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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2011, 11:31 AM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

I have said this before. There is no other phone in the Sprint lineup that can do what the TP2 can. My phone is unlocked and has a pay only as you use it SIM card in it from my little long distance telephone company. With the phone set on global, I can travel almost anywhere and just make phone calls.

Cleaned out the junk that I don't use, added the extras that I do, overclocked to remove some of the sluggishness and its a great phone.

I like using one device that I am familiar with, instead of having to rent something for overseas use. What I really like is my $25 a month cost for the plan.

Very, very few problems with the phone since I got it and they were handled while I wait at my local Sprint store. Great manager and repair tech. Have never even been charged for a repair! Some problems with gaps in the Sprint coverage (Northern Minn. and Alaska).

For me, Sprint and this phone have been excellent
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2011, 12:28 PM
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I love my TP2, it's the best phone you can legally put on Boost, it was way ahead of it's time hardware, software and screen resolution -wise. Now with FRX07 it's like a whole new device and it works just as well as my friend's VM OV plus I have shrinkage while he's stuck with paying the same price and now has data caps. If you plan to go to Boost I cannot recommend it enough.
Sent from my ppcT7380 Ti/FRX06-07 via PPCG app
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2011, 11:41 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

Originally Posted by Sc/ant864 View Post
I love my TP2, it's the best phone you can legally put on Boost, it was way ahead of it's time hardware, software and screen resolution -wise. Now with FRX07 it's like a whole new device and it works just as well as my friend's VM OV plus I have shrinkage while he's stuck with paying the same price and now has data caps. If you plan to go to Boost I cannot recommend it enough.
Sent from my ppcT7380 Ti/FRX06-07 via PPCG app
love the tp2 keyboard. i couldn't get frx07 to run fast enough for useability...even with caulkin rom 6.1...how was you able to do that?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2011, 03:14 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

Well, I'm still using mine for about two years now. It does everything I need and the keyboards....priceless. I'll stick with it until I see a WM7 phone with a keyboard that is as good and has a front facing camera. Faster processor of course. Heck, I'd even stick with WM6.5 if I could get the hardware I'd like. The TP2 is the best phone I've ever had. Everything I want to do with it I can. I'll go down fighting with it and since it appears that Verizon is not keen on having alot of WM7 phones, seems I'll have it much longer.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2011, 11:52 AM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

and for me it just keps getting better. installed wimospeed and overclocked this week. everything running very zippy and stable at 691... wow! this phone was way ahead of its time 2 years ago... i am always on alert for bigger screen but wont jump if it cannot give me the same performance and capability as my 2 year old TP2.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2011, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by havieri23 View Post
love the tp2 keyboard. i couldn't get frx07 to run fast enough for useability...even with caulkin rom 6.1...how was you able to do that?
Yes the physical KB is one of the best in phonedom. I run stock sense 6.5 in titanium and deleted anything I don't use in WM also I keep my apps to a minimum and clear the cache frequently with app2sd. Pushing all apps that will move to the SD card helped me keep it stable.
Edit- Something I think we all forgot to mention is the fact that the screen can tilt, I think any new slider should have this but to my knowledge us TP2 users are the only one's. Just more bragging rights for us in my eyes.

Sent from my ppcT7380 Ti/FRX06-07 via PPCG app

Last edited by Sc/ant864; 09-25-2011 at 01:15 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2011, 12:34 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

Oh Yes, I still love it,

A agree with everyone (at least the 6 pages I just read)

This phone is still a beast. Yes, Internet browsing is kind of slow, but I'm using RSS feed to sync everything (news and video/audio podcast) during the night (I do have an unlimited data plan and I'm abusing it - about 10gb per month of data).

I go to school with that thing and I TAKE MY NOTES ON IT! Why, 'cause of the awesome keyboard of course! Seriously, I'm now at a postgratuate lvl and I still type fast enough so I'm not missing anything Going to university without a bag or even a pencil, just with a phone (but an awesome one), thats priceless - and sooo nomad. And yeah, the battery lifetime is great, even if I carry 2 or 3 batteries sometimes (video on a 800*480 just eats it and my schedule is just crazy).

And right now, this phone have no clear competitor on the better resolution/better keyboard side of things. But if I had to chose, I hope it will be an WP7 (that support android boot as well)

(sorry for my English, its not my first language, or even my second one)

Last edited by mytheory; 09-27-2011 at 12:36 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2011, 06:12 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

Originally Posted by mytheory View Post
Oh Yes, I still love it,

A agree with everyone (at least the 6 pages I just read)

This phone is still a beast. Yes, Internet browsing is kind of slow, but I'm using RSS feed to sync everything (news and video/audio podcast) during the night (I do have an unlimited data plan and I'm abusing it - about 10gb per month of data).

I go to school with that thing and I TAKE MY NOTES ON IT! Why, 'cause of the awesome keyboard of course! Seriously, I'm now at a postgratuate lvl and I still type fast enough so I'm not missing anything Going to university without a bag or even a pencil, just with a phone (but an awesome one), thats priceless - and sooo nomad. And yeah, the battery lifetime is great, even if I carry 2 or 3 batteries sometimes (video on a 800*480 just eats it and my schedule is just crazy).

And right now, this phone have no clear competitor on the better resolution/better keyboard side of things. But if I had to chose, I hope it will be an WP7 (that support android boot as well)

(sorry for my English, its not my first language, or even my second one)
well mango is out now so there's no need to even want to run android.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2011, 01:14 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

Eric, based on what you said before, and the added costs from Sprint of a new smart phone, I decided to wait a little longer before pulling the Android trigger. But from what I'm reading on the Arrive thread, it looks like Mango is still short as far as tethering is concerned and the Arrive may not even have the right chip. Custom ringtones are now supported, but the installation is described as cumbersome. And integration with contacts, tasks, email et al is not as seamless either as with the TP2. I still wonder why MS chose to go with a new OS that doesn't support many features its' customers loved in the old one. I wish the Arrive community would get some hacks going on these points.

My son just got the Photon 4G. It is an awesome product - both from a software and hardware prospective. But Sprint is said to be getting the Iphone 5 next month, so I'll be looking at that.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2011, 02:34 PM
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Re: Who Still Loves Their TP2?

Originally Posted by gjhuff View Post
Eric, based on what you said before, and the added costs from Sprint of a new smart phone, I decided to wait a little longer before pulling the Android trigger. But from what I'm reading on the Arrive thread, it looks like Mango is still short as far as tethering is concerned and the Arrive may not even have the right chip. Custom ringtones are now supported, but the installation is described as cumbersome. And integration with contacts, tasks, email et al is not as seamless either as with the TP2. I still wonder why MS chose to go with a new OS that doesn't support many features its' customers loved in the old one. I wish the Arrive community would get some hacks going on these points.

My son just got the Photon 4G. It is an awesome product - both from a software and hardware prospective. But Sprint is said to be getting the Iphone 5 next month, so I'll be looking at that.
@gjhuff u must be really smoking something if ur considering the iPhony over the arrive. as for the arrive having the right chip it does, some user on xda recently proved this and HTC will include it in a later ROM update,there will be ringtone creation apps to simplify the process and music downloading apps such as supermusic has a ringtone creation feature within it. I find the integration with contacts,tasks and email to be just as easy if not easier than it was on my tp2.
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