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View Poll Results: Are Proper 3d/2d acceleration Drivers needed?
Yes 96 86.49%
No 15 13.51%
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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by eman View Post
I think you are missing the point. Who wouldn't want to see something added to the device that would make it function better. It is kind of a no brainer which makes this poll pointless.

If the OP wanted to make this poll interesting he could have been a little more creative....

ex..If the device is $599 the way it is now, who would pay $750 for it if came with 2d/3d drivers. Now at that point you can truly see if these drivers mean that much to people. Me personally, I would probabaly pay it but I am sure there are plenty of people who wouldn't.
I'm not missing the point at all. It really is people who could care less. I'm not one of them. Don't let the OP AKA Captain Disarray get to you he likes drama. HI ex.
  #52 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 01:29 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by hyakku View Post
first off, I don't see why everyone is getting infuriated, this is a legitimate question. And for those of you who say it won't matter to most people, yes it does, and I personally will not be getting this phone, a large reason being because of the lack of 3d acceleration. I can't imagine this phone running the same hardware as the TP and rendering more pixels but somehow get better performance, and tbh, the TP should fly for the specs it has. The fact that HTC is too cheap to buy drivers is kind of ridiculous, and I've never understood people's infatuation with corporations as if they don't owe us something, we bought this devices expecting them to be supported well, not having to download various roms etc to get better video performance when they have the capability this entire time to help us out.

I've actually gotten pretty upset now that I'm about to be on my fifth TP, and honestly I like having the roms and all, but a good amount of lag/graphical issues in stock roms would be solved if HTC invested in these damn drivers and quite frankly I'm not going to keep giving them money for half ***** devices.
Exactly my point. Ignore the other members who are just trolling. No matter how I cake the poll with 3 or5 or 8 options. There will always be ppl who feel they have no option that pertains to them. Thats the sole reason I made it yes or no.As as you all can see... there al some who voted NO and see no benefit of having acceleration. Thats the point of the p[oll itself. Its not to split up the group. Its to see who are actually informed about the issue.

  #53 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 01:38 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Exil, just curious, will you even be buying this device?
  #54 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

I think some of us just are just frustrated that so many threads are open about the drivers, and the same arguments are being repeated over and over again. But the mods are right, I can choose not to read them if I don't like them.

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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 02:24 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

thanks for the actual information
but my question is considering that the htc class action has been around for 2 years, what more can be done?
Are we limited by drivers or are we limited by OS? That is something I have been wondering. Noting that most of the OSes that run the enhanced drivers of qualcomm have their own OS and don't use microsoft OS. I am reminded of the TGO1 that is yes 1ghz but it is restricted to windows mobile limitation
so is the question of driver htc or microsoft limitation? Does the android have proper drivers?
  #56 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 02:52 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by eman View Post
Exil, just curious, will you even be buying this device?

I WILL not buy this device, but I wishI would if only it was indeed accelerated. Im a big fan of WM and PPC's. But with this current trend of ;acking proper acceleration it bring the techonology to a halt.
  #57 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 02:53 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by 8notime View Post
I think some of us just are just frustrated that so many threads are open about the drivers, and the same arguments are being repeated over and over again. But the mods are right, I can choose not to read them if I don't like them.

If you took the time to dig all those links, do me a favor and read my first post on this thread. Clearly I stated to not troll,flame,bait etc. and just VOTE.
  #58 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 02:57 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by Exil3d View Post
If you took the time to dig all those links, do me a favor and read my first post on this thread. Clearly I stated to not troll,flame,bait etc. and just VOTE.
This is a public forum. U cannot tell a member what to say or do. Ur making ur own rule. Ur not even a mod. Let members state their opinions and what they feel about this troll. I mean thread.

Pls. Stoip aggrevating the members!
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Last edited by jethro_static; 08-31-2009 at 03:04 PM.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 02:58 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
thanks for the actual information
but my question is considering that the htc class action has been around for 2 years, what more can be done?
Are we limited by drivers or are we limited by OS? That is something I have been wondering. Noting that most of the OSes that run the enhanced drivers of qualcomm have their own OS and don't use microsoft OS. I am reminded of the TGO1 that is yes 1ghz but it is restricted to windows mobile limitation
so is the question of driver htc or microsoft limitation? Does the android have proper drivers?
I don't think the TS can answer that.
  #60 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 03:18 PM
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Re: HTC PRO 2 Proper 2d/3d Drivers

My god, seriously... Exil3d WE GET IT.

What are you trying to prove? You post up a stupid poll that has absolutely no point. I also want HTC to sponsor me and pay me for using their phone. Anyone else? Should I start a poll?

WE ALL THINK THAT IF DRIVERS WERE INCLUDED IT WOULD BE BETTER. What we disagree on is how much we feel the device lacks by not having them. You have yet to state how much the drivers would bump up the phone's cost.

If you actually cared to make a valid poll instead of furthering your driver crusade... You would have tried to formulate a meaningful poll, one that would yield useful results... such as this:

Do you think the HTC TP2 needs 2d/3d drivers?
Yes - TP2 desperately needs drivers, I won't buy it until it does.
Yes - TP2 Needs drivers but I'll still buy it anyways.
Maybe - On the fence, depends how much extra it costs
No - I don't care, it's a nice phone... It's pretty!
No - Cheapest overall cost the most important factor for me.

Again, those of you that DO care about drivers... It's not that we are against them, it's that we realize that HTC is under no obligation to provide them. Bickering on here ad nauseum isn't going to change that. HTC will only change it's tune when the lack of drivers starts hurting their sales. If HTC thought that adding those drivers would gain more users than they lose they would have done it in a heartbeat.
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