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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2010, 09:33 PM
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Re: Please help, Flashing Help

Yea, the ROOT is the folder that opens when you double click on your memory card icon. That is to say, when you plug in your memory card into your pc, you go to your My Computer, then you go to the F: drive (or whatever letter your pc chooses to name the card) the folder that comes up, the very first thing that you see, that is your ROOT. if you look at the navigation bar, you will see an F:/ nothing else after that. This is your ROOT, this is where you want to put the img.

EDIT 1: and for the question you had for hamagc about the sync option, go to your start menu > settings > connections > USB to PC. Uncheck the box that says ENABLE FASTER DATA TRANSFER.

Last edited by mapaz04; 02-23-2010 at 09:37 PM. Reason: Adding more info
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2010, 09:37 PM
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Re: Please help, Flashing Help

honestly, if you cannot get it to work on your own, you should not be messing around with it. There is plenty of guides and sites out there that tell you how to do it, but if you get us to hold your hand and walk you though step by step then you will prob do something to your phone you might not feel comfortable with doing.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2010, 09:51 PM
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Re: Please help, Flashing Help

Originally Posted by Mur View Post
honestly, if you cannot get it to work on your own, you should not be messing around with it. There is plenty of guides and sites out there that tell you how to do it, but if you get us to hold your hand and walk you though step by step then you will prob do something to your phone you might not feel comfortable with doing.

How did you start working on your phone? Through trial and error did you not? You do have a point in that he may do something undesirable to his phone but he already did a flash, if he is even to make his phone back to stock then he will have to re-flash.

Let him learn man, this is how we all start out, if someone stopped you early on like you are doing, would you have felt encouraged?

We are all here to help, and share. If there is nothing better to say than to bring a n00b down then dont say it... by the way, your title is n00b too... (mine is less than that so I am just pointing it out to you.)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2010, 11:03 PM
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Re: Please help, Flashing Help

Originally Posted by centman View Post
when you say "SD" you are referring to the storage card, right?
Originally Posted by centman View Post
Thank you all for your input. Its comforting to know you guys are here willing to help us rookies. I'm positive I do have the cmonex and the tri color unlock screen. the screen reads as follows:

MicroP-Hermann (LED) v0c85
MicroP-Herman (KEY) v0685

I think I should be OK there. I'm using a docking station with a USB. I have completed the mightyrom with this same set up before, as I said. I'm running vista 64bit and I'm thinking my issue may be with that.

Also as hamagc said "enable faster data synchronization" is not checked. this can sometimes mess things up" I'm not sure where to find this info. How do I uncheck it if it's checked.

Mapaz04 thank u also. I understand how to do most of the flashing to a sd card except for the 3rd instruction. How do I get to the root of the sd card. Is that the first screen that appears right after I enter my storage card.
Again Thanks to all

Go to start/Setting/Connections/USB to PC and then you'll see it.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2010, 11:04 PM
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Re: Please help, Flashing Help

Originally Posted by mapaz04 View Post
How did you start working on your phone? Through trial and error did you not? You do have a point in that he may do something undesirable to his phone but he already did a flash, if he is even to make his phone back to stock then he will have to re-flash.

Let him learn man, this is how we all start out, if someone stopped you early on like you are doing, would you have felt encouraged?

We are all here to help, and share. If there is nothing better to say than to bring a n00b down then dont say it... by the way, your title is n00b too... (mine is less than that so I am just pointing it out to you.)

+1 on that. I do agree with you.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2010, 03:22 AM
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Re: Please help, Flashing Help

Thanks again for your help all. Im certainly not asking for anyone to hold my hand. Thanks to those who came to my defense. Your absolutely correct. Fact is I did learn originally by watching and listening. The only problem Im having is beyond the point of not knowing what Im doing. I guess there are those comments that are to be expected. Nobody came out of the womb knowing how to do this stuff. I havnt bricked my phone yet and Ive been able to put some pretty cool stuff on it. Just not sure why the phone shuts off just as the percentage bar comes up in the flash mode. Still doing it.
Now todo it via the sd card does it have to be out of the phone and inserted into my computer or can I do it from the windows mobile divice.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2010, 08:53 AM
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Re: Please help, Flashing Help

Originally Posted by centman View Post
Thanks again for your help all. Im certainly not asking for anyone to hold my hand. Thanks to those who came to my defense. Your absolutely correct. Fact is I did learn originally by watching and listening. The only problem Im having is beyond the point of not knowing what Im doing. I guess there are those comments that are to be expected. Nobody came out of the womb knowing how to do this stuff. I havnt bricked my phone yet and Ive been able to put some pretty cool stuff on it. Just not sure why the phone shuts off just as the percentage bar comes up in the flash mode. Still doing it.
Now todo it via the sd card does it have to be out of the phone and inserted into my computer or can I do it from the windows mobile divice.
Have you tried a fresh download of the Rom you are trying to flash, or a totally different Rom? It's very possible that you have a bad download. Delete the Rom that won't complete totally from your computer so you don't accidentally try it again, and try a fresh one.

Also try this, has worked for me in the past.

Make sure your data is backed up, via active sync or whatever.
Disconnect phone from computer. Back up your files folder from your phone, in my documents.

Open activesync. Click File. Click Delete mobile device. This deletes the partnership.

Reconnect the phone via USB.

When Activesync finds it and wants to set up a partnership, click CANCEL. It's still connected at this point. Try and run the RUU updater. Works every time for me, without worrying about activesync. I do it this way every time I flash dance, to avoid the long wait for a sync to a rom I won't be using anyway.

I'm just here to help. Well, help, and flash, and flash, and flash...
If I was able to help you today, kindly click the Thanks! button.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2010, 09:41 PM
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Re: Please help, Flashing Help

I GOT IT. I successfully flashed Mighty Rom. Turns out it was my docking station, I think. I did a couple of the things suggested by you guys but I'm pretty sure it was the cable. Odd how things stop working all of a sudden.

Is there a known issue with obtaining my emails within Mightyrom. Ive set up both of my email accts and its not receiving them. But thanks again to everyone who unselfishly helped. Maybe one day Ill be able to help someone out.

Oh I still haven't flashed successfully via the SD card yet. God knows I tried it. I need to work on this
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 08:44 PM
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Re: Please help, Flashing Help

Try to go add the email accounts from the default winmo application. Go to the start menu, find the messages icon (dont know where located in Mighty), this will give you the option for text or email accounts, it will also say add email account. add your stuff from there.

TIP: if you set up your email on your phone and you dont get a generic email from the phone than it was not set up right, therefore, it will not get your messages.

This issue happens alot when you add the email accounts through TouchFlo but mostly on Sense.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2010, 03:30 AM
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Re: Please help, Flashing Help

I did what you told me, Thank You but I continue to get an error message.
"Dial#777 Cannont connect for unknown reason etc.
I am connected on my data connection. just cant get past this error
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