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Old 09-26-2010, 03:15 AM
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Talking a small clock / unlocking / CHT / nirvana

It's funny how things happen/progress...

I wanted a much smaller clock than stock sense2.5 .

I tried it for a bit by unchecking Sense and running LOFFACTORY's E.T.L. That was nice. But started thinking that flashing a custom ROM was the way to go.

So I thought I'd get the unlocking out of the way, and that was pretty easy. Takes about 20 secs or so with SYNC. (disabled my AV while doing it)

However, it took me a while to find out just how to get into the bootloader (tricolor) screen (to check the install): it's vol-down + power + reset(if unit is on), and vol-down + power if unit is off.

Cool, now to find a ROM.

Quickly turned out that unlocking was the easy part.

After looking at tons of ROMs and not really finding any, for some reason, I started wondered what this ""CHT"" thing was that folks kept mentioning, and that most ROMs had. Took a long time to find that that was "Cookie's Home Tab"
[Manila Mod][19-Jun-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5 - xda-developers
- which is a cab that can be applied to WM6.5 Sense 2.5 and which has about 6 different clock types and sizes (and a TON of other stuff) . So no flashing, just install a cab... Exactly what I wanted! (you will also need the editor for it:
[APP] CHTEditor v1.8.5.1 [UPDATE 19-JUN-2010] - xda-developers

It also provides a variable grid that does what I was using ETL to do, but with the 2.5 stuff.

(no, I didn't need to unlock it - but there it is!)

If you haven't tried CHT - DO! definitely before you flash.

Top Sprint ROMs! Negamann's 6.5-29017 3.5 sense/CHT OR WP7Themed!!

If I helped... Please hit the THANKS button!

Last edited by Kris443; 09-26-2010 at 03:20 AM.
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