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Re: Who still loves WM ?
Originally Posted by eric12341
Here's what I also use sometimes iPhone speedtest this along with the bandwidth app they all give me the same results. @lnando84 should retry his tests using the other site and a speedtest app.
LOL now I "should" try this and "should" try that.. Next you'll have me jumping thru hoops to prove it.. Come on man, be real!! I used the link IN YOUR SIGNATURE so don't tell me you use other methods when all the proof is right there.. HATERS will always hate!!
Originally Posted by Aleki
do you or your neighbor have an airave? that seems to be the same bandwidth I get with it on.
No I personally don't have one but maybe one of my neighbors do.. funny how I'm getting those speeds(in my hand) yet have others tell me it's not possible, even when i post the proof..