Originally Posted by MooZx3
So sprint coverage in my area blows.
Will be able to load Skype on this and use it to make wi-fi calls???
I really can't bring myself to buying the Airrave, then paying another monthly fee just to use it.....
Call sprint (*2). When the computer asks why you are calling say Cancel.
When the person comes on explain that you like Sprint but the service at home is really bad and it is making you think of switching to another provider.
It is likely that they will offer you the Airave. Explain to them, very kindly, that you heard a little bit about it but you can't possibly see paying a monthly fee for it just to make the service usable at your home. Explain, calmly and friendly, that you don't think it is fair to have to pay just to provide coverage at your home.
See if they offer it to you with a discount. Many people have gotten it for free including free service and free device. Myself included. My service at home can't hang onto a call for more than a couple minutes if that long before it drops.