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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 09:29 AM
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Verizon's cheap TP2 vs Sprint's cheap service

I have been with Sprint for 10 years now so I have a pretty customized plan setup with 2 lines. 800 shared minutes, 7-7 off peak. On just my TP I have 1000 text messages (way more than enough for me) and unlimited data. I also have a 15% corporate discount but for sake of comparison, I stripped out the discount and taxes/fees and my monthly cost for the above service is $79.99. After you add in the discount and taxes/fees, I pay $82.60 each month.

The problem is, Verizon's best shot at matching this is a $70 basic family plan with 700 minutes and an incredibly lousy 9pm to 6am off peak. Then add $15 for 1500 texts and $30 for data. That is a lofty $115/mo, and that is of course before taxes/fees. And I don't think I can factor in a discount. So the plan itself is $35/mo more expensive than what Sprint is charging me. Since I'd pay $200 after MIR for the Verizon TP2 I did some math.

Sprint's 2 year renewal price on the TP2 is $350, $150 more expensive than Verizon's price. If I paid that, it would only take 4 months to break even then be ahead with Sprint. But I am not eligible for a contract renewal discount, so I'd have to pay, what, $599? Even if I did THAT I'd still be ahead with Sprint in the 11th month. Verizon's contract would be 24 months so I'd be ahead even before the end of the first year of service, even at full retail. So...that sucks I guess.

Last edited by kevm14; 09-16-2009 at 09:31 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 09:33 AM
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Re: Verizon's cheap TP2 vs Sprint's cheap service

tough call........ i would work on getting that TP2, no matter the carrier.
i am on verizon and love it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 09:36 AM
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Re: Verizon's cheap TP2 vs Sprint's cheap service

Pre-unlocked the TP2 is a nice phone.... I am upgraded from a Mogul and believe it was def worth the 350+plus tax plus wait time for rebate.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 09:36 AM
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Re: Verizon's cheap TP2 vs Sprint's cheap service

So use sprint. You don't have to use verizon. We're not twisting your arm.

I have vzw single plan, 450 anytime minutes, 2000 text messages, unlimited data, and I pay $75.06 after taxes every month. I use about 200 of those minutes and about 400 of those text messages, plus about 200mb of that unlimited data. I have never dropped a call. Ever. My web on the phone, or on a computer when the phone is the source of the web, has always been blazing fast.

You don't like verizon? Great. Don't use it. Just don't come on and trash talk it, because sprint's shortcomings are certainly no secret either.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 09:38 AM
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Re: Verizon's cheap TP2 vs Sprint's cheap service

Is the other phone on your family plan eligible for an upgrade? Maybe you can get the phone on that line for the cheaper price and switch it to you line after 30 days so you get the MIR. I did that before. You'd still save money if you put it on your account right after receiving and skipping the MIR. If you get good phone signal from both companies, then it would come down to the money aspect. I can't get Verizon signal at my house, but the sprint signal is great.

Sprint Evo 3D! ...

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 09:51 AM
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Re: Verizon's cheap TP2 vs Sprint's cheap service

Originally Posted by meatgel View Post
Is the other phone on your family plan eligible for an upgrade? Maybe you can get the phone on that line for the cheaper price and switch it to you line after 30 days so you get the MIR. I did that before. You'd still save money if you put it on your account right after receiving and skipping the MIR. If you get good phone signal from both companies, then it would come down to the money aspect. I can't get Verizon signal at my house, but the sprint signal is great.
Actually yes the other phone is eligible. I got all the way to retentions last night regarding the dead keyboard on my TP and I am surprised they didn't mention anything like this. That doesn't mean I can't do it though. And what phone would my wife use?

Speaking of coverage, on my old dumb Sanyo phone, I had pretty decent Sprint coverage in most places. Sprint's higher frequency seemed to cause a bigger hit to signal strength indoors but I was usually fine. My TP, after switching to MightyROM, has noticably poorer reception than my old Sanyo, but it was equal on the stock Sprint rom, after switching the radio to Telus 1.04. But on MightyROM, I lost signal strength. I have dropped calls. And I was in a Chili's the other week and everyone had Verizon BBs and had fine service. Mine was hunting for service. But I am confident my old Sanyo would have had at least 1 or 2 bars.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 12:26 PM
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Re: Verizon's cheap TP2 vs Sprint's cheap service

Originally Posted by Jay6700 View Post

You don't like verizon? Great. Don't use it. Just don't come on and trash talk it, because sprint's shortcomings are certainly no secret either.
Wow, I didn't get that from his post. It sounded like he was making an honest comparison and wanting to lean the VZW way in order to get the TP2 as inexpensively as possible, but it was too costly. How is that trash talking? Sometimes we can be way too sensitive to others opinions, IMHO.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 12:40 PM
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Re: Verizon's cheap TP2 vs Sprint's cheap service

Yea, I didn't take that as trash talking either.

I am a long time Verizon customer & I get a corporate discount. I had Sprint for two years & hated it.

I couldn't wait for the contract to be up so I could go back to VZ. FOR ME, VZ's service has been WAY better than better than Sprint & the higher rates are worth it.

That is certainly not the case for everyone however. If you happen to be in one of the areas where Sprint's coverage is better than VZ (rare, but it does happen occasionally) then your opinion could be totally opposite of mine.....

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 12:42 PM
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Re: Verizon's cheap TP2 vs Sprint's cheap service

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
Yea, I didn't take that as trash talking either.

I am a long time Verizon customer & I get a corporate discount. I had Sprint for two years & hated it.

I couldn't wait for the contract to be up so I could go back to VZ. FOR ME, VZ's service has been WAY better than better than Sprint & the higher rates are worth it.

That is certainly not the case for everyone however. If you happen to be in one of the areas where Sprint's coverage is better than VZ (rare, but it does happen occasionally) then your opinion could be totally opposite of mine.....

Not to digress, but I'm just curious, are you going to get a VZW TP2? For me, it's so nice to be off that hacked Sprint TP1!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 12:51 PM
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Re: Verizon's cheap TP2 vs Sprint's cheap service

Originally Posted by 8notime View Post
Not to digress, but I'm just curious, are you going to get a VZW TP2? For me, it's so nice to be off that hacked Sprint TP1!
I am waiting on the Fedex truck as we speak (to deliver my new VZ TP2)

I am not sure what to expect at this point, my current Sprint TP (activated on VZ) with NFSFAN's 112 is running absolutely perfectly at this point & I will definitely miss WM6.5

I'm not thrilled about less hardware buttons either (hell, I still miss my old Titan scroll wheel)

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