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Old 09-30-2008, 10:39 AM
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Slide to Unlock Pro useage

I know this may come as a shock to a lot of members here, but I am looking into the Slide to Unlock Pro app now. (don't worry, I am continuing my tweaks + customization work with S2U2) There are a couple reasons.....A_C being in the frame of mind he is in (not blaming him, just the way things are) and not continuing development (leading to reason 2) and with the fact I am eagerly anticipating the VZW release of the Treo 800w (that S2U2 is incompatible with)!!

Basically, I want to see if there are any Pro users active in here and get a thread going reguarding the usage, customization, and overall opinion of this particular app!!!!

I will add the site and app download here for any new users, but please...any current users....I really want feedback on this....leaving A_C's apps behind is the hardest thing I am facing with changing devices (P.S. if anyone knows a good S2P-type app I will be looking LOL)!!!


V1.05.0301 (Mar. 1, 2008 )
Solved below issues,
1. BUG: fixed some minor bugs

V1.05.0225 (Feb. 25, 2008 )
Solved below issues,
1. NEW: added calendar.
2. NEW: added missed info bubble indication.
3. BUG: the caller will here pop noise when sliding to answer.
4. BUG: display unknown even the contact is in the phone book.
5. BUG: display missed call after answered an incoming call.

V1.04 beta (Dec. 22, 2007)
Solved below issues,
1. NEW: added Caller ID and Slide to answer / Slide to reject
2. NEW: added Unread SMS / Unread MMS/Unread Mail/Missed Cll/Active Tasks text display, reomved Unread SMS / Missed Call icons display
3. NEW: added Appointment display, currently display upcoming appointment and next appointment.
4. NEW: added TouchFlo style display panel, the user can switch between below pages: Time/Date -> Missed Info -> Appointment ->Last Incoming Caller ID.
5. NEW: added TouchFlo style slide mode switcher, the user can switch between Slide to unlock -> Slide to setup or Slide to Answer -> Slide to reject by touch and flo up/down from these text.
5. NEW: added 'Delay 2 seconds' option for idle start to avoid frequently auto start application, e.g. when you are reading.
6. NEW: removed DeviceLock.exe, let Slide2Unlock Pro.exe to do the foreground and background job.
8. NEW: force auto start when today screen is on foreground inspite of excluded program is running.
9. NEW: added 'Enable caller ID' option
10. BUG: sometimes can't auto start
11. BUG: can't save backlight setting
12. BUG: can't save font setting
13. BUG: sometimes appear blank screen
14. CHANGE: make slide button much faster.
14. BUG: sometime can't change wallpaper.
15. NEW: added Russian support (Provided by).

V1.03 (Nov. 25, 2007)
Solved below issues
1. BUG: some GIF animated picture only shows the first frame.
2. BUG: the button is too slow.
3. BUG: program sometimes hung up after run for a while.
4. BUG: sometime can't start up, screen pop up C++ error.
5. NEW: changed the text panel, use panel.png as resource file
6. NEW: added 'hold Dpad to unlock' option, removed 'hold RECORD key to unlock' option.

V1.02 (Nov. 17, 2007)
Solved below issues
1. NEW: Support GIF animated picture.
2. BUG: In setup dialog, sometimes can't return to main window.
3. BUG: sometimes can't launch application
4. NEW: when Slide2Unlock Pro.exe and DeviceLock.exe are running, double click navigation ACTION key to switch screen on/off
5. NEW: added option to start application after backlight off
6. NEW: added option to start application after power resume
7. BUG: auto start again after the device just unlocked
8. NEW: auto launch devicelock.exe at the first time installed

v1.01 (Nov. 11, 2007)
Solved below issues
1. BUG: app won't restart after pop up phone or sms notification.
2. BUG: clear type font smooth being changed but is not resumed
3. NEW: resized the missed call / unread sms icons
4. BUG: the date and operator name is out of the bar on some devices
5. NEW: added new page Advance and list box to disable auto start when specific programs are running.
6. NEW: increased transparency / added dark boarder for all bars
7. NEW: Turn off screen after the idle time 15 secs
8. NEW: Support runtime screen rotation

v1.00 (Nov. 4, 2007)
Initial version, support below features,
1. NEW: Signal strength indication
2. NEW: Operator name indication
3. NEW: GUI configuration, tap setup icon and slide to setup.
4. NEW: Lock indication
5. NEW: Bluetooth On/Off, Bluetooth headset / stereo headset indication
6. NEW: WiFi On/Off indication
7. NEW: Sound mode indication, Sound On/Off/Vibrate
8. NEW: Battery level indication, indicate bright green icon when AC Power is plugged, dark green indcates charging state.
9. NEW: Time / Date indication, display format can be set in Display page of setup dialog.
10. NEW: Missed call and Unread SMS indication
11. NEW: Slide text animotion.
12. NEW: Portrait & Landscape mode
13. NEW: International language.
14. NEW: Press and Hold RECORD key to unlock.
15. NEW: Font weight setting for time display.
16. NEW: Time / Date display format settings.
17. NEW: Auto start when Idle timeout
18. NEW: Auto start when backlight or Screen is off (when Auto start application option is unchecked)
19. NEW: Backlight timeout setting
20. NEW: Suspend timeout setting.
21. NEW: Portait/Landscape wallpaper setting, you can specify wallpaper anywhere on your device.
22. NEW: Restore default setting.
23. NEW: Support all picture resolution

Slide2Unlock Pro has build in configuration dialog, it's based on GUI, so that you can setup your style whatever you want , it's very convenient.

To access to setup please slide up/down on the "slide to unlock" bar and then slide when you see the "slide to setup" text, one the setup dialog, you will see 6 pages on this dialog, these are General, Display, Power, Wallpaper, advanced and About.

1. General.
(1) Language, by default, there are three languages, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, other languages can be extended. under the installed folder, you will see speadsheet 'language.xls'. follow below steps to add your native language.
1). Add new column, the first row of this column must be the language name in your native language, e.g. Français
2). After translated all items, then save as a text file with Tab delimited, the output file name must be language.txt
3). Use UltraEdit to convert the file format from ASII to Unicode
4). Copy language.txt to installed folder, default path is \Program files\Slide2Unlock Pro
5). Restart application, tap setup(the spanner on the middle of top bar) icon and slide to setup, in the first page, you should see a combo box "Language", select the new language you've just made.
6. Done
(2) Auto start application after backlight off.
(3) Delay 2 seconds
(4) Auto start application after power resume.
(5) Hold 'D-Pad' to unlock (to action)
(6) Enable caller ID
(7) User bold font weight.

2. Display.
The Date & Time format can be customized by changing the DateFormat & TimeFormat:

(1) Time:
h Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
hh Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
H Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
HH Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
m Minutes with no leading zero for single-digit minutes.
mm Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes.
s Seconds with no leading zero for single-digit seconds.
ss Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds.
t One character time marker string, such as A or P.
tt Multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM.

For example, to get the time displays "08:30 AM"
set TimeFormat to hh':'mm tt

(2) Date:
d Day of month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit days.
dd Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
ddd Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation.
dddd Day of week as its full name.
M Month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit months.
MM Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months.
MMM Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
MMMM Month as its full name.
y Year as last two digits, but with no leading zero for years less than 10.
yy Year as last two digits, but with leading zero for years less than 10.
yyyy Year represented by full four or five digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars both have five digit years. The "yyyy" pattern will show five digits for these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars.
yyyyy Identical to "yyyy".

For example, to get the date displays "Wed, Oct 27 07"
set DateFormat to ddd',' MMM dd yy

(3) Appointment time format (Same as above)
(4) Appointment date format (Same as above)

3 Power
There are six option available, You can enable or disable then and set different timeout individually.
(1) Auto start application for battery power and AC power
(2) Turn off backlight for battery power and AC power
(3) Turn off device for battery power and AC power.

4 Wallpaper
Just tap the brower button [...] to open and select one picture for wallpaper, although it supports the picture with any resolution, For QVGA device, in order to keep the best performance, the picture size should be 240 x 320 for portrait mode, and 230 x 240 for landscape mode, and 480 x 640 / 640 x 480 for VGA device.

JPEG/GIF/PNG/BMP file format are supported.

From V1.02, support GIF animated picture.

5 Advance
Disable auto start when specific programs are running.

There are two buttons on the right side, +/- you can add / remove EXE file to the list box, auto start is diabled until these programs are terminated.

6 About
This document
Attached Files
File Type: zip Slide2UnlockPro.zip (343.1 KB, 335 views) Click for barcode!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 11:15 AM
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Re: Slide to Unlock Pro useage

I think its a bit better than S2U for a few reason
its more crisp and animation is responsive
lots more options
and to my knowledge the developer is still continuing with this
its much more like the iphone s2u interface because it looks and feels more polished. For the short time I had my htc touch, I used this app and loved it
and probably when raphael comes out I will use it with that too
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 11:34 AM
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Re: Slide to Unlock Pro useage

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
I think its a bit better than S2U for a few reason
its more crisp and animation is responsive
lots more options
and to my knowledge the developer is still continuing with this
its much more like the iphone s2u interface because it looks and feels more polished. For the short time I had my htc touch, I used this app and loved it
and probably when raphael comes out I will use it with that too
Noir....thanks for commenting, I hope you don't mind a few questions:

-Is there full-screen capability?
-Are there icons for vmail/missed calls/SMS.... or just the text where the clock shows?
-Is it as customizable as S2U2?
-Is there weather app capability?

Sorry to be so inquisitive, but I can't find these things on any of the sites I find Pro on.
Is there a more current, or interactive site for this than the one I posted (plus...is that the most current version of this app?)

One last thing (for now I guess LOL): Could you please post the zipped GFX folder for Pro? I would really like to look under the hood of this app!!!!

Thanks again!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 12:47 PM
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Re: Slide to Unlock Pro useage

Ok, first impressions, looks a little cleaner. slider is more responsive and the ability to slide the clock and see your notifications, last call, upcoming appointments, and calander is neat.

Nowhere near as customizable as s2u2. Here's what I can't do:
Change clock to different font
change the speed of .gif
get rid of either the top or bottom header (cuz they drive me nuts)
No integration with S2P or S2V (biggies for me)
Change phone number style
And the list continues

I'm gonna keep using S2U2.
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Old 09-30-2008, 12:52 PM
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Re: Slide to Unlock Pro useage

Originally Posted by Lylej2k View Post
Ok, first impressions, looks a little cleaner. slider is more responsive and the ability to slide the clock and see your notifications, last call, upcoming appointments, and calander is neat.

Nowhere near as customizable as s2u2. Here's what I can't do:
Change clock to different font
change the speed of .gif
get rid of either the top or bottom header (cuz they drive me nuts)
No integration with S2P or S2V (biggies for me)
Change phone number style
And the list continues

I'm gonna keep using S2U2.

Thanks for the input, I see some very valid points there, although if/when I get an 800w, all S2 apps will be incompatible, si I guess I don't have to worry about them!! You can't change the clock at all?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 12:53 PM
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Re: Slide to Unlock Pro useage

Originally Posted by syrguy1969 View Post
Thanks for the input, I see some very valid points there, although if/when I get an 800w, all S2 apps will be incompatible, si I guess I don't have to worry about them!! You can't change the clock at all?
nope, no clock folder in the gfx folder

I'm sure it'll be fine for the 800w though, it works just fine but I like my custom battery, clock, blah, blah, blah.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 01:03 PM
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Re: Slide to Unlock Pro useage

Now if you could get the slide the clock thing from the pro version to work on S2U2 that would be extremely PIMP lol, i think that was the only feature i liked about PRO.
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Old 09-30-2008, 01:39 PM
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Re: Slide to Unlock Pro useage

One complaint...load time if you happen to slide your keyboard out or in whichever the case may be. Other than that...=D>=D>

I like the basic customization.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 01:48 PM
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Re: Slide to Unlock Pro useage

Wow there are a lot of these buggers out there

What's the memory footprint?
Does it actually work (ie, only lock when phone powers off for whatever reason - idle, or I press power, then can I answer a call without unlocking?)
Does it cause any battery issue?
No Weather
I guess its interesting... has A_C committed to no more development or is he just taking a break?
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Old 09-30-2008, 01:49 PM
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Re: Slide to Unlock Pro useage

The unfortunate part is when the time comes, it won't be a choice, so I will have to grin and bear it! As Lylej2k pointed out, being unable to change the clock will not be to my liking!! I wonder where the clock is drawn from? It would be interesting to see if the authoug would be willing to help out there!!

P.S. It does work well on the 800w, I have seen it posted in a few threads in screencaptures already!!
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