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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 09:33 PM
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Please help explain/build database of services/apps that auto-run on TP2s

This list came from my Sprint CDMA TouchPro 2. I am interested in knowing what each item does, dependencies (if any), and what would stop working if I disable it (or if I should/shoudn't). I am trying to track down a high CPU utilization bound to shell32 and services. I am also simply interested in stopping services that are not needed. I Googled many, most don't show up with anything useful.

I would appreciate any information. I will put information next to the item I know something about. As folks respond/contribute, I will update this list. If you have a service you like to add, I will do those too.

ALSO: How to I keep the HTC CommManager.exe from starting/running automatically? I am not using TF3D.

Many thanks.




BTTrayCE.lnk/BTTrayCE.exe (some sort of bluetooth service tray?)


DTPT/dtpt_srv.dll (Active-Sync Desktop Pass-Through for network connection)

SqmUpload/sqmsvc.dll (Customer experience upload service)

CERTENROLL/enrollsvc.dll (Some sort of certificate service??)



BTAGSVC/BTAGSVC.dll (Another bluetooth item??)

HTCServices/HtcServices.dll (What sort of HTC Service??)



BtCeProfiles/BtCeProfiles.dll (Manages BT profiles??)

PhoneExt/PhoneExt_Service.dll (Guessing I need this one? For extended phone functions?)

NOTIFICATIONMANAGER/NotificationManager.dll (So I can get notification popups??)

HTCVOLUME/HTCVolumeControl.dll (The HTC volume control panel??)

EnlargeStartMenu/htcStartMenuService.dll (Self-explainatory, I think)

SMSRetry/Smsretry_service.dll (Retrys SMS if it doesn't send??)





HTCSipSrvc/HTCSipSrvc.dll (Related to SIP??)

htcDevService/htcDevService.dll (What devices??)

CMGuaridan/CM_Guardian_Service.dll (Something about restoring settings when they are changed, HTC thing, I disabled it)


HTCAP/HTCApplication.dll (What apps?)

SNApi/regextdev.dll (I'm gussing this is API registration service?)

OBEX/OBEXSrVr.dll (BT Object Exchange? If I don't need OBEX, can I disable?)



BTHIDSVC/bthidsvc.dll (BT Human Interface Devices? Keyboard?)
I see people posting their connection speed--but why? It's one thing to show EVDO/HSDPA speeds, but I see people posting wired connections and I am puzzled (especially when the speed is not all that impressive). So, in that spirit, I will post mine:

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 09:38 PM
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Re: Please help explain/build database of services/apps that auto-run on TP2s

I'd love to know what the rest are too... haven't been able to find any decent explanations.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 01:19 PM
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Re: Please help explain/build database of services/apps that auto-run on TP2s

This looks like a GREAT thread. I will be interested to see what some of the answers are. peace-
It's an HTC EVOlution!

Audiovox 6700> Samsung i760> HTC Touch Pro> HTC Touch Pro2> HTC HeRooted> HTC EVOlutionized!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 01:36 PM
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Re: Please help explain/build database of services/apps that auto-run on TP2s

Haha, I wrote up a thread like this on the Touch Pro. No one seemed too interested but it's good to know that there's interest on the Touch Pro2

I'll try to explain everything I have disabled but first let me explain what I have currently WITHOUT visible noticeable loss of functionality:

-BTAGSVC (responsible for Bluetooth audio gateway) [NEEDED if you use Bluetooth at all]
-BtCeProfiles (responsible for the widcomm Bluetooth stack profiles) [NEEDED, disabling this seemed to mess up Bluetooth as a whole]
-credsvc (responsible for evdo connection) [NEEDED, disabling this prevents evdo from working]
-DTPT (responsible for internet connectivity when connected to activesync\wmdc) (OPTIONAL)
-EnlargeStartMenu (speaks for itself) (OPTIONAL, needed only if you use large start menu, that includes the classic large start menu from the original touch pro/diamond)
-GPSConnService (doesn't seem to be any DLLs loaded with this key) [???]
-HTCAP (responsible for some HTC Application services. However, I have no idea which ones.) [OPTIONAL, I removed this entire key, but the subkey WLANOnDemand came back on soft reset]
-HTCSipSrvc (responsible for the HTC SIP loading as default) [OPTIONAL, if you don't use HTC's SIP and you use something else like FingerKeyboard then you can remove this]
-HTCVOLUME (speaks for itself) [OPTIONAL, if you don't care for HTC's volume control you can remove this]
-Keypad (I'm not exactly sure. I removed this entire key but It partially came back with a "Flags" entry) [OPTIONAL]
-LASSD (Responsible for security/device lock) [CRITICAL, removing this will cause Windows Mobile to not load, forcing you to hard reset]
-LaunchOMC (Responsible for update profile/firmware/prl functions) [OPTIONAL if you use those features in Settings>System]
-NOTIFICATIONMANAGER (Responsible for HTC's notification manager that you see when you tap icons at the top of the screen) [OPTIONAL if you like HTC's notification manager]
-NOTIFY (Responsible for various Windows Mobile notification activities) [CRITICAL, removing this will cause all sorts of weird things to happen to your phone]
-OBEX (Responsible for OBEX over Bluetooth) [OPTIONAL if you use Bluetooth or frequently transfer files over Bluetooth]
-Power (Responsible for some sort of power monitoring?? I removed this key but it came back with a "CurrentState" subkey) [OPTIONAL, removing this caused no adverse effects on my phone]
-PushInternetEngine (Responsible for HTC's Push Internet service in TF3D. I removed this and it came back with a "flags" subkey) [OPTIONAL, If you want to save battery life or don't use Push Internet you should disable Push Internet then remove this key]
-Trusted (Responsible for SIM card and push (MMS, Exchange?) activities. Normally, I delete this, but since our phones are Global, I noticed entries in here that are related to SIM cards so I kept it.) [???]
-USSD (Not exactly sure, I think it's covered in my other Touch Pro Services Guide. I forgot. After removing this key, it came back empty on the next soft reset.) [OPTIONAL, deleting this caused no adverse effects]
-Windows Live (Needed for anything Windows Live related, as well as syncing a Hotmail account. Removing this key brought it back empty on the next soft reset) [OPTIONAL if you use Windows Live at all, you will want to keep this.]

Last edited by freeza; 10-08-2009 at 01:57 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 09:34 AM
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Re: Please help explain/build database of services/apps that auto-run on TP2s

thanks! I too am overwhelmed by the hundred or so new packages or new packages that shipped with the TP2... trying to trim it down results in what I call... dependency-hell
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 11:47 AM
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Re: Please help explain/build database of services/apps that auto-run on TP2s


Your original Touch Pro Services Guide has been an invaluable tool that I've referred to more than just about any other. I've been a bad member of PPCGeeks for years now, basically lurking around, taking advantage of others vast knowledge. That guide has saved me countless hours of research on those once a month or two occasions that I have enough time to kill to try a new rom, or in those dire moments when I have to rebuild my PPC.

Just got my Touch Pro 2 yesterday, so have again been referring to the original. Man, the amount of new services in the Touch Pro 2 is killing me, but at least I had a start.

My bad for not making a comment in that thread until now.

And thanks for the reminder in this post of the original work.
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