Cant save work email(activesync) directly to SD card after flashing, Mighty Rom 11/25
I have been trying to get this to work on the new Mighty Rom and whenever i reboot it renames my storage card to "storage card2" and makes a name on the main memory called "storage card" and my mail syncs to the main memory. Is there any fix for this?
I have already tried removing the card renaming the storage card on the main memory and reinserting the card. This works but once I reboot my device it will rename the card again. I made the registry changes and added the AttachPath and PropertyPath. Is this something wrong with Mighty Roms new rom or WM 6.5. It worked fine on my TP1. I have already re-flashed and clear storage and reset up after I change the provisioning cab to Verizon. It worked on Mighty Roms first rom on TP2 so I am thinking it is something with Mighty Roms new rom.
Any help would be appreciated. I think I have searched everywhere and can not find a fix. Hopefully I have created this in the correct thread.