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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 03:43 AM
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how to stop the screen from turning on automatically, plus other small stuff

Hey, I post here pretty much never. Not on purpose, I actually follow the blog and forums ALOT and I check them a few times a week and find most of my questions from searching.

BUT I have some questions I just need some answers or thoughts on, maybe some of you could chime in with some info:

My TP2's screen will turn on for EVERYTHING, from sms to emails to even voicemail alerts i think... this sucks because when its in my pocket the screen will stay on and will dial numbers, open google maps or opera and just murder my battery !

What can be done, to stop the TP2 screen/backlight from turning on, i've tried screen lock but it hardly helps the screen is still up and sometimes it gets unlocked LOL

LOW BATTERY WARNING... oh my god does this kill me, and my battery even further... if i got a low battery on my phone in my pocket it will alert me and keep the screen on and kill the battery faster..

how can this pop up for low battery be disabled and stopped from turning on the screen again ?

SMS... when i have a convo opened after clicking the message in sense/tf3d/manilla whatever... and i get another SMS, or even send one, it freezes up the message client for at least 30 seconds before showing the message... hella annoying because i get alot of texts and cant reply or read them in a timely matter... i have a TP2 so i can text alot... this is not cool.

i've heard about deleting the txt message archives and installing some htc update but i doubt this really works... any ideas?

I run a fairly new mighty rom, from august 2010

SMS... when i have a conversation open
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 10:55 AM
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Re: how to stop the screen from turning on automatically, plus other small stuff

Originally Posted by Singh336 View Post

1)What can be done, to stop the TP2 screen/backlight from turning on, i've tried screen lock but it hardly helps the screen is still up and sometimes it gets unlocked LOL

2)how can this pop up for low battery be disabled and stopped from turning on the screen again ?

3)SMS... when i have a convo opened after clicking the message in sense/tf3d/manilla whatever... and i get another SMS, or even send one, it freezes up the message client for at least 30 seconds before showing the message... hella annoying because i get alot of texts and cant reply or read them in a timely matter... i have a TP2 so i can text alot... this is not cool.

3) (A)i've heard about deleting the txt message archives and installing some htc update but i doubt this really works... any ideas?
1) theres several lock options.. theres the stock lock(not super effective).. CHT has 3 different ways to lock(ive never had an issues with thiose).. ThrottleLock(old app thats been revised recently-this is on the one where you have to draw a pattern on the screen to unlock).. lockdevice1.6(i think thats its name, this one gets suggested kind of alot and has some good options)

2) settings>sounds and notifications>uncheck events(warnings, system events) - no more battery alert

3) and (3 (a) the amount of texts you have is a big deal... 1000s of texts will slow your phone down considerably.. I for one, dont get any given convo longer than 2 days and almost never have more than 100-150messages b4 wiping them clean and starting over.... if you feel your texts are "criticial", then just use one of the many backup tools for them.. then if you ever actually need them, you can just restore them... but keep them off your phone until then.. HTC/MS/Sprint will all tell you the same thing as well.... this also goes for emails-having a ton of emails drastically increases Sense' load time on booting.. so its def NOT a Myth..
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 01:02 PM
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Re: how to stop the screen from turning on automatically, plus other small stuff

thanks for the info, cleared the msgs and now works better

but now if i type a decent amount at once on a txt or post on a forum the phone freezes, might freeze while typing this!

the screen turns on for everything, is there any way to stop that ? very annoying
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 06:54 PM
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Re: how to stop the screen from turning on automatically, plus other small stuff

I don't think you want to disable that low battery warning. even feature phones have that and those are more intrusive and annoying. I don't think I've ever executed an undesired command on my tp2. and the device will go back to sleep automatically if u have it set to do so.
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Old 09-15-2010, 07:18 PM
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Re: how to stop the screen from turning on automatically, plus other small stuff

I'm wondering too. My phone is in an area that's right between EVDO and 1x internet. Every time the wind blows it switches, and every time it switches my display turns on. It also turns on if I plug it into the computer and then turn it off... it comes right back on at least once more. It also turns on for no reason at all in my pocket even when I know I didn't press any buttons.

One thing is, if it turns off the backlight automatically after X minutes it seems more likely to stay turned off. If I ignore it for 10 minutes and it's not charging, and the display goes off automatically, it will stay off all night.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 12:09 AM
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Re: how to stop the screen from turning on automatically, plus other small stuff

god I would LOVE if my phone just blinked the LED when I get an SMS rather than effing turning on and getting pocketed to death! Please someone!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2010, 01:47 AM
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Re: how to stop the screen from turning on automatically, plus other small stuff

You guys should try Slide2UnlockPro and see if it helps to save your battery. I like it better than s2u2 because it is lighter on resources and does the job for me.

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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

auto backlight, backlight, i hate windows, sms

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