Re: Request for Chefs: Do NOT use Widcomm bluetooth stack from shipped ROMs
I'll throw in my weight as well..
I've got an '07 Altima with the nav system, and my Raphel can connect, but the person on the other end can't hear me, and what I hear is extremely distorted. Sadly, the workaround of transferring to the phone then back to the car never worked for me.
I'm running the EnergyRom now, but seems like it doesn't solve the problem (probably not using updated drivers).
I've heard the TP2 works fine with this system. Before it came out, I had a thread going with HTC about the issue, and they assured me it couldn't be fixed. Tried to tell me I'd need to replace the nav system. When the TP2 came out, I tried contacting them a couple of times asking if they would backport that driver to the TP, and never once heard back from them again =/
Anyway, if anyone does come up with a solution, I'd love one....