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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2011, 06:16 AM
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My phone finally took a Sh*t

My phone finally took a shit, i went into the sprint store today to see if i could get another phone which is equal value to my phone for free. They hit me up a blackberry 9630.... Im kinda mad because i dont feel that this phone is even remotely close in value to my tp2.. i paid around 500 bucks for my phone this phone is only 99.00... i mean i need a phone that works but i didnt think they would hit me that low... what do u guys think about this? should i complain n try to get a evo shift or something better or should i just man up n try out the blackberry.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2011, 09:04 AM
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Re: My phone finally took a Sh*t

Originally Posted by krewblink View Post
My phone finally took a shit, i went into the sprint store today to see if i could get another phone which is equal value to my phone for free. They hit me up a blackberry 9630.... Im kinda mad because i dont feel that this phone is even remotely close in value to my tp2.. i paid around 500 bucks for my phone this phone is only 99.00... i mean i need a phone that works but i didnt think they would hit me that low... what do u guys think about this? should i complain n try to get a evo shift or something better or should i just man up n try out the blackberry.
and what do you think tp2 is worth now? it sure as hell aint 500$ you paid x-years ago and im sure no "shift" is coming your way. sprint dont replace for what you paid for phone. if you sold tp2 you might get 100$ so sell bb and get your shift or whatever your looking for.
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Old 09-02-2011, 09:07 AM
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Re: My phone finally took a Sh*t

Originally Posted by krewblink View Post
My phone finally took a shit, i went into the sprint store today to see if i could get another phone which is equal value to my phone for free. They hit me up a blackberry 9630.... Im kinda mad because i dont feel that this phone is even remotely close in value to my tp2.. i paid around 500 bucks for my phone this phone is only 99.00... i mean i need a phone that works but i didnt think they would hit me that low... what do u guys think about this? should i complain n try to get a evo shift or something better or should i just man up n try out the blackberry.
Well, maybe a little more info would be useful. Do you have insurance or are you just trying to gripe and moan and get them to give you a new phone on a silver platter? Also, maybe if you elaborate a bit more on what is wrong with your phone, someone may be able to help you. AFAIK, my TP2 lacks a digestive system so it is incapable of defecation.

I have insurance and my TP2 quit the other day and the Sprint repair center I went to gave me a new TP2. Apparently if you go to a franchise store they will give you what they have on hand. If you go to an authorized repair center, you will most likely get another TP2.

I tried the whole EVO thing...even bought an almost new "white" EVO but Sprint is standing firm on their policy that they will not activate it unless I go to one of the "approved" data plans, which in my case will cost me over $60.00 more/month than I already pay for an unlimited data pack on my family plan.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2011, 09:14 AM
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Re: My phone finally took a Sh*t

I have insurance and i pay 72.99 a month for unlimited everything.. my tp2 is just buggy and slow. the standby button sometimes doesnt work and im just very unhappy with it. this is my 3rd refurbished phone from the insurance. I just feel i need another phone other than the tp2. i cant even send a text or receive calls at the moment. On sprints website tp2 isnt even available anymore to purchase i think all of our upgrades are going to be the HTC ARRIVE. i think its fair to trade out for a phone like the HTC ARRIVE if not ill be happy with the blackberry.. i just wish it wasnt the ball one. i heard numerous problems about the Blackberry balls getting stuck... im sure im just trying to get more out of them but i just feel it should be equal value not a 99.00 blackberry.
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Old 09-02-2011, 03:22 PM
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Re: My phone finally took a Sh*t

Did you take it to a regular retail store or an authorized service center (sprint store with a repair centr in it)? My TP2 microphone quit working and I ended up getting a new TP2 from the service center.

I feel your pain on the BB. You're right though that it should be something comparable to your TP2.

If you are on a plan that allows the newer smartphones, you can log onto your sprint account page and click on the drop down menu next to your phone and choose "Activate a new phone". I've done it many times before. All you have to do is enter the ESN for the phone you are wanting to activate and it walks you through it. Didn't work for me though when I tried to activate my EVO as I'm on the $69.99 family talk plan with the unlimited data pack add on.

Hope it works out better for you.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2011, 08:23 PM
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Re: My phone finally took a Sh*t

yea u could try to get it replaced with the arrive. this was the same situation that @JohnMcD348 was in. I've had the phone for almost 6 months now and it is amazing, especially with the mango beta on it.

Last edited by eric12341; 09-02-2011 at 08:26 PM.
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Old 09-02-2011, 09:14 PM
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Re: My phone finally took a Sh*t

So you know..if you go the Android (all but 1) , WP7 or Blackberry route you will be paying $10 extra a month..for the new smartphone fee...
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Old 09-02-2011, 09:43 PM
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Wirelessly posted (htc Pocket PC: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)

My phone is all backed up and constipated at the moment.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2011, 11:16 PM
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Re: My phone finally took a Sh*t

No matter what you do, you're going to pay the price to use the data service. Even at the extra $10/month, it's still cheaper than the other carriers if you use a lot of data.

As Eric said, I fought long and hard to keep my TP2, I was already paying the extra charge by then. Get the Arrive and be happy with it. After you relearn Windows by going to WP7, you'll probably be happy
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Old 09-03-2011, 05:22 PM
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Re: My phone finally took a Sh*t

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
So you know..if you go the Android (all but 1) , WP7 or Blackberry route you will be paying $10 extra a month..for the new smartphone fee...
Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
No matter what you do, you're going to pay the price to use the data service. Even at the extra $10/month, it's still cheaper than the other carriers if you use a lot of data.

As Eric said, I fought long and hard to keep my TP2, I was already paying the extra charge by then. Get the Arrive and be happy with it. After you relearn Windows by going to WP7, you'll probably be happy
Unless you are like me and on a family talk/text plan with an "unlimited" data pack add on. The only way Sprint will let me have a droid is if I pony up over $70.00 more a month.

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