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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2010, 09:31 PM
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Re: Sprint Broke my Keyboard

push really hard on the retentions side of things. say that you could go get a better phone with better service from verizon or att type of thing. then when they finally get to sending you a new phone insist that you need a phone that can actually function, and in the 3 days that it will take them to ship you one that you still might as well go get service with someone that actually cares about you being their customer.

that should get ya something resembling prompt service, and it will stay notated on your account. might be a little hard to pull the "i dont want a refurbished phone that was broken before" line in your case.

i have done everything that i said above, not because i wanted to be a **** about it, but because of the horrific service that i have gotten a few times at the service center. now i never have any issues and last time i took my phone in ( stuck in headphone mode and some of the keys were starting to go out) the guy effed it up more than it was( i could spend about 15 minutes and get it out of headphone mode usually with a jewlers pick) but my new phone was next day aired to me and it was a new in box phone. you just have to know how to navigate the system, but also be prepared to switch as well.
testing phones and impact drops in the field since '00
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