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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 07:13 PM
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Dying Sprint Touch Pro... what to do?

So i'm on my 2nd TP, my first one having bricked itself about a year ago.

My screen has become horrible, as it has no idea where i'm touching it (keeps thinking i'm pressing near the bottom left corner). Seriously, I'll draw a neat perfect circle in Notes using the stylus, and the result is all over the entire screen.

That and I'm noticing I'm having to reboot it more often, as I get a lot of graphical glitches, hangs, etc - and I haven't even installed anything in months!

So it's obvious to me that the TP is on it's way out.

The question is, what can I do to get the best replacement I can get?

I'm on SERO so whatever I get I want to stick with that. I realize that WP7 is coming later this year, but I'm not going to be able to hold out till then, and most likely i'll have to give up SERO if I want to get a WP7 phone.

I also have the protection plan, although I suspect I should be able to get a replacement plan w/o having to use the plan and pay the $50 deductible.

Any thoughts? Is there a way I can get Sprint to replace my TP with a TP2 and still keep SERO?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 07:24 PM
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Re: Dying Sprint Touch Pro... what to do?

you have insurance, speak with sprint. if there is no visible physical damage or water damage, they should repair/replace the unit free of charge.

otherwise, your stuck with insurance. for smartphones, the charge is $100, no longer $50.

there are tons of threads of people with problem tp1's that were able to get sprint to exchange them out to a tp2 free of charge. ymmv.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro

sprint, tp, tp2

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