if trying to flash from PC, and there is a RHODIMG.nbh on the SD card root... (this came up in another thread so I thought I'd give it one of its own...)
a caveat:
if trying to flash from PC, and there is a RHODIMG.nbh on the SD card root... it will appear to be doing the PC thing.
At about 50% you will get a USB lost connection error.(or similar)
At this point I wiggled the USB, and then pulled it.. (doesn't matter)( Desktop Windows was reporting that there was no connection/device)
It appeared (on the phone screen) to do nothing for a minute, and then (on the phone screen) the progress bar started moving, and eventually completed.
LET IT COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you get done you will find that it was flashing the ROM on the SD card.
a) if you want to flash or run an exe from the PC, make sure there is
NOT a valid ROM (RHODIMG.nbh) on the SD card, or simply pull the SD card.
b) Once it starts, if you do not let it complete, you may well brick your phone. Dunno...
[in my case I happened to have an Energy ROM on the SD card when I was trying to flash back to stock via an exe on the PC. It simply re-flashed the Energy ROM. I then deleted the ROM from the SD card and flashed again and it correctly went back to stock. ]