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View Poll Results: Good time to leave TP2?
Yes 15 55.56%
No 12 44.44%
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 01:31 PM
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Re: Good time to leave TP2?

Originally Posted by warheed View Post
I was on the phone for about an hour with a few different supervisors for different departments. Two weeks was apparently the best they could do, and of course they tried to jerk me around.. I think I could have told the sales supervisor that I was told by another department they would give me the upgrade 1 month early, they would have just done it. They didn't ask any questions when I told them about my promised 2 weeks.
Well as I said its not simple for a whole month when premier..but they put notes on your account so no reason they wouldn't be surprised..my guess they moved it up 2 weeks before Christmas...

Originally Posted by eman View Post
Switched from a TP2 to an Evo the day it was released. Best phone I have used to date and I have been using smartphones for the past 10 years.

One great thing about the EVO is the amount of support you will find for it and custom Roms. Can't speak for the EPIC but for the EVO we have Roms that include the new Sense, MIUI Roms, AOSP Roms, and a ton of the standard Sense Roms.

The development on the EVO has been insane! Might want to take a look at that for the EPIc and see where they stand. Also, I will take the larger screen over a slightly better screen any day.....
The development for the Epic is not too bad...the thing about the Epic is its actually pretty good Stock...unlike most other phones which rely on modification to make it work right..Epic works right out of box..don't get me wrong its not issue free..but its very impressive for a stock phone...that said we have a bit of development going on it as well..and fyi, the Epic screen is not a little better but A LOT better..mostly if you get an EVO with a bad screen (cause each revision has a different manufacturer screen)...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 01:34 PM
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Re: Good time to leave TP2?

Originally Posted by eman View Post
Switched from a TP2 to an Evo the day it was released. Best phone I have used to date and I have been using smartphones for the past 10 years..
Wow! Even longer than they've existed.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 01:55 PM
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Re: Good time to leave TP2?

Originally Posted by Miami_Son View Post
Wow! Even longer than they've existed.
Not true...

"In 2000 Ericsson released the touchscreen smartphone R380, the first device to use the new Symbian OS.[12]"

next one came out in 2002 which would be 8 years..

But some can claim 17-18 years..

"The first smartphone was called Simon; it was designed by IBM in 1992 and shown as a concept product[8] that year at COMDEX, the computer industry trade show held in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was released to the public in 1993 and sold by BellSouth."

There was also a nokia phone, "Nokia 9000, released in 1996"

Smartphone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 02:02 PM
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Originally Posted by warheed
Let me start off by saying this was my first 'smart phone.' My experience has been phenomenal. After unlocking, I opened a whole new realm to this device than anticipated. I have flashed just about every reasonable rom and enjoyed countless cabs. I even haret'd my way to Android. In other words, I have learned EVERYTHING I know about mobile phones because of how interested I got in this phone.

I have decided right now is an optimal time for an upgrade*. I am not eligible for one until the 1st of January 2011, but I actually spent a while with customer service today convincing them to push it forward. The most I could get was December 18th (2 weeks.) I have been with Sprint for 4 years now and I even pay premium insurance and haven't used it once.. Has anyone got an upgrade earlier than that?

Anyway, I have decided on the 18th that I will be getting the Epic. It was a toss up between the Epic and the Evo, but I think I'll take the Epic for the Amoled and obviously the slide out qwerty. Both are Android, which I am not very familiar with, but with WP7 still in the works of even getting safely unlocked and surfacing decent cabs, I'll go with Android for a little while. I might come check out WP7 when the HD 7 comes out.

Well, sorry this was so long, all I really wanted was a few opinions on my decision and how 'early' they're giving me my upgrade *(I am on Sprint Premier and I'm offered one every 12 months).

Thread reopened by OP for true interest in opinion.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 02:22 PM
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Re: Good time to leave TP2?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post

The development for the Epic is not too bad...the thing about the Epic is its actually pretty good Stock...unlike most other phones which rely on modification to make it work right..Epic works right out of box..don't get me wrong its not issue free..but its very impressive for a stock phone...that said we have a bit of development going on it as well..and fyi, the Epic screen is not a little better but A LOT better..mostly if you get an EVO with a bad screen (cause each revision has a different manufacturer screen)...
Thanx this is very insightful information and a relief to know,
As I also plan to move to Epic by Feb because I already on a 4g plan with my bro's epic.

Not to knock the Evo, but both the Epic and even my TP2 has a much more colorful screen than the EVO.

Hmm, I guess I am knocking the Evo,
because I feel important to warn potential buyers
that the battery life is very dismall..
My co-worker's Evo on stock rom, barely last one day on TWO batteries!

Last edited by Maxx134; 12-05-2010 at 02:31 PM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 03:50 PM
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Re: Good time to leave TP2?

why the hurry to upgrade, is ur TP2 that repulsive? ten pacencia and wait for a wp7 phone.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 03:51 PM
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Re: Good time to leave TP2?

Replaced my TP2 with the Epic about a week ago - so far - no regrets...

What is the best way to prep my TP2 for sale? Should I just do a hard reset? I am running MightyRom.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 03:56 PM
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Re: Good time to leave TP2?

Originally Posted by eman View Post
Also, I will take the larger screen over a slightly better screen any day.....
I lust just as much as the next Tim the Toolman for the precious 4.3" display. In fact I wanted a Droidx or Evo so bad when they came out I wanted to bite the full cost of the Evo, or even drop Sprint. My dad just picked up the HD7 and it has the 4.3" screen also, it is just plain gorgeous.

But! you definitely can not call the AMOLED screen on this galaxy 'slightly' better by any stretch. Perhaps the resolution is the same, but it is remarkably much more gorgeous.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 03:59 PM
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Re: Good time to leave TP2?

Originally Posted by jmsnyc View Post
Replaced my TP2 with the Epic about a week ago - so far - no regrets...

What is the best way to prep my TP2 for sale? Should I just do a hard reset? I am running MightyRom.

I'm going to put mine on Craigslist as is, even offer the buyer an option for me to teach them a little about customization. Or I can put back the stock 6.5 or even original 6.1 release per request. I expect to get between $150 and $200 as there isn't so much as a scratch on this device. I keep my electronics very babied.

Let me know your results my friend!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2010, 04:05 PM
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Re: Good time to leave TP2?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
why the hurry to upgrade, is ur TP2 that repulsive? ten pacencia and wait for a wp7 phone.
Not repulsive at all! I love this phone. I just think that financially and from an investment standpoint, right now is the optimal time to switch up. After it is all said and done, I figure I can get the Epic for about $50-100 (max.) And it is (spec wise) twice the phone the TP2 is. Also, with the upcoming phones on Sprint being not very interesting (except the Knight and the WP7 TP3.) The TP3 is kind of a slap in the face to me though.. It's gorgeous, obviously. I love the layout of my TP2, and the TP3 is the same basically, but the specs are going to be dated by the time it finally hits the shelf. And the Knight will be just a good teaser for me to warm me up for my next phone in either Q2 or Q3 of 2011..
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