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Old 11-21-2010, 05:59 PM
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Re: TVout Reg hack help


PREFIX:Shutdown tvout.

1) hklm-drivers-builtin-h2w_accessory-h2w_accessory.dll
change the value name, I added _disabled to the end
This only changes the name for the .dll file it will look for, it does not change the name of the dll file.

2) hklm-software-htc-h2w-tvoutcablein
change Dword value to 0

3) hklm-software-htc-tvout-functionenabled
Dword value to 0

4) add a new Dword to this folder
Reboot device

edit #1 will allow tvoutpopup if the following 3 edits have not been saved or added.

edit #2 takes effect as soon as the value is saved. And it allows the folling changes to happen uninturpted.

If either of the last 2 edits are changed tvout will popup and #2 will be reset to a value of 1. at this point thats ok as long as you chnge edit 3 or 4 back before rebooting.

The easiest UNdo is to remove the disalbe fromm the #1 edit. to redo follow all steps above. #4 only needs a value change.
sorry bout spelling and grammer. I am on my phone right now.
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