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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 03:52 PM
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A couple of questions regarding 6.5 and TF3D upgrades

I am pretty new to Windows PPCs. I currently have the TP2 and I have installed the Tweaks/Cleanup CAB from GT2L (which is great) and I have also installed the SPB Mobile Shell 3.5. Right now things are running great, and I am loving the device!

The questions I have relate to the Win 6.5 and TF3D upgrades that are on therir way.

First, if I load these upgrades, will I need to update all of the screens in SPB Mobile (Professional, Lifestyle etc..) or will it keep all of my information and Settings?

Second, since I really like the SPB setup right now, will the Win 6.5 and TF3D upgrades add anything valuable to the phone...is there a place to easily see what new TF3D functionality and UI changes are made.

Any input would be appreciated.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 04:21 PM
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Re: A couple of questions regarding 6.5 and TF3D upgrades

Unless you do a backup, or your respective applications have a "backup settings" feature, ROM upgrades, like those from 6.1 to 6.5 will erase all your data, settings, and programs, and you will have to reinstall and reconfigure everything. Backups done by SPB Backup/Sprite/ETC are normally not recommended to be restored on ROM upgrades.

But if you are REALLY geeky, you could do a Backup with one of the many popular backup programs, and manually restore things.

SPB has a desktop unpacking program that can "extract" your backup on your desktop, from there you can go through the registry backups and manually restore them onto your device. It's what I do, but is very time consuming. That's why I haven't done much tweaking to my phone since 6.5/HardSPL is right around the corner (HOPEFULLY)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 08:22 PM
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Re: A couple of questions regarding 6.5 and TF3D upgrades

Actually, Spb Mobile Shell has a PERFECT backup utility built into it... just go into the Spb Mobile Menu > Settings > Spb Options and tap the lower right corner button to reveal a Backup Settings and Restore Settings options. This will backup your entire Spb Mobile Shell environment. Save the file to SD Card and you're set.

I still recommend using Microsoft MyPhone or ActiveSync/Windows Mobile Device Center to sync everything else.

Other backup programs will be very unreliable when moving from OS version to OS version.
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