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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: Sprint TP2 Owners who use an Exchange Server, need help please...

ok got a 3rd pro2 and im still having the exchange issue.

sometimes when i soft reset the phone will connect to exchange but after some time it will just stop and ill have to manual sync.

again never had this issue with the PRO1.

the exchange server at the job hasn't changed.

can i kindlyy ask the crew here again,

any SPRINT users who use exchange with the PRO2, are you having issues with the phone staying wirelessly connected.

these conditions must exist:

1. be able to connect WIRELESSLY.. NOT concerned about tethered to the computer

2. be able to get PUSH email under "as items arrive".

i can manually do it and sometimes the device will stay but after a while it just disconnects.

the phone can just sit there and this happens. as it does all day. just sits. i have full signal and am not roaming. all settings are properly set on the device.

would appreciate any users who can let me know how their exchange is going.. again just for sprint users only as im on sprint so i want to keep it in the family.. no disrespect to other users!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 08:25 PM
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Re: Sprint TP2 Owners who use an Exchange Server, need help please...

Been on Exchange for two weeks, now. No issues at all with Push. I am always OTA. Items download as they arrive. Maybe something with the Exchange setup settings. Anybody else with your company have a TP2 on the exchange? Mine is working flawlessly. The Active Sync ICON shows in running programs during an incoming or outgoing message and the Active Sync app shows "Syncronizing" during same. I do have lagging in my phone, But I think it is probably due to the 5,000 contacts. I think that's probably something HTC should have left with the legacy MS apps to handle. The UI's associated with contact handling are a little raw. Hope this helps, Marc.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 08:31 PM
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Re: Sprint TP2 Owners who use an Exchange Server, need help please...

Originally Posted by marctronixx View Post

you make an interesting post. however i never had this issue with the old TP1 i used to use. i would sync it with the same laptop as i am now with the TP2 and when i disconnect it it would resolve wirelessly as normal.

if my issue is the cause of this then i wonder what has changed on the TP2? but in my case, i can soft reset and the phone will still not connect with exchange wirelessly... it has connected a few times for no rhyme or reason but it will not stay locked in. im not Roaming and all my peak and off peak times are set to as items arrive and all days are checked to get mail. for peak days i have the time set to sync starting at 0700 hrs and end at 0500 hours.. so its not syncing for 2 hours overnight.

i can set it to sync every X minutes in the drop down menu and it does that but thats not how exchange works!

also if i had a DNS issue as northern posted then it would seem i would not be able to connect at all even if i did a manual sync..... anyway i have a replacement coming from sprint in a couple of days so ill hold off and report back once i get it. the FIRST thing ill do before doing anything is the exchange service...

I have bee using Sprint TP2 since day one and no issues with over the air syncing, push mail, etc works flawlessy.

Sugestion, excuse me if you know this, if you are at the activesync screen on your TP2, do not close it, simply nav back to TF3D.

The other fellow had a point that you do need to ensure your schedule is working the way you like, I suggest "as itmes arrive" on both peak and non peak times.

Good Luck!

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 09:25 PM
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Re: Sprint TP2 Owners who use an Exchange Server, need help please...

In order for Exchange Direct Push to work, both the phone & the server have to be set up correctly. You mention that you used to have your server sync'ing with a different phone - you might check with your Exchange administrators to make sure that they're not blocking the new one.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 10:35 PM
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Re: Sprint TP2 Owners who use an Exchange Server, need help please...

thanks all.

i have been in contact with the IT admins and they have checked all they could. i had the touch PRO1 before this and it worked flawless. i didnt have to jump thru any hoops on the PRO1

not peak and off peak are set to as items arrive.

my company is a blackberry camp. the iphone is second.. i doubt anyone has a TP2. i dont know of anyone...

as i said, sometimes out of a soft reset the Async will show connected. then it will just close the connection. this is mind boggling...

do any of you know your Exchange version? are most of you guys/gals working at windows mobile companies mostly?

im thanking you guys for your time. i just need to see if its my account OR the phone.. if any oif you were local to Atlanta i could use your help..
anyway if anyone has any other areas that i may look into lets do it! I've done all i can and im very familiar with Async. i just cant ascertain what the problem is. i cant reproduce this each time which is preventing me from trying to localize the issue...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 11:50 PM
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Re: Sprint TP2 Owners who use an Exchange Server, need help please...

Exchange 2003, here. Tried Mogul, TP1, and TP2. All hook up flawlessly with the same routine. I know 2010 Exchange will change some things with ease of use, but your situation sounds a little quirkey. I know you are an advanced user, so I definately will not stoop to play by play. I have run into walls like this and just HR and redid, but you have had this same challenge with more than one phone. As embarrassing as it might be, you may want to do the *2 or toll free and select the prompt for PDA Phones because these are slightly more advanced techs and sometimes you might get lucky. The good thing is that when it is fixed you will know pretty quickly. God speed......

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 07:55 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 Owners who use an Exchange Server, need help please...

thx matt and i thanked you!

yes that is an option. i talked with a sprint rep before in the tech department over the phone and they were on basic stuff.. you are right in that i should have escalated it to level 2. perhaps i will look into that today and see if that will work.

just that over 3 phones i have had the same issue. on the PRO1 i had NO issues...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 08:45 AM
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Re: Sprint TP2 Owners who use an Exchange Server, need help please...

My company is running Exchange 07 I think, and I have no problems with my connections.
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