Originally Posted by razorloves
please state in your post or title that this does not work on the verizon touch pro 2. help minimize confusion. thanks
I forgot about that, thanks for the reminder!
Originally Posted by sebo
the screen is so big and my rather short fingers i would need two people to format my phone.
settings > clear storage, 1234, YES.
seems easier than twisting and bending your fingers every which way.
the only good thing about holding the buttons is if your phone doesn't boot up for whatever reason (ie you installed a gazillion apps and something went wrong).
Yea true u have the software way of hard resting the phone ! but if your Flashing your device to another rom and your having difficulty starting the phone, it's beneficial you know the hardware way of hard resetting the phone!
Originally Posted by gambit07
If anyones interested in the Verizon version, I'll give it here as well.
Hold the End, Send, and Volume Down buttons while pressing the Reset button. Then follow the on screen prompts. I've found the best way to do this is press end send and volume down with your fingers and hold the stylus with your teeth and press the reset button
Yes thanks for this post!