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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 05:30 AM
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Re: Looking for TRUE CDMA Screen Protectors

Hey guys/gals
Ghost armor came in and is on the phone.
Few things.
#1 Over all fit is so-so.... Not terrible but could be better.

#2 The screen protector doesnt reach all the way to the plastic surrounding the screen, there is a tiny gap about 0.5mm all around.

#3 Tip for putting the damn thing on... the two pieces that go on the top and on the bottom of the screen (around the "wake up"/"power" button and around the mouthpiece area... do NOT line them up with the edge right at the end of the screen if you do that the foil is going to stick up a little higher then the screen (mine does ). It looks to me like its meant to go right in the middle and once again, those pieces wont cover up the whole surface.

#4 The two pieces that run on left and right of the screen are made short... tooooo short, by about 1/2 inch, what you have to do is stretch it to fit. I recommend spraying the film VERY LIGHTLY from about 15 inches, so that the mist of the spray just barely gets it. that way it will STICK to the phone so you can stretch it without it peeling back off and going back to its short shape. It will be moist enough to peal off easy but not wet enough to just slide around so take your time and be very patient with this. its a pain in the ***, and I literally threw it in the trash.
(then I got it back out cleaned it and used it lol)

This might all seem a little confusing but once you get your kit, if you get it, all of this will be easier to understand/follow.
All in all i'm fairly pleased with it i'll see what it looks like once it cures for a day or 2.
I'll take some pics if you guys want tomorrow too.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 10:48 AM
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What to get?

Hey there, I was hoping some of you could help me decide what screen protector to get. After reading all these posts, and checking a lot of the company websites I'm still left with a bunch of questions. The Ghost Armor/Invisible Sheild type of protector sounds really cool, but I think I may be leaning towards getting a Seido Innocase when they begin selling them because I have a tendancy to drop my phone from time to time. But the main reason I am asking is for screen protection. I work outside a lot, and I have a horrible time reading my screen when it is sunny outside. I have seen several companies selling anti glare screen protectors. How well do these work for making the screen readable on a bright sunny day? Also, after reading some of their websites I get the impression that they may compromise the screen clarity, and they may scratch up over time. I am also a bit concerned about the grippyness some of you have mentioned. I would really prefer something that is silky smooth for scrolling. Are there any brands you would suggest I check out or stay away from when it comes to the anti-glare protectors?
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 11:02 AM
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Re: What to get?

Originally Posted by Mike5150 View Post
Hey there, I was hoping some of you could help me decide what screen protector to get. After reading all these posts, and checking a lot of the company websites I'm still left with a bunch of questions. The Ghost Armor/Invisible Sheild type of protector sounds really cool, but I think I may be leaning towards getting a Seido Innocase when they begin selling them because I have a tendancy to drop my phone from time to time. But the main reason I am asking is for screen protection. I work outside a lot, and I have a horrible time reading my screen when it is sunny outside. I have seen several companies selling anti glare screen protectors. How well do these work for making the screen readable on a bright sunny day? Also, after reading some of their websites I get the impression that they may compromise the screen clarity, and they may scratch up over time. I am also a bit concerned about the grippyness some of you have mentioned. I would really prefer something that is silky smooth for scrolling. Are there any brands you would suggest I check out or stay away from when it comes to the anti-glare protectors?
I'm currently using one of the anti-glare protectors although I got it for its fingerprint reducing properties (which is night/day difference from stock...) I haven't really used it outdoors in full sunlight but I would say that it's easier to read in heavy lighting conditions.

As for whether or not it compromise the screen clarity/colors, I would say that it does... but only slightly. It say that in general it makes the colors more subtle, and if you're looking at the screen in the dark you can notice some graininess. Here's a picture of current anti-glare screen protector in the picture you'll notice some graininess in the protector... generally only see that graininess at night.

I picked up a pair of those protectors for 4 bucks on eBay... got another set of 5 on the way from the buyer the OP started the thread about. My current protector works/looks great, just couldn't resist ordering more for 5 bucks.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 11:06 AM
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Re: What to get?

Originally Posted by Mike5150 View Post
I have seen several companies selling anti glare screen protectors. How well do these work for making the screen readable on a bright sunny day?
I like anti-glare protectors very much. If you use a good quality one they have very little or no effect on the clarity of the screen. In outdoor use they do not stop the suns effects on the screen which dim them to the point of almost not being able to see. If they do help at all in this area it is very small. They do help a lot in cutting the glare from light though. This makes it much easier to see the screen in any light. They help to hide fingerprints, smudges, and cheek grease when making calls. It's just my opinion, but I highly recommend anti-glare protectors.

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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 12:10 PM
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Re: Looking for TRUE CDMA Screen Protectors

LOL, if you're going to work outside in bright direct sun you should buy an iphone.

One of the few things I don't like about my new VZ TP2 is that it is almost completely useless out in the bright sun. If I know I will be online in those conditions, I bring along my 2nd gen ipod touch & tether it to my phone with WMWIfirouter. The ipod/safari combination works almost as well out in the direct sun as it does indoors.........

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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 12:36 PM
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Re: Looking for TRUE CDMA Screen Protectors

Originally Posted by Lyman1 View Post
I called Pocket PC Techs yesterday and they said that
the Write Shield's (Anti-Glare and Crystal Clear), will be
available in three (3), weeks.

I guess I'll hold off until then, because I've used them on
all of my devices going back to the HP4700, and they are
of excellent quality and well made.

All the Best!
Same here, they are my favorite! The nice thing for me is that they are local. So when they have them I will go over and have them put it on.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 01:11 PM
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Re: Looking for TRUE CDMA Screen Protectors

Originally Posted by killerbo View Post
Wow, being shipped from hong kong....no sir, not interested
I second the motion about ordering HK items on eBay. I have had bad experiences doing this in the past and now have definitely learned my lesson.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 01:19 PM
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Re: Looking for TRUE CDMA Screen Protectors

Originally Posted by Nuar View Post
Hey guys/gals
Ghost armor came in and is on the phone.
Few things.
#1 Over all fit is so-so.... Not terrible but could be better.

#2 The screen protector doesnt reach all the way to the plastic surrounding the screen, there is a tiny gap about 0.5mm all around.

#3 Tip for putting the damn thing on... the two pieces that go on the top and on the bottom of the screen (around the "wake up"/"power" button and around the mouthpiece area... do NOT line them up with the edge right at the end of the screen if you do that the foil is going to stick up a little higher then the screen (mine does ). It looks to me like its meant to go right in the middle and once again, those pieces wont cover up the whole surface.

#4 The two pieces that run on left and right of the screen are made short... tooooo short, by about 1/2 inch, what you have to do is stretch it to fit. I recommend spraying the film VERY LIGHTLY from about 15 inches, so that the mist of the spray just barely gets it. that way it will STICK to the phone so you can stretch it without it peeling back off and going back to its short shape. It will be moist enough to peal off easy but not wet enough to just slide around so take your time and be very patient with this. its a pain in the ***, and I literally threw it in the trash.
(then I got it back out cleaned it and used it lol)

This might all seem a little confusing but once you get your kit, if you get it, all of this will be easier to understand/follow.
All in all i'm fairly pleased with it i'll see what it looks like once it cures for a day or 2.
I'll take some pics if you guys want tomorrow too.
So no camera hole for sure then? They must have sent the wrong one to the Ghost Armor kiosk in Gurnee, IL then. I'll have to stop back in and let them know.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 01:26 PM
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Re: Looking for TRUE CDMA Screen Protectors


They claim next week to have 1 coming out for Sprint and t-mobile.Anyone care to comment on this brand?

His feedback for the t-mobile ones seem to be pretty good what do you think? i really would like to get full body.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2009, 01:37 PM
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Re: Looking for TRUE CDMA Screen Protectors

Originally Posted by santod View Post
1 more that I have also used before. These are great but are $7.95 for just 1.

Here is the one for Verizon TP2. They look yellow on the picture, just to show the screen coverage better. They are extremely undetectable after they are on.


If the other ones I ordered are unsatisfactory. I will get one of these!
I ordered one of these $7.95 protectors and figured that until Boxwave releases Sprint TP2 protectors this will be a good choice.
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