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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 04:56 PM
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Re: Switching from TP2 to Pre

Originally Posted by jeriel05 View Post
I respect your opinion, but I am very familiar with the windows OS and tried many things to make it better. I tried many custom roms, overclocking, and most if not all the tweaks on the forum. The phone still gets laggy, still gets SOD, and it still SUCKS. IMO, You might just like a phone with many quirks to keep you busy fixing things. Like I said before I need a reliable phone that does its job as it should, if it needs customizing to fit my needs that's totally fine. I shouldn't have to be constantly wasting so much time trying to fix what should've been working already. That's time I can be investing in bigger and better things. Thanks for your input though.

it does not SUCK!! u obviously must not have tried the 6.1 stock rom or any other 6.1 rom for that matter they dont suffer any of the problems u stated. im currently rocking the stock 6.1 now and i love it,only thing i dont like is the TF3D doesnt have location weather. so the TP2 does not SUCK naco!!
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 05:01 PM
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Re: Switching from TP2 to Pre

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 05:08 PM
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Re: Switching from TP2 to Pre

Originally Posted by jeriel05 View Post
I respect your opinion, but I am very familiar with the windows OS and tried many things to make it better. I tried many custom roms, overclocking, and most if not all the tweaks on the forum. The phone still gets laggy, still gets SOD, and it still SUCKS. IMO, You might just like a phone with many quirks to keep you busy fixing things. Like I said before I need a reliable phone that does its job as it should, if it needs customizing to fit my needs that's totally fine. I shouldn't have to be constantly wasting so much time trying to fix what should've been working already. That's time I can be investing in bigger and better things. Thanks for your input though.

the very simplest and easiest way to keep your tp2 reliable, in this order:

soft reset everyday. I use spb backup to automate this process.

ditch sense for spb mobile shell, and use the windows messaging for default email and sms.

those two things alone will get rid of most of your lag and SOD problems.

as for problems, I cant say I have a lot of them because I dont load a ton of software. I sure as hell dont game on my tp2. Basically, I use my TP2 for Email, sms, mms, phone calls, browsing the web and multimedia via coreplayer. I try to keep it very minimal with installs. I do have spb ms + vostrodamus tweaks that REALLY customize your phone. Basically, I have only one screen and everything can be navigated there as well as showing my calendar events. It's a fantastic setup I've got going, and I dont even need to overclock it anymore. But for some odd reason, it seems like my battery life is noticeably less after I stopped my overclocking.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: Switching from TP2 to Pre

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
it does not SUCK!! u obviously must not have tried the 6.1 stock rom or any other 6.1 rom for that matter they dont suffer any of the problems u stated. im currently rocking the stock 6.1 now and i love it,only thing i dont like is the TF3D doesnt have location weather. so the TP2 does not SUCK naco!!
Ok fan boy, I give up you win.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 05:27 PM
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Re: Switching from TP2 to Pre

Crap!!! Now I'm not sure which side I'm on!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 05:32 PM
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Re: Switching from TP2 to Pre

Originally Posted by jeriel05 View Post
Ok fan boy, I give up you win.
i wouldnt say im a fanboy im more of an anti-fanboy.what gets me going is when fanboys of other OS' invade our forums saying how superior their OS is to ours and how much it sucks. you are the first BB person i've seen doing this,usually BB users are more laid back. i have no problem with BB but i dont see myself with one because the screens arent even 640x480 resolution. being called a naco is much worse than bein called a fanboy btw.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 05:38 PM
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Re: Switching from TP2 to Pre

Originally Posted by chardog View Post
the very simplest and easiest way to keep your tp2 reliable, in this order:

soft reset everyday. I use spb backup to automate this process.

ditch sense for spb mobile shell, and use the windows messaging for default email and sms.

those two things alone will get rid of most of your lag and SOD problems.

as for problems, I cant say I have a lot of them because I dont load a ton of software. I sure as hell dont game on my tp2. Basically, I use my TP2 for Email, sms, mms, phone calls, browsing the web and multimedia via coreplayer. I try to keep it very minimal with installs. I do have spb ms + vostrodamus tweaks that REALLY customize your phone. Basically, I have only one screen and everything can be navigated there as well as showing my calendar events. It's a fantastic setup I've got going, and I dont even need to overclock it anymore. But for some odd reason, it seems like my battery life is noticeably less after I stopped my overclocking.
I did reset everyday, more than once. I drilled a side hole on the battery cover for that reason. I cleared my text messages constantly so it wouldn't bog down either, I didn't have to many apps installed on the phone just the necessary. I tried overclocking the phone but it made the SOD more frequent, but like you said it did improve battery life. I tried SPB MS but i just couldn't get used to it, I know that the Sense UI was the culprit for the lagginess the phone due to the subpar processor and memory on the phone. Maybe I just got 3 faulty TP2's?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 05:53 PM
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Re: Switching from TP2 to Pre

You guys are playing nice... Didn't you hear him call you a fanboy???
And NACO???
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 05:53 PM
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Re: Switching from TP2 to Pre

Originally Posted by jeriel05 View Post
I did reset everyday, more than once. I drilled a side hole on the battery cover for that reason. I cleared my text messages constantly so it wouldn't bog down either, I didn't have to many apps installed on the phone just the necessary. I tried overclocking the phone but it made the SOD more frequent, but like you said it did improve battery life. I tried SPB MS but i just couldn't get used to it, I know that the Sense UI was the culprit for the lagginess the phone due to the subpar processor and memory on the phone. Maybe I just got 3 faulty TP2's?
From what i read you istalled "tweaks and what not" to your phone... Did you make sure they where the right tweaks? (i.e cdma/gsm, for the rom you where using at that time?) If you install a whole bunch of tweaks they very well could be counter-acting each other. You say you OC'ed well there is where you SOD's are coming from. Just cause the other guy gets 802mhz does not mean you can. When getting into custom roms and tweaking you need to be extra carefull what and where you install certain things or you will have these issue's. But hey if you like the pre thats your opinon just dont blame something that you could have caused while installing certain things. Then again maybe you didnt, but either way like i said its all to your liking at the end of the day!!!

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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 05:59 PM
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Re: Switching from TP2 to Pre

as stated before naco those problems are attributed to wm6.5 21889 the 219xx builds were more stable but i didnt stick with it because of the problem in my sig.
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