Originally Posted by ca2l3vin
I probably will seem like a noob for asking this aince im at work and if already discussed then ignore but I remember there was a hotfix for the readout of the device memory on the unlocked version to read RAM as 288 instead of 256 which is what it read at first.
did sprint and other carriers really lower the ram or will these models also need the hotfix and will it be upgraded by the carrier?
see www.htc.com for info on hotfix (located in the austrialian section right now)
Not sure if they fixed it, since I don't have one yet. But I'm not sure why you would need to fix it, since remaining unused memory will still be correctly shown, I believe. The 32 missing megs is 32 that is always in use anyway, so there is no big deal on this issue, from what I can see, that would need to be "fixed". I think it's like when old 286 computers started having more than 640k, but just "shadowed" Rom into the extra for faster access. That RAM above 640k was available to the user on those old PC's, and the "extra" 32 megs wasn't available to the user on the TP1 either, as it was dedicated to video, and still is, just the totals are displayed differently.