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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2014, 09:07 AM
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odd weather tab problem

Not sure if anyone still uses this phone but I'll ask.
The weather tab on the manilla skin doesn't work now for listed locations (been a while this way) but the weather by gps did. I can update this when I'm on wifi but not when I'm on sprint data, why is this? and is there a fix?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2014, 10:40 PM
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Re: odd weather tab problem

I don't think there are to many TP2 users left. Good for you for keeping it going all these years!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2014, 03:57 PM
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Re: odd weather tab problem

yeah, I didn't think there would be. I'm also having problems with youtube app, the agreement page won't load don't know how to get around it since I forgot to save the program folder (incase it had a file that it looks for) after a reformat

I just have no need for newer phones and TP2 makes better calls than newer ones for me. I might switch to the sony z3 compact soon if it comes to sprint, but otherwise I don't really mind not having a newer phone since they are too big now.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2014, 08:16 PM
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Re: odd weather tab problem

Hope I'm not dredging.

To set up weather on my Sprint TP2 I first go to Quick GPS in the Start menu and update it. Give it a minute after it says it's done before exiting, the slower CPU takes time to write the changes.
Set the Settings\ Home Tab Wallpaper to weather. Set the Home Screen Tabs to the default positions.
In Phone\Settings\CDMA Services\Location setting, make sure it is enabled.
Roaming is set to Automatic, Data Roam is Never Ask & Allow Roaming, Call Guard is Off.
In Settings\Data Services I do not yet set weather, I do disable Internet Time Sync.
In Settings\Location Location Service Settings and HTC Location Service are enabled, auto decline is left unchecked.
In Settings\Other update your Profile, PRL, & Firmware. Be very patient waiting until phone activity stops before moving from one to the other.
Finally, go to the weather app and enable auto update including while roaming.
Let the phone rest a minute and do an off\on power cycle. It could take a day or two for your phone ti relist your correct city. If there is no joy enter the Registry and navigate to HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila and find the key "Weather.EnableCurrentLocation"(no quotes). Set the decimal Value Data from "0" to "1"(no quotes).
Exit the Registry app correctly, wait a minute. Try updating the weather. No love, try a reboot.

HTH it is the best I can do.
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