The absolute best rom for cdma touch pro
Over the past few months i have flashed, cooked and flashed all too many times to count and have found only one ROM that is the absolute best, TWISTED DAN.S TWISTED GOODSENSE TWO
....http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=107393 even though it may not have all the features and apps that say NRG ROMs have, this ROM has given me NO PROBLEMS THANKS TWISTED DAN |
Re: The absolute best rom for cdma touch pro
I've tried a couple of roms already and they just seem to run out of memory. for example id try to open the youtube app and it would tell me that there is not enough storage space even though there is basically no other program running.
Is this rom quick? I really want a rom that is quick and I don't care if its fancy or not. Just a rom that i could add apps to it and not slow it down much. If you would suggest any other roms I would appreciate it. Basically even a 6.1 rom would work. I mean i want it to look good but don't care about it coming with all the bells and whistles from the beginning. |
Re: The absolute best rom for cdma touch pro
the most stable rom is that of which had been released by htc last fall, when I had it I could run up to 2 weeks without a soft reset.
Re: The absolute best rom for cdma touch pro
Oh ok but is it fast tho?
Basically I'm using the latest energy rom and it looks good and everything but just browsing the internet with opera 9.7 it runs out of memory and I keep getting pop ups saying that I should close a tab or something else. And I only have one tab open. |
Re: The absolute best rom for cdma touch pro
Bazzle's ROM is clean, no manilla but titanium works for me! vzw tp with about 50m free
Re: The absolute best rom for cdma touch pro
Ok thanks.
Its just the other roms i've tried get overloaded so fast even when the task manager has no programs running. I just can't see whats taking all the ram. Even right after a soft reset I only have like 20 free. And I believe it says it has like 140 or something. This is what I believe the task manager says. |
Re: The absolute best rom for cdma touch pro
This rom is fast enuff but one thing that i know is that there are several tweaks that can make it even faster with no lag and no errors...
Speed Up Scrolling of Internet and People Tab, Album Page and All People Page You can speed up the speed of scrolling when you flick your finger by modifying the following registry tweak. HKLM/SOFTWARE/HTC/HTCScroll/velocity_factor Change to 20000 or higher. Boost TFL3D Performance –> HKLM\System\Storagemanager\Fatfs and change key Cachesize from 16384 to 32768 Boost TFL3D Scrolling Speed –> – HKLM\SYSTEM\GDI\GLYPHCACHE\limit = 16384 or 32768 (DWORD decimal) and the following tweak will add years to ur battery life.... |
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