

I honestly never had an issue with the Mogul's ram until I tried to run iGo8. I never got voices to work. While the program was in use, I didn't have enough ram to receive or make a call.

Please don't give a stupid response like "Use another GPS program".

Most of my other issues were resolved but the few that remain needs to be fixed with a new phone.

Bluetooth? I put the phone in the pocket the same side as my ear piece.
3 white spots? Ignored
Auto-dialing? Slide to Unlock 2
Navigation? Custom roms without all the sprint crap.
Program management? WTask
Broken Keyboard? Replaced
Lag? Unsolved
Annoying soft reset needed to show someone something online? Unsolved
resent Constant freezing causing 80% missed calls? Unsolved

I loved my mogul but it was always slow. Within the past month, it developed a hardware issue causing it to freeze. I am not owed a replacement therefore I will purchase it myself with whatever rebates and discounts offered.
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