Originally Posted by jeriel05
I respect your opinion, but I am very familiar with the windows OS and tried many things to make it better. I tried many custom roms, overclocking, and most if not all the tweaks on the forum. The phone still gets laggy, still gets SOD, and it still SUCKS. IMO, You might just like a phone with many quirks to keep you busy fixing things. Like I said before I need a reliable phone that does its job as it should, if it needs customizing to fit my needs that's totally fine. I shouldn't have to be constantly wasting so much time trying to fix what should've been working already. That's time I can be investing in bigger and better things. Thanks for your input though.
it does not SUCK!! u obviously must not have tried the 6.1 stock rom or any other 6.1 rom for that matter they dont suffer any of the problems u stated. im currently rocking the stock 6.1 now and i love it,only thing i dont like is the TF3D doesnt have location weather. so the TP2 does not SUCK naco!!