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  #171 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2008, 08:55 PM
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...

Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
I couldn't resist.....these are nice facts for you both.....


1. Which country can boast that their brands occupy 2 of the top 3 spots for long-term reliability?

Answer: United States .
Per J.D. Power Vehicle Dependability Study, Mercury and Cadillac are in the top 3, along with Lexus. And in 2007, Buick was tied with Lexus for the top spot.

2. As of August 2007, which manufacturer had the most recalled vehicles in the U.S. for that year?

Answer: Volkswagen.
According to Business Week, Volkswagen had the most recalls at this time a year ago. The second worst was Toyota .
http://www.businessweek.com/autos /content/aug2007/bw20070810_455098.htm

3. Pick the brand from each group that has the highest initial quality.
a. Answer : Cadillac (better than both Acura and BMW)
b. Answer: Mercury (better than both Honda and Nissan)
c. Answer: Chevrolet (better than Acura, BMW, and Mazda)
This is according to J.D. Power’s Initial Quality S urvey.

4. Which midsize sedan has the highest initial quality?

Answer: The Chevrolet Malibu has better initial quality than any competitor, including the Honda Accord, Toyota Camry and Nissan Altima. The Ford Fusion also beat all 3 Japanese competitors.
This too is from the J.D. Power Initial Quality Survey, which also reveals that above average are American brands Mercury, Ford, Cadillac, Chevrolet , Pontiac, Lincoln, and Buick. Below average are import brands Acura, Kia, Nissan, BMW, Mazda, VW, Subaru, and Scion (and several others).
http://www.jdpower. com/corporate/news/releases/pressrelease.aspx?ID=2008063

5. Which large sedan has the highest initial quality?

Answer: Again per J.D. Power, the highest quality large car is the Pontiac Grand Prix, beating the Toyota Avalon. Two other Detroit cars that beat the Avalon are the Mercury Sable and Mercury Grand Marquis.

6. Which midsize pickup has the highest initial quality?

Answer: The Dodge Dakota has the best quality for midsize pickups, proving that Chrysler too can beat the imports. Both the Dakota and the Ford Ranger beat the Toyota Tacoma .

7. Which car is the most economical overall?

Answer: Per Edmunds.com, the premier automotive analysis site, the most economical car in America , taking into account not only mileage but all costs, is the Chevrolet Ave o. The Honda Fit is #3 and the Toyota Prius is a distant #34.

8. Which car did the Los Angeles Times describe as “a better car than BMW or Mercedes or Lexus or Infiniti”?

Answer: “Cadillac makes a better car than BMW or Mercedes or Lexus or Infiniti, and that car is the 2008 CTS. No other car in the mass market dares so much as this expressive and audacious bit of automotive avant-gardism.” Dan Neil, LA Times.

9. Which company makes the winner of the 2008 “Green Car of the Year” award?

Answer: The Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid is the winner of this award. How could a full-size SUV defeat the media darling Toyota Prius? Read the link below and you will discover, “What’s equally eye-opening is that the Tahoe’s 21 mpg city fuel efficiency rating is the same as that of the city EPA rating for the four-cylinder Toyota Camry sedan. ”

Did you catch that?=2 0 A huge, full-size SUV from Chevrolet that gets the same city mileage as a 4-cylinder Toyota Camry!! Chevy obtained this remarkable achievement through the use of its 2-mode hybrid system, a technology that Toyota does not have.

10. Which car was selected by the North American automotive press corps as the “North American Car of the Year” for 2007?

Answer: Not only was the Saturn Aura picked by the automotive press corps as better than the Honda Fit and the Toyota Camry, “When a panel of 47 journalists named the Saturn Aura the North American Car of the Year over the Toyota Camry, the vote wasn't even close, 205-89.” C hicago Tribune, 1/15/07

11. Which car won the same award for 2008?

Answer: GM again crushed the Japanese competition in 2008 when the Malibu received 190 votes to the Honda Accord’s 95. The Accord actually came in 3rd since GM’s other finalist, the Cadillac CTS, received 165 votes.

12. Which company had a luxury vehicle, a midsize sedan, and a large truck removed from the Consumer Reports recommended vehicles list in Oct ober 2007 because of mounting quality problems?

Answer: Toyota’s much publicized quality problems resulted in Consumer Reports actually removing from their recommended vehicles list the Lexus GS luxury car, Camry V6 sedan, and Tundra pickup. This demotion occurred in October 2007.

This Q &A list was put together by an employee of an American car company who just might lose his job because of public perceptions that do not match reality. If you are one of the many Americans who gave up on Detroit ’s cars because of a bad experience many years ago, it’s time to rethink your position. Rethink Detroit .
Detroit automakers: 79 U.S. jobs per 2,500 cars sold in America .
Foreign automakers: 33 U.S. jobs per 2,500 cars sold in America .


Your post speaks volumes about what is wrong with this country today! I have always been an advocate of make it here, buy it here. To bad bad we had to spend all of that money and expertise rebuilding Japan after the bomb. Now they "own" the U.S. Never could figure why this country would by products from a company that built the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor. Keep it American, Keep your Job! Just my 2 cents.
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  #172 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2008, 09:26 PM
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...

my bad, i thought i clicked a mogul for touch pro thread lol!
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  #173 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2008, 12:49 PM
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...

In response to flyers2114 and LobsterBoxed,

1. According to this same study, Lexus has had the no.1 spot for 14 YEARS. Toyota and Acura round out the top five, respectively. Also, Toyota owns Lexus. So I guess Japan can claim that for the last 14 years, they have had the highest rated brand in vehicle dependability, as well as holding the no.1, 4 and 5 spot on the list last year.

2. Volkswagens recall of over 1 million Beetles was due to a faulty brake light switch and for 58, 000 Passats it was for a fragile vacuum line. However, the report failed to make light of the massive recall of 3.6 million vehicles by FORD, citing a defective cruise control switch that could lead to fires.
3.There were 16 brands that were above the Industry average and 10 of those were foreign nameplates. 8 of the top 10 were foreign nameplates. The 6 domestic above the IA were Mercury(6), Ford(,Cadillac(11), Chevrolet(12), Pontiac(14)Lincoln(15) and Bucik(16). GMC, Dodge, Chrysler, Saturn and Jeep were all below the average.
4.&5.The writer is correct about the Large and Misize sedan segments, but what about the Compact and Sub-compact segments, which I would bet have the highest rate of growth these days? Well then you get 2008 Honda Fit (Highest ranked Sub-Compact) and the 2008 Honda Civic (Highest ranked Compact).
6.American automakers took no.1 not only in the Midsize pickup segment, but also the Large pickup and Van segments as well.
7.While the Chevrolet Aveo is the least expensive vehicle to own, it is the only American vehicle in the top 10. As far the Toyota Prius goes, which is a hybrid and naturally is going to cost more to own because of the new technology, the Honda Civic Hybrid comes in ahead of it at no.14. So what about American Hybrids? Of the top 10 least expensive hybrids to own, the Chevrolet Malibu came in 4th (81st overall), Ford Escape Hybrid 5th (94th overall), Mercury Mariner 6th (102nd overall), Mercury Mariner AWD 8th (136th overall).
8. This qoute isn't endorsed by the LA Times, but is simply one persons perspective of the Cadillac CTS compared to others in its segment and is based solely on appearance and real French stitching.
9. Ok, here we are comparing the Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid which gets 21 city mpg, the same as a 4 cylinder Toyota Camry Sedan (Non-Hybrid). While I applaud Chevys accomplishmnets, lets not compare apples to oranges. If it were a Toyota Camry Hybrid, I am sure it would be different. The Tahoe didn't defeat the "media darling" Prius, it wasn't even up for the award. In fact, I believe all of the nominees were SUV's.
10.Along with the Saturn Aura winning in 2007, American automakers have won 5 of the last 8 years in the North American Car of the Year. They have won the Truck of the Year 4 of the last 8 years.
11.He is accurate on this point.
12. According to the same article the OP refers to............"U.S. brands still dominate "Least Reliable" List". Also, only the V6 Camry, 4WD V8 Tundra and AWD Lexus GS were removed. The 4 cylinder and hybrid Camrys, as well as the RWD Lexus GS are still on the list. Consumer Reports also, up until this year, would automatically recommend new and redesigned Toyota models based solely on the automakers excellent track record, even if it didn't have sufficient reliability data on the new model. It also said that if Toyota returns to its previous record of OUTSTANDING OVERALL RELIABILITY, it may resume this automatic recommendation practice.

I realize that my post, as well as the posts I am replying to by flyers2114 and LobsterBoxed, have no place in this forum, I felt compelled to write because this whole post boasting about how we should rethink Detroit and Buy American is obviously missleading and was written by a guy who is afraid, and rightfully so, that he and many others might lose their jobs.
Also, just to be clear, I am not Pro-foreign and I agree that we should buy American. But at the same time, tell all these companies that want us to buy American, to do three things: Give us a product, that is truly made (not assembled) in the U.S, is of the highest quality and craftsmanship and at the most reasonable price. If the foreigners can do it, why can't the domestic automakers?
Moderators, if you feel this post should be deleted, feel free to, I completely understand. I just needed to get out my two cents worth as well.

Last edited by doylecm; 11-10-2008 at 12:52 PM.
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  #174 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2008, 01:44 PM
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...

Originally Posted by drexappeal View Post
From reading your email chain that you posted, it looks like the rep had their numbers crossed up. The retail cost of the phone is $599.99. There are 2 "instant rebates" (just like the Diamond). $75-150 (depending on eligibility) and additional $50, plus $100 MIR, which is what makes the phone 299.99 (depending on eligible instant w/ 2 year extension).

That being said, this rep has basically given you $300 off (right away), then an additional $175 off.

Deal?...Well, I hope Sprint honors it.

yep.. I doubt they'd honor it. Not without some kicking and screaming anyways...
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  #175 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2008, 01:51 PM
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...

I got my TP for around $50 after I sold my Mogul online for almost $200 and bought my TP at BB for $239
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  #176 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2008, 02:07 PM
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...

Originally Posted by drexappeal View Post
From reading your email chain that you posted, it looks like the rep had their numbers crossed up. The retail cost of the phone is $599.99. There are 2 "instant rebates" (just like the Diamond). $75-150 (depending on eligibility) and additional $50, plus $100 MIR, which is what makes the phone 299.99 (depending on eligible instant w/ 2 year extension).

That being said, this rep has basically given you $300 off (right away), then an additional $175 off.

Deal?...Well, I hope Sprint honors it.
I had a rep mess up the prices and put on a note on my account for the purchase of the touch pro for $124.99. I had to jump through hoops like a circus monkey to get them to honor it but after a week of fighting with sprint they did. So don't let them tell you they can't make that deal. Its not your fault if their employees mess up
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  #177 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2008, 02:14 PM
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...

I was supposed to get a touch pro from sprint for $50 but they sent a diamond and I told them that if I got it free that I would keep it and not worry about the TP, they agreed
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  #178 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2008, 01:03 PM
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...

Originally Posted by mabru2001 View Post
I got my TP for around $50 after I sold my Mogul online for almost $200 and bought my TP at BB for $239
That's about the same for me also! Out the door price at Best Buy was 259. Mogul sold for 180 (it was actually 210 including shipping, but that's subtracting all the fees from ebay).

If I had been patient and just had retentions give me a better deal, I would've, but it was too good to pass up actually being in the store and having them say I'm eligible for the full discount. Amazing.

I'm happy with my 79 purchase. It's SO worth it.
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  #179 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2008, 03:22 PM
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...

Greetings. Sorry in advance iif this question is silly. I sent a few emails to sprint regarding my mogul issues, and basically just got all the normal rebates and credits towards a Touch Pro ($249.00) when all is said and done. Since yesterday after i received the last email, i've now gotten 4 phone calls from them 888-211-4727 saying i should email ecare in response to my emails. I'm kinda confused, is this normal for sprint? In a sad way, it's kinda funny that i couldn't answer 2 of their calls because my phone screen and buttons wouldn't respond. grrrrr
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  #180 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 06:14 AM
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...

Ok So I think I've got the best story ever. I got sprint to give me the touch pro for $200 and they credited my account which currently has a large negative balance.

Now to start I've been pressuring sprint for about 3wks for the touch pro went thur ecare and they weren't moving much on the pricing. So I made complaints about my phone in store and via phone. They tried to be slick and give me the touch via phone tech support. I gladly toke it with the intent of making them give me the pro later once it arrived b/c it was a downgrade not having the keyboard. Every rep i spoke with didn't want to give me the Pro nov. 2nd when it was released after many hang ups threats to cancel my account. I got the best rep ever who stuck with me for more about 2wks . After having real issues with the touch i went into the sprint store and had the instore rep trying to help me after seeing numberous notes from phone csr's on my account. They offered me the option of paying full price in the store and when time came to pay for it the last phone was sold and the instore csr had already hung up with the phone csr. So my account was credited and I was on the search for the touch pro which was sold out for about 10days or so thur stores and telesales. I finally got the phone thur a phone rep and my account was already credited. I got over on Sprint and it feels great as my plan is a measly $67/mon and i have more than 4/5mons on not having to pay my phone bill with the new touch pro. I was alot of work but I got the phone for cheap and I did the same for 2 more family memebers but none have gotten the large amount of a credited account as myself the most I could obtain for one was about $130..... Good Luck to those looking to get the Touch pro I love it
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