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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2010, 12:56 PM
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Verizon HTC Touch Pro - 6.5 ROM?

Hey guys, I used to flash my phone with SSK ROMs but they are no longer in development.

I liked SSK mostly because it was tuned for the Verizon Touch Pro (50% less RAMcompared to other carriers).

Any recommendations fo good 6.5 ROMs that run well on Verizon HTC Touch Pro?
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Old 02-25-2010, 01:54 PM
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Re: Verizon HTC Touch Pro - 6.5 ROM?

check out RootRom thread. there are some slim versions which others report work well on your crippled device. also this is the wrong area to post questions in, its strictly for Rom Development
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2010, 02:12 PM
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Re: Verizon HTC Touch Pro - 6.5 ROM?

You can try Twisted Lite
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2010, 04:33 PM
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Re: Verizon HTC Touch Pro - 6.5 ROM?

Originally Posted by Neufusion View Post
Hey guys, I used to flash my phone with SSK ROMs but they are no longer in development.

I liked SSK mostly because it was tuned for the Verizon Touch Pro (50% less RAMcompared to other carriers).

Any recommendations fo good 6.5 ROMs that run well on Verizon HTC Touch Pro?
Same question here! I'd appreciate any advice!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: Verizon HTC Touch Pro - 6.5 ROM?

The only one that I have found to give any workable free memory is NFSFAN's. Give it a try.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: Verizon HTC Touch Pro - 6.5 ROM?

Originally Posted by jimmur View Post
The only one that I have found to give any workable free memory is NFSFAN's. Give it a try.
I've been wondering about this for some time. How much workable free memory do you have with the stock Rom? I'm assuming it's 6.1 w/TF3D? Just curious.

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Old 02-26-2010, 12:44 AM
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Re: Verizon HTC Touch Pro - 6.5 ROM?

Moved to the Touch Pro forum.
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 12:48 PM
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Re: Verizon HTC Touch Pro - 6.5 ROM?

Guy I would suggest for any VZW user to look towards using a Kitchen instead of a pre-cooked ROM....

No matter how good a ROM you find is, it will still contain some things you will never use (taking up ram you could use elsewhere!) and be missing some things you probably want as well.

Most of the RAM issues of a VZW can be easily overcome if you focus on creating a ROM that cuts out every bit of crap you will never use and only includes those items that absoloutly have to be installed to the device!

All the rest should be left out of the ROM and installed to a storage card leaving precious device ram for operation and display.

I have been cooking using TMartins modified Calkulin Kitchen and I rarely have issues with RAM.
I have also posted quite a few tweaks recently on how to save even more RAM by making changes to opera:config and email storage.

but if you try to flash a ROM that has a ton of unneeded and superfluous apps included all the tweaks in the world won't matter!

I know everyone likes to load up their phones with a ton of APPs for a coolness factor but the truth is a phone has no coolness factor when you have to reset it after every operation!

Look through your phone (and the kitchen when building) and if you haven't used an app in the last month, leave it out of your ROM and if you want install it to a storage card if possible!

The gimped RAM is easy to deal with provided you make a concerted effort to tailor your ROM towards device only apps and absoloute essentials.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 05:46 PM
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Re: Verizon HTC Touch Pro - 6.5 ROM?

Hey, could you point me to this kitchen? Also, does the GPS work fine?

All I need is Email & Internet (IE or Opera). Weather & Sense would be gravy!

Appreciate any answers! I'll post any successful ROMs I cook -- I am sure there are a lot of folks in the same boat as us (Verizon 6850 users).

Originally Posted by Asphyx View Post
Guy I would suggest for any VZW user to look towards using a Kitchen instead of a pre-cooked ROM....

No matter how good a ROM you find is, it will still contain some things you will never use (taking up ram you could use elsewhere!) and be missing some things you probably want as well.

Most of the RAM issues of a VZW can be easily overcome if you focus on creating a ROM that cuts out every bit of crap you will never use and only includes those items that absoloutly have to be installed to the device!

All the rest should be left out of the ROM and installed to a storage card leaving precious device ram for operation and display.

I have been cooking using TMartins modified Calkulin Kitchen and I rarely have issues with RAM.
I have also posted quite a few tweaks recently on how to save even more RAM by making changes to opera:config and email storage.

but if you try to flash a ROM that has a ton of unneeded and superfluous apps included all the tweaks in the world won't matter!

I know everyone likes to load up their phones with a ton of APPs for a coolness factor but the truth is a phone has no coolness factor when you have to reset it after every operation!

Look through your phone (and the kitchen when building) and if you haven't used an app in the last month, leave it out of your ROM and if you want install it to a storage card if possible!

The gimped RAM is easy to deal with provided you make a concerted effort to tailor your ROM towards device only apps and absoloute essentials.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 08:31 PM
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Re: Verizon HTC Touch Pro - 6.5 ROM?

Yeah posting small ROMs would be appreciated. I have been using Energy's ROMs for almost a year now, and for whatever reason (maybe he keeps making them bigger??), hist last release is unusable on my Verizon Touch Pro. This is the breakdown WITHOUT TF3D....

Verizon TP: 192MB
Program Memory: 100.02 MB
In Use: 95.53MB (this is right after a soft reset)
Free: 4.49MB

I get a "Memory Critically Low" message about every 2 minutes, or every time I try to call, email, text, etc.

The funny thing is usually his ROMs leave me with about 145M of Program Memory, so I don't understand what happened with the last few that he decided needed to be much larger. Or maybe I am doing something wrong, I won't rule out that possibility.
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