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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2010, 02:39 AM
shaggylive's Avatar
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Re: Stuck at 0% or Black Touch Pro screen fix (long read simple solution)

yup, I think you may have gotten caught by left over core files that conflicted, thus the extra hard reset.

anyway, before that with the black screen, I wonder if a radio flash would kick it back
(instead of messing with the bootloader)

also especially after having trouble like you had, I recommend doing the complete flash with windows and the phone fully booted,
some of the radio info won't be 'updated' if you enter bootloader manually. (forgot who pointed that out to me)
7 windows to rule them all, 7 windows to find them,
7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them.
Navizon CM&ResProxyKiller nueRom SuspendResume777
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 08:26 PM
eyeoninfinity's Avatar
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Re: Stuck at 0% or Black Touch Pro screen fix (long read simple solution)

This worked beautifully for me. I was flashing my phone to the the most current Energy Rom, i moved my chair not noticing the usb cord was wrapped around the arm rest. When i moved the chair it threw the phone across the room onto the floor, the battery door flew off and the battery popped out. this was in the middle of the Rom flash at around 50%. The phone was bricked with only loading the black HTC Touch screen with no red writing on the bottom. after a couple minutes it would reboot. it did this over and over, the phone was stuck in a boot loop. I have the HTC Touch Pro, sprint. I put this in the tricolored screen by pushing the volume down and power button. plugged in the usb cord and started with this tutorial. it worked like a charm. thanks a lot to everyone who put this together, and saving my phone.

P.S. I had trouble finding the SprintTouchProMR2.01.651.6, The link would not work at all. I eventually found it here on PPC website after some searching. here is the the link for everyone----> Shipped ROMs
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro

0%, stuck on 0%, stuck on touch pro screen, touch pro screen

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