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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2011, 01:02 AM
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Unhappy Help! I keep receiving 2 messages instead of 1!

Hello, I am suddenly having this problem: everytime I receive a text message, I comes up as 2 messages. I do not find the 2nd message but the 1st one. I have tried the soft reset and the prl update and it did not work. That is sad. I am hoping someone can help. By the way, my phone is on Boost. Thanks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2011, 01:19 AM
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Re: Help! I keep receiving 2 messages instead of 1!

try this:

FreewarePPC.com - Freeware Pocket PC / Freeware Windows Mobile: FixUnreadCount v1.0
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2011, 01:31 AM
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Re: Help! I keep receiving 2 messages instead of 1!

Or maybe this:

Trombone players do it in 7 positions!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2011, 01:53 AM
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Re: Help! I keep receiving 2 messages instead of 1!

speaking of bored whatever happend to him?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2011, 11:26 PM
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Re: Help! I keep receiving 2 messages instead of 1!

it's a network problem, call sprint let them know. Because they were telling me that nobody really noticed the problems with texts becasue most people have unlimited texts and don't think anything of it. Since I'm SERO, I only have 500.

I went way over my limit last month and ran up $89 in texts because it would break 1 text into 3 parts.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2011, 01:05 AM
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Re: Help! I keep receiving 2 messages instead of 1!

Originally Posted by bobturismo View Post
it's a network problem, call sprint let them know. Because they were telling me that nobody really noticed the problems with texts becasue most people have unlimited texts and don't think anything of it. Since I'm SERO, I only have 500.

I went way over my limit last month and ran up $89 in texts because it would break 1 text into 3 parts.

what SERO plan are you on?
I have unlimited text on my SERO..
but if ANY text you recive is over 160 charicters it will break it up
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2011, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by bobturismo View Post
it's a network problem, call sprint let them know. Because they were telling me that nobody really noticed the problems with texts becasue most people have unlimited texts and don't think anything of it. Since I'm SERO, I only have 500.

I went way over my limit last month and ran up $89 in texts because it would break 1 text into 3 parts.
Don't know what Sero you're on but most Sero plana I know off have unlimited text. That's weird. Maybe they'll let you add the premium Sero and give you unlimited text.

Sent from my HTC EvO 3D... On The Now Network
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2011, 05:32 PM
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Re: Help! I keep receiving 2 messages instead of 1!

Originally Posted by yankees45us View Post
Don't know what Sero you're on but most Sero plana I know off have unlimited text. That's weird. Maybe they'll let you add the premium Sero and give you unlimited text.

Sent from my HTC EvO 3D... On The Now Network

Im not even on the SERO premium or SEro premium plus data
im on plane old SERO lol.

I still get unlimited data and text, just not calls. I have like 300 minutes.
But then again it might be the fact that ive had SERO since befor the nextel merger
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2011, 09:21 PM
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Re: Help! I keep receiving 2 messages instead of 1!

Originally Posted by aedon View Post
what SERO plan are you on?
I have unlimited text on my SERO..
I got my sero in 2006 I believe, $30 for 500 anytime, unlimited data, roaming, n&w

I think I had 300 texts originally and I was able bump it up to 500 texts for a $1 when I called them about the supposed phone clip specifically for the tp2 which was just a generic.

Not a big deal as I don't rarely go over my texts.

I got the TP2 right when it came out, contract is up in a month I think may get the photon. (probably should end sooner, but I always pay my bill one month late)

So who knows at that point, maybe I'll just hang on to the TP2 untill I absolutely can't get anymore, but I would like to have 4G. Since LTE is around the corner, maybe I'll wait until new phones come out for it. (don't worry sprint won't drop wi-max for quite a while).

but if ANY text you recive is over 160 charicters it will break it up
Of course, I have used cell phones before believe it or not.

BUT, I was getting small (like <50 character) texts broken up into 3 parts and I would receive the parts in a different order. This was about a month ago and it coincided with tower updates at the time in my area apparently.

They seemed real keen on me letting them know in the future of anything like that, as most people have unlimited text and wouldn't think to let sprint know they were having problems once it stopped happening.

Last edited by bobturismo; 08-18-2011 at 09:28 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2011, 12:41 AM
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Re: Help! I keep receiving 2 messages instead of 1!

Originally Posted by bobturismo View Post
I got my sero in 2006 I believe, $30 for 500 anytime, unlimited data, roaming, n&w

I think I had 300 texts originally and I was able bump it up to 500 texts for a $1 when I called them about the supposed phone clip specifically for the tp2 which was just a generic.

Not a big deal as I don't rarely go over my texts.

I got the TP2 right when it came out, contract is up in a month I think may get the photon. (probably should end sooner, but I always pay my bill one month late)

So who knows at that point, maybe I'll just hang on to the TP2 untill I absolutely can't get anymore, but I would like to have 4G. Since LTE is around the corner, maybe I'll wait until new phones come out for it. (don't worry sprint won't drop wi-max for quite a while).

Of course, I have used cell phones before believe it or not.

BUT, I was getting small (like <50 character) texts broken up into 3 parts and I would receive the parts in a different order. This was about a month ago and it coincided with tower updates at the time in my area apparently.

They seemed real keen on me letting them know in the future of anything like that, as most people have unlimited text and wouldn't think to let sprint know they were having problems once it stopped happening.
or u can get the arrive which is a damn good phone and will get even better once mango comes out, it works pretty well on 3G ( if ur on a tower that isn't busted) on my train commutes im able to watch Netflix,vevo,and full YouTube without any interruptions.
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text messaging., touch pro2, tp2, tp2 on boost

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