Re: Netripper overclock working on touch pro 1
I've had mine overclocked since about 4am and everything is running good. I on;y seem to see improvements in performance in a couple places, but every little bit helps. I'm on the Sept 8 Energy 21xxx Cookie ROM and after about 11 hours I was taken down to 30% battery life. More or less normal use. Palringo and moTweets running in the background all day, a few phone calls, SMS, a couple pics taken and some light facebooking via the app. Better than I could've expected.
Re: Netripper overclock working on touch pro 1
Ok, I forgot to return, but better late than never.
It's been overclocked since Friday with the cab posted in the OP. Here's the results. -Battery life is about the same. I didn't notice a difference whatsoever. -Phone is much snappier opening programs, rendering things, and just generally faster. (a lot faster). Just one caveat which I'll talk about in a second. -No noticeable increase in heat while in use (but the phone got so hot at stock I don't know if I would notice a difference). - I've only had 1 lockup over the course of these last 5 days, otherwise the phone has been rock solid both taking and making calls. -The one area I notice an actual DECREASE in speed was rendering flash content while in the opera browser. I used a flash toon off of newgrounds as a benchmark. While at stock speed, the animation was mostly smooth and played at what seemed to be a steady and fluid framerate (the video lagged behind the sound, but the animation was fluid). Now the same video plays at a very choppy rate. I mean that it will play, stop, then continue playing. Like videos do when they have to keep rebuffering on a slow internet connection. This is just flash content within the browser, as any swf file I play off of my SD card via internet explorer is about the same framerate, if not a little bit better than before the overclock. That one issue is not a big enough issue for me to care. |
Re: Netripper overclock working on touch pro 1
I agree with roflhorse. Things work great with the overclock. The only issue I have really encountered with the overclock is trying to get Haret to run and boot Android. Every time I run Haret, the phone locks up. Other than this minor issue, the overclock is excellent.
Re: Netripper overclock working on touch pro 1
Works great on a verizon touch pro. Had one lock-up 3 days ago, but good so far. Everything seems faster, but I sill can load Skyfire and Touchflo at the same time. Stupid RAM.
Running NSFAN's custom rom without touch flo. |
Re: Netripper overclock working on touch pro 1
Thank You!!!
it works excellent in my TP1 the downside, is my battery´s life, it impacts a little; but it needs an urgent replacement, is too old (w/o overclock, battery life also was bad) EDIT: With default OC 710MHz my device frozen two times in a period of 8 hours; but now I tried with 691MHz (via reg. edit, PerformanceLevel=36 [dec]), and everything is perfect!, no practical difference in speed respect 710MHz ...And still noticeblement faster than 528Mhz stock speed ROM: Energy 08 sept 2010, build 21xxx It also works in the TP2? thank you again, and thank to all developers for the hard work (sorry for my bad englissh) Last edited by iusauser; 09-22-2010 at 10:45 PM. |
Re: Netripper overclock working on touch pro 1
Same here with running Haret. I haven't booted Android in awhile. Tried it after reading your post. Locks up almost immediately after clicking Haret. Other than that I've been running very nicely since the 17th of this month. Only done 1 soft reset since which ain't bad. |
Re: Netripper overclock working on touch pro 1
Anyone have a work around for getting haret to boot? |
Re: Netripper overclock working on touch pro 1
This problem is a result of the overclock. I did a little searching on XDA as well as here and it is a known problem. I have not found a work around but what does work is to reboot the phone and run Haret before the overclock kicks in. (I know this is crude and a pita, but it works.) Another option is to do what jrebo is doing in order to boot Haret. Post #2 in this thread. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/htc-touch-...ould-know.html Crude as well, but it works nonetheless. |