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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2010, 02:55 PM
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SOLVED--TVout Reg hack help

I am not sure how this happened, Ive also tried to find and make a hack myself. But this is beyond my abilities.

Mt problem is with the Tvout on my TP2 (Rhodium).
I've tried:
1) Disabling the HKLM> Software> HTC> H2W> TVoutCablein "0" .
But every time I restart my phone it goes back to "1".

2)b I've Task29 twice and tried 3 different ROMs. There results are mostly the same. Bit that value always returns to "1".

3) I also tried to disabling Tvout "0" and TVoutPopUp "0", both in the HTC reg folder. I've tried many different combos also. Still no love from my phone.

4)I also tried enabling the Software> OEM> Tvoutsettings. Changed Hiddenconnectset value to "1"

What's happening is this; When I boot my phone I can hear the boot wav file. Then a few seconds later the TV out pop-up asks for the type. What I have been doing is hitting the Win menu hard button and killing the tvoutpopup with task manager. I would think everything would return to normal. But it does not. I get no sound from my speaker. No rings, music, nothing. I can talk to people but I cant hear through the ear piece either. However, if I connect the a set of headphone to the 3.5 jack I can hear and talk. But the sound quality suck like a brand new Hoover vacuum.

I believe my problem is in one or both of the following places.

1) It might be the OEM_Misc.dll file that has some Tvout stuff going to it. I am not sure what else is contained in the file.

2) It might also be in the HTCTVout.exe

It seems to me like after the boot, the phone scans the mini usb and it thinks there is a TV out cable connected. I have check the port for trash or anything that might make a connection, but its clean. But I should still be able to force a new value in the reg and make it stick. But it returns every time. I cant delete the reg. folder it seems protected. Nor can I delete the .exe file or .dll file. They also seem to be protected.

Any help?


Last edited by nickm; 11-21-2010 at 06:10 PM. Reason: SOLVED
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2010, 05:29 PM
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Re: TVout Reg hack help

this is happening with NO cables attached at all??? ie its not on a charger when u restart and the popup happens??

If yes, then you have to have a broke or bent pin somehwere on the devices USB port.... nothing will fix that... time to take it in and get it replaced..
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2010, 01:28 AM
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You could try using a different reg editor to make the edits.
It may be a bent pin or a short in the usb connector but I would think the only way to tell would be to flash the shipped rom and see if you still get the pop up.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-20-2010, 08:38 AM
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Re: TVout Reg hack help

yeah, no cable in it at all. I've tried about 6 cables. One ROM I tried was the stock Sprint ROM. I've also checked inside the usb for any thing that might cause a short. There's nothing in it. If there was I don't think I would get the wave sound on boot :don't know

I've tried the phi reg editor and Total commander. but neither one will make the reg hack stick. It just keeps going back.

I would think if I disabled the tvout it would disable the feature. But still it goes right back. I thought there was a reg "chmod" equivalent that I could do and then delete the Tvout reg to see if that would work. Or a safe mode that would let me delete it. But I cant find anything
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2010, 05:59 PM
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Re: TVout Reg hack help


PREFIX:Shutdown tvout.

1) hklm-drivers-builtin-h2w_accessory-h2w_accessory.dll
change the value name, I added _disabled to the end
This only changes the name for the .dll file it will look for, it does not change the name of the dll file.

2) hklm-software-htc-h2w-tvoutcablein
change Dword value to 0

3) hklm-software-htc-tvout-functionenabled
Dword value to 0

4) add a new Dword to this folder
Reboot device

edit #1 will allow tvoutpopup if the following 3 edits have not been saved or added.

edit #2 takes effect as soon as the value is saved. And it allows the folling changes to happen uninturpted.

If either of the last 2 edits are changed tvout will popup and #2 will be reset to a value of 1. at this point thats ok as long as you chnge edit 3 or 4 back before rebooting.

The easiest UNdo is to remove the disalbe fromm the #1 edit. to redo follow all steps above. #4 only needs a value change.
sorry bout spelling and grammer. I am on my phone right now.
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