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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2010, 11:59 PM
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Re: DRM on Cooked ROMs

mwalt2-thanks for the HELPFUL info!!

I will check those out.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2010, 10:38 AM
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Re: DRM on Cooked ROMs

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
why don't u make ur own rom and cook it in? don't disrespect the cooks theres probably a useful reason as to why they don't.
Eric most of the cooked ROMs have DRM of one form or another, Middleware, Lockstream etc... you don't have to slam someone for the question. The problem is that it doesn't work on most and no one seems to have found what makes it work on the ROMs that it does. I don't believe there was any disrespect given or taken from those that are aware of the issue and been working on it.
GeoTravelCat Sprint TP2, Cookin' WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration Kitchen

Thank those who've helped! My Thanks to the Genius of the Master Chefs in this kitchen & their hard work. Please remember to Thank the Kitchen staff when we can!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2010, 10:52 AM
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Re: DRM on Cooked ROMs

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
DiscretixDRM, DRM_Middleware, and LockstreamDRM are all packages in ROMs that seem likely to be required to play DRM content. There may be others, but I don't see the need for DRM content...so I have not experience with it (DiscretixDRM and LockstreamDRM may be the most important from what I've read in the past). You could cab install them if you can find cabs or ask a 'chef' to leave them in the ROM.
MWalt - Any idea where I can find some of these DRMs. I have tried a few of the standard ones like the shipped DRM, Lockstream, and Middleware but I am not familiar with DiscretixDRM. Any help greatly appreciated. Oh, I use DRM when I try to listen to audiobooks from the library in a program called Overdrive Media. I know there have been several instances of it being researched on the forums but I have yet to find an answer. The audio books don't work on other players except wmp but I still get an error when trying to play directly from wmp too. Again - any help greatly appreciated.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2010, 02:28 PM
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Re: DRM on Cooked ROMs

Originally Posted by geotravelcat View Post
MWalt - Any idea where I can find some of these DRMs. I have tried a few of the standard ones like the shipped DRM, Lockstream, and Middleware but I am not familiar with DiscretixDRM. Any help greatly appreciated. Oh, I use DRM when I try to listen to audiobooks from the library in a program called Overdrive Media. I know there have been several instances of it being researched on the forums but I have yet to find an answer. The audio books don't work on other players except wmp but I still get an error when trying to play directly from wmp too. Again - any help greatly appreciated.
DiscretixDRM is found in Leo ROMs now that I looked for it. It seems it shouldn't be needed because it's not in the Sprint TP2 ROM(s). I wonder if it may have to do with the SYS that is use. WMP is part of the SYS and may have been updated. Other things like phone canvas, volume control, etc. have all broken in the past or are broken by newer SYS that everyone uses. I'm curious to see if newer LockstreamDRM and DRM Middleware from the Oboe ROMs that ship with 6.5.3 work. I do not have any drm-protected media to test with though...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-04-2010, 09:25 AM
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Re: DRM on Cooked ROMs

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
DiscretixDRM is found in Leo ROMs now that I looked for it...I'm curious to see if newer LockstreamDRM and DRM Middleware from the Oboe ROMs that ship with 6.5.3 work. I do not have any drm-protected media to test with though...
Do you have a library card LOL. Overdrive Media Player - if you can check out library books online that'd work. The media seems to be in two formats mostly WMA and MP3. It seems like only the free books like Alexandre Dumas or Voltair work but the newer books like James Patterson gives a DRM rights error.

Do you know what the newest lockstream is? I have worked with a few versions, even the one from the stock ROM that worked on the stock build but not my 23563. Maybe you are right about the sys being involved. Any suggestions?

Last edited by geotravelcat; 11-04-2010 at 09:26 AM. Reason: fat finger mistake
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