Originally Posted by Waus26
I've been playing with this for over a day now and I like it. GPS seems to work, despite what the first post tells us.. (Google Maps locates with a blue spot on the map where I am ATM)
The thing that me annoyed the most was putting the screen of with the hang-up bottun instead of the power on/off button on top of the phone..
It's been an hour of seven since 100% battery and it's now somewhere at 35% btw.
You will probably have a different experience than most people here, since your version is a bit more fully supported than ours. A lot of our bugs don't apply to your model.
GPS doesn't work, but cell tower triangulation does. (Perhaps more robustly on GSM than CDMA.) That's how it's placing you on the map.
And... I find myself hitting End Call to turn the phone off in WinMo now. It sort of makes more sense, even there. We've already got back and home buttons, which do basically the same thing as End. My Android brainwashing is nearly complete, it seems.
Originally Posted by tom6433
ok i am using the 2/8 files from XDA and the 2/18 files that were posted here.
as far as my issue with it resetting, i deleted my data file and went through teh startup process again. once i completed the statup process and tried to open the web brower it reset. any idea what could be causing it? before i didn't use it b/c of the KB issue, but now i can't use it b/c it resets.
Sounds like you could've stumbled on a data connection panic. There's still a few bugs like that out there to be squashed. When I've had crashes like that, the browser opens, but then when it starts trying to download it reboots. Is that what you're seeing? You could try wiping your data.img and starting over, see if it avoids that problem next time. Or you could try turning on Wifi and seeing if that gets around it.
Or it's something else crashing the browser, and I have no idea what to do.