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Old 09-28-2010, 11:40 AM
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Question Instant Messaging Notification When Phone Is in Sleep Mode or Locked?

I have some friends that are cancelling their text plans with Verizon and using the instant messaging software.

The problem that I have is that when the Touch Pro 2 is in sleep mode or locked with the password protection, then the phone does not give any sound or notification that a new instant message was received.

Consequently I don't know I have a new instant message until I happen to turn on my phone and unlock it.

Is this just the way it is? Or has someone figured out some modification or adjustments to settings to allow for an alert/notification when the the phone is in sleep mode or locked with a password?

For example, a new text message will make a sound and show a symbol that there is a new text message received even though the phone was in sleep mode or locked with a password. I was hoping it was possible to get the same type of notification for instant messaging.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 06:41 PM
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Re: Instant Messaging Notification When Phone Is in Sleep Mode or Locked?

yea with vzw anyone would want to cut out anything to make that $120 bill cheaper. with sprint messaging and data are bundled together so one would have to worry about excessive charges. anyway with the sprint version of the OzIM app when someone IMs the screen will either come on or it will just make the sound of whatever service u are signed into.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 07:17 PM
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Re: Instant Messaging Notification When Phone Is in Sleep Mode or Locked?

Originally Posted by jonesle7 View Post
I have some friends that are cancelling their text plans with Verizon and using the instant messaging software.

The problem that I have is that when the Touch Pro 2 is in sleep mode or locked with the password protection, then the phone does not give any sound or notification that a new instant message was received.

Consequently I don't know I have a new instant message until I happen to turn on my phone and unlock it.

Is this just the way it is? Or has someone figured out some modification or adjustments to settings to allow for an alert/notification when the the phone is in sleep mode or locked with a password?

For example, a new text message will make a sound and show a symbol that there is a new text message received even though the phone was in sleep mode or locked with a password. I was hoping it was possible to get the same type of notification for instant messaging.
You can achieve this by switching to Palringo. It will vibrate or sound a notification (depending on the current sound profile) and will also show a bright yellow envelope on the task bar indicating a new message. It does not flash the LED of the phone though. Attached is the cab file.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Palringo-WinMob_v2_5_2.cab (3.61 MB, 3 views) Click for barcode!
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instant messaging

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