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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 06:34 PM
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Getting a different carrier's phone under insurance *BROKEN PHONE, NOT FRAUD!*

**My last post on this got closed because someone thought I was talking about insurance fraud! I'm not, this phone is legitimately broken, it's been replaced several times, and it's more broken every time. I'm actually looking for answers here!**

Right now I have a Touch Pro through Alltel. The Touch Pro is the best phone they carry, but it is showing its age, badly. I had it replaced once, got a phone that was missing the ear piece. Got that replaced, and the new phone has TWO problems!

The GPS doesn't work, drove from Michigan to Florida and back over spring break, trying to pull a signal the entire time there and back with no luck.

The internal loudspeaker will only ring for 1-6 seconds per sound before it shuts off. Makes it fun to try to hear the ringer, and if I'm playing music, I only get up to 6 seconds of sound before it won't make another peep until the next song starts.

I reset, reset, and reset the device over and over, and even flashed to 6.5, then tried three more 6.5 ROMs, including one without TouchFlo. No luck.

Anyway, my question is, can I turn the device in under an insurance claim, get my money back, and use the money to buy a Droid Eris from Verizon to use? First off, can I get the money back. Secondly, will Alltel activate a phone they don't carry? It's the same network, but I'm not sure on their policy. All I know is, this phone is killing me. I got the phone when I lived in one city, then moved but kept the same phone. My new city switched to Verizon, but where I have my contract through stayed Alltel, so I have to drive almost 70 miles to get to the nearest Alltel store, and exchanging my phone every week is getting old.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 06:41 PM
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Re: Getting a different carrier's phone under insurance *BROKEN PHONE, NOT FRAUD!*

coz is not going to be happy with you my friend. mods usually don't like to close a thread to see the same thread pop up again.

but to answer your questions, you can turn the device in under insurance but they won't pay you for it. insurance replaces the phone, doesn't give you money to buy a new one. they are not like auto insurance where you tell them what happened and they cut you a check to fix it. phone insurance sends you out a new phone and charges you full price if you don't return your old one. insurance covers physical damage. carriers cover defects.

i'm not positive on how alltel works it but alot of the time, a carrier won't activate a phone unless the esn is in their system. if the phone is not an alltel phone, i doubt the esn will be in their system (exceptions are mvno's like boost and metro.).

all in all, the answer is no. you can't give your phone to insurance and get money for it. like coz said in the closed thread, sell it on ebay, donate it, or live with it. sucks, i know.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 06:49 PM
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Re: Getting a different carrier's phone under insurance *BROKEN PHONE, NOT FRAUD!*

I've sent a PM to Coz explaining the misunderstanding, I didn't want to have to open another thread, but I'm driving over there tomorrow and need to know what to expect, or if I should even make the drive.

Thank you for your truthful answer. Not really what I wanted to hear, but I can't blame you for reality. From what I'm understanding, I can only get the same phone, or another Alltel phone under the insurance plan. Since I've already got the best phone, if I choose a lower model they just pocket the extra money? Alltel was the best carrier in the area until Verizon bought them, now I'm constantly roaming and they have nothing in the way of phones, no 6.5 and no Android devices.

Coz, I'm real sorry for opening a new thread, but my last one was closed under a misunderstanding, I'm not trying to commit insurance fraud, I'm just wondering what the options are for a broken phone on a broken carrier, neither of which will ever get fixed. I explained it in my PM to you, I hope you see the misunderstanding.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 07:09 PM
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Re: Getting a different carrier's phone under insurance *BROKEN PHONE, NOT FRAUD!*

Thanks for the PM freehunter. I pretty much said the same thing as hamagc said about insurance companies not handing out cash in my PM reply to you.

If you're looking for cash you can either sell your broken device to a chef here at the site. Or you could file an insurance claim and get whatever new/refurb phone they offer you. You could then sell that one. However, you're most likely going to be locked into a contract. You could stay with your current carrier or quit and pay an Early Termination Fee.

Either way you're going to have to fork out some cash outta pocket.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa

Last edited by CozBoogie; 03-24-2010 at 07:17 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 07:23 PM
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Re: Getting a different carrier's phone under insurance *BROKEN PHONE, NOT FRAUD!*

you can get the same phone (assuming they offer it still) or another model that is comparable. usually the insurance company is understanding and will try to make you happy.

there is no extra money so it's not like they are pocketing anything. you pay the $100 ded. and they send you a new phone and take in your broken one. have you tried updating the radio on your phone? may make a difference, may not.

it sounds like the tp1 is going to be your best bet for the time being. android can be had via ports, same with 6.5. if service is your issue, go over that with them and see what they can do for you. maybe adding a credit to your bill or something will work as compensation for you.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 08:01 PM
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Re: Getting a different carrier's phone under insurance *BROKEN PHONE, NOT FRAUD!*

I've installed 6.5, still have the same issue, so it's not the software that is at fault. I've looked into the Android port, but GPS is one of my main concerns about not working with this phone. Android's port doesn't have GPS or a camera, so that's no good.

I guess I'll go talk to them, see if I can't work something out. Worst case scenario, I'll use my tax refund to either buy a new phone or pay the ETF. Thanks for your help, guys, you've explained the insurance to me pretty well.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: Getting a different carrier's phone under insurance *BROKEN PHONE, NOT FRAUD!*

Originally Posted by freehunter View Post
I've installed 6.5, still have the same issue, so it's not the software that is at fault. I've looked into the Android port, but GPS is one of my main concerns about not working with this phone. Android's port doesn't have GPS or a camera, so that's no good.

I guess I'll go talk to them, see if I can't work something out. Worst case scenario, I'll use my tax refund to either buy a new phone or pay the ETF. Thanks for your help, guys, you've explained the insurance to me pretty well.
Their wireless plans arent amazing, but credo wireless will buy you out of a contract. But I wouldnt suggest it. Just a thought.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 09:22 PM
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Re: Getting a different carrier's phone under insurance *BROKEN PHONE, NOT FRAUD!*

freehunter, you're dealing with Asurion I take it? You're lucky to get the same replacement phone, there is 0 chance they will give you another carriers phone. As has been stated a couple times already, your best bet is to sell the phone on ebay or something. You can generally get $75-100 for a working phone.

The Insurance is equipment replacement only. If you read the details they require you to send in your phone and they send you a replacement, usually a refurbished unit. Actually, they send a replacement 1st, then you return the broken phone. There is no way to get money back for a broken phone after the initial 30 day allowance.

Be VERY careful about doing an early termination and not paying in a timely fashion as well. They post it to your credit VERY FAST, and your new company will charge you an outrageous deposit if they see this.

Last edited by eXcali; 03-24-2010 at 09:24 PM.
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