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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 03:15 AM
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Talking a small clock / unlocking / CHT / nirvana

It's funny how things happen/progress...

I wanted a much smaller clock than stock sense2.5 .

I tried it for a bit by unchecking Sense and running LOFFACTORY's E.T.L. That was nice. But started thinking that flashing a custom ROM was the way to go.

So I thought I'd get the unlocking out of the way, and that was pretty easy. Takes about 20 secs or so with SYNC. (disabled my AV while doing it)

However, it took me a while to find out just how to get into the bootloader (tricolor) screen (to check the install): it's vol-down + power + reset(if unit is on), and vol-down + power if unit is off.

Cool, now to find a ROM.

Quickly turned out that unlocking was the easy part.

After looking at tons of ROMs and not really finding any, for some reason, I started wondered what this ""CHT"" thing was that folks kept mentioning, and that most ROMs had. Took a long time to find that that was "Cookie's Home Tab"
[Manila Mod][19-Jun-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5 - xda-developers
- which is a cab that can be applied to WM6.5 Sense 2.5 and which has about 6 different clock types and sizes (and a TON of other stuff) . So no flashing, just install a cab... Exactly what I wanted! (you will also need the editor for it:
[APP] CHTEditor v1.8.5.1 [UPDATE 19-JUN-2010] - xda-developers

It also provides a variable grid that does what I was using ETL to do, but with the 2.5 stuff.

(no, I didn't need to unlock it - but there it is!)

If you haven't tried CHT - DO! definitely before you flash.

Top Sprint ROMs! Negamann's 6.5-29017 3.5 sense/CHT OR WP7Themed!!

If I helped... Please hit the THANKS button!

Last edited by Kris443; 09-26-2010 at 03:20 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 02:47 PM
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Re: a small clock / unlocking / CHT / nirvana

For people installing CHT, always remember to install the Editor FIRST. Then install Cookie's Home Tab.
OP I know u probably know this already but I just wanted to throw that out there just in case someone needed to know.

I use CHT myself & I love it!
ROM: BAMF Forever 1.10 FINAL
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: a small clock / unlocking / CHT / nirvana

DBD - No, I didn't! in fact I installed CHT first, then found I needed CHTE so installed that, then felt I only had 1 clock so installed the reg fix, but THEN found that the place to edit THAT was on the home page Menu items - LOL

So I thanked you for that note!!!

Yes, extremely nice CAB!!! I think I owe C some $ !
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 05:25 PM
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Re: a small clock / unlocking / CHT / nirvana

also if you've ever done any programming, the cht source code is out there, and lets you resize, rotate and reposition the clock.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 06:12 PM
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Re: a small clock / unlocking / CHT / nirvana

LOL -I've written code in octal and hex, but very little actual programming (opsys mainframe tech support), but thanks for the info!

At this moment I'm using a 5x4 in grid x2 pages, with a compact digital clock - yes, it might be nice if the clock were a skitch smaller, but this gives me a clock and 20 launch icons on the first page and an easy slide to a second page with 20 more which, at the moment, are blank. I found that when experimenting and you change the dimensions, it puts your icons all over, so I've gotten very used to moving icons around and to another page - VERY easy! SUPER CAB!!!

Re-positioning - yep, as it is, I discovered that while "advanced" is showing, I can slide the position of the clock around, and also the grid. Tops!!!

Last edited by Kris443; 09-26-2010 at 06:15 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 08:14 PM
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Re: a small clock / unlocking / CHT / nirvana

Just saw something that u may be interested in OP! Since NRGZ28 is uploading new ROMs with Cookie's Home Tab 2.0 cooked in (right now as we speak), so u might want to head over to xda & see if they have it .cab'd up & ready to install for u!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 09:43 PM
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Re: a small clock / unlocking / CHT / nirvana

Originally Posted by DatBoiDame View Post
Just saw something that u may be interested in OP! Since NRGZ28 is uploading new ROMs with Cookie's Home Tab 2.0 cooked in (right now as we speak), so u might want to head over to xda & see if they have it .cab'd up & ready to install for u!!!

2.0.0 beta
[Manila][26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta - xda-developers
[APP][26-Sep-2010] CHTEditor v2.0.0.0 Beta - xda-developers

Procedure I used.
Exported 1.8 settings which I did not use.
Unchecked Sense in Today.
Uninstalled CHT (requires a restart)
Uninstalled CHT editor.
Installed 2.0 CHT editor.
Installed 2.0 CHT which then asks to restart.
Re-checked Sense, and started playing with it.

I of course did not read any instructions so it took me a minute to suss the bottom menu. A few things are in different places, or so it seems, but I did not find any real problem in setting it up. Of course most time is in setting up the 25 or so links I have.

It looks the same, but there are many added switches,sensors, and other goodies,

Wish I could get the stupid clouds to stop overlaying the screen, but I don't think there's an option for that!
EDIT: easy find!
General tip for more speed (both for HD2 and non-HD2): Disable full screen Weather animations: Tap to add a new Quick Link and add the "Weather Toggle".
It will then appear as a shortcut in your quick links, and can be used to quickly enable/disable weather animations.
For a beta, it seems perfect - like a final release!

Thanks given!

[just saw your give a darn icon - LOVE IT!!!]

Last edited by Kris443; 09-26-2010 at 10:37 PM.
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