Originally Posted by mwalt2
DiscretixDRM is found in Leo ROMs now that I looked for it...I'm curious to see if newer LockstreamDRM and DRM Middleware from the Oboe ROMs that ship with 6.5.3 work. I do not have any drm-protected media to test with though...
Do you have a library card LOL. Overdrive Media Player - if you can check out library books online that'd work. The media seems to be in two formats mostly WMA and MP3. It seems like only the free books like Alexandre Dumas or Voltair work but the newer books like James Patterson gives a DRM rights error.
Do you know what the newest lockstream is? I have worked with a few versions, even the one from the stock ROM that worked on the stock build but not my 23563. Maybe you are right about the sys being involved. Any suggestions?