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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 10:38 AM
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Re: My Sprint TP2 runs slow. Help

could of been a bad flash. reflash and then do a hard reset. i never had those issue with stock rom
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 11:16 AM
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Re: My Sprint TP2 runs slow. Help

Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
OK, thanks I installed the program but can't find it on the phone anywhere. Does it automatically deactivate Push? ALso, I've never really setup anything that requires it so was it really an issue with my phone?
you won't find it as a program. it's a registry edit that prevents opera from pushing data to your phone to keep contents updated in the background. also, when you flashed to 6.5, did you do a hard reset after flashing? hard reset after flashing helps also.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 12:57 PM
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Re: My Sprint TP2 runs slow. Help

it's probably cause you have 1k txts. that kilsl my phone all the time.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: My Sprint TP2 runs slow. Help

I am starting to hate my touch pro2 and its only been 3 months... I did hard rest 3 or 4 times, soft resets almost twice a day and have nothing installed on it. I delete all my text messages installed no push etc.. yet the phone cant do simple functions as make a phone call or send text messages without a lag. I had samsung upstage before this , so this is a big leap for me but still the Upstage did what I actually need from the phone without lag except for the games and customization.
Sprint Touch Pro 2, OS version 5.2.2
Manila version 2.5.2012, wmobile 6.5
stock ROM version 2.04.651.4
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: My Sprint TP2 runs slow. Help

Whatever it is that is wrong with the touch pro 2 is no little thing. I have had mine replaced a zillion times with no improvement. Moreover, I have used solutions -such as the clean & tweak cabs (I forget the author's name but he did a great job and I do want to be clear on that because the cab does help) - that have worked for others with only minor success. Hence, why I believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with some -more than a few- touch pro 2's out there and it has been my unfortunate luck to get a string of them. In my case, removing the push function did little more than extend my battery life. The obnoxious amount of bloatware might be part of the problem but it is not the whole problem.

A list of my problems: (any similar experiences?)

SLOWer than molases (my Apache runs circles around it!)

portions of the screen do not update

forget task switching with the task manager

text someone and must keep phone out of holster or pocket and must keep hand out of the way of antenna and even then SLOW!!!

switch from portrait to landscape is a toss up between slow and soft reset.

buttons -soft and hardwired- unresponsive; ending a call is -at best- a toss up...

given the aforementioned, the amazing ability of the phone to "butt dial" even when supposedly locked is puzzling.

given that programs such as word, excel, power point, and opera, are in rom, they are slower to start than on my Apache.

when programs like opera do work, they use only half or less of the screen!

...yes, I probably should take it to sprint but having done so a seemingly interminable number of times, I am now looking for another way out. I had planned on this phone lasting as long as the Apache did, I did not plan on the Apache coming out of retirement or having to replace this one within the first two years (waiting for one to last more than a month or two)

So John, you are far from alone and it is not the number of texts (while I do text as much as most and more than some, I archive them with a program that exports them as xml so I never have more than 2 or 3 messages and 2 or 3 conversations) that causes the slowness or the presence or absence of push (I do thank you for the suggestions as I have tried that in the past) and hence the first line. A four hundred dollar phone should not suffer from throwaway phone problems.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 02:17 PM
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Re: My Sprint TP2 runs slow. Help

While we are at it, given these problems, can anyone even guess at why sprint removed the hard reset from hardware function from this phone?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 03:59 PM
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Re: My Sprint TP2 runs slow. Help

I just flashed the newest stock sprint ROM MR1, also I've got my phone overclocked to 729. It still worked great okay before that with a clean 6.5/2.5, time will tell though. I had been using a custom rom built of of 6.5/2.5 before that and after a couple months it started lagging and locking up, so I flashed to MR1 for now.

I also stopped using running utilities and trying to clean the phone al the time, but that could be why it started having probs. I do a lot of installing of games and programs and using my phone for a variety of things, so I'm sure the registry was full of crap and there were various system files scattered about.

I think one of the things that I found that may be causing the phone to run slow, was all the crap that the internet browsers and youtube were dumping on to the phone.

We'll see how this MR1 runs, because I know my buddy that doesn't do any flashing or maintenance with his TP2 just got it replaced and it came loaded with that. So I'll have two phones to judge the stablilty from.

I'll probably try it for now and if starts locking up, then I'll try another custom ROM, if that starts lagging, then I'll simply go back to 6.1/2.1, which I was happy with, but I like trying new things and unlocked my phone.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 04:24 PM
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Re: My Sprint TP2 runs slow. Help

I doubt for me it's a SMS/txt issue. I think there is 1 in my phone that I have in there. I'm not an never have been a texter. I'm still old school that way. Instead of taking a few minutes to text someone a question/statement and waiting for them to get it and reply, I call them and get instant gratification. Honestly, I think I've sent maybe 20 TMs in the past 8 months since I got the new phone.

I'm almost 100% certain I did a hard reset when I upgraded the OS to the new 6.5 when Sprint first released it. I went through yesterday and deleted alot of stuff out of main storage and moved some downloaded .cab stuff over to the card. Deleted a couple of programs that I really don't remember installing and brought my memory report up to around 70%. I ran a youtube video this morning and it actually ran through nonstop so perhaps I've cleaned out the system memory enough to not require a continuous rebuffering.

I've only just started reading the threads on the overclocking and don't know if I really want to do this yet. I use my phone for work also and don't need to have my phone unusable in teh middle of needing to look up some obscure pediatric medication that I haven't used in years in the middle of a crisis only to find out my phone has frozen.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 04:41 PM
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Re: My Sprint TP2 runs slow. Help

Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
I doubt for me it's a SMS/txt issue. I think there is 1 in my phone that I have in there. I'm not an never have been a texter. I'm still old school that way. Instead of taking a few minutes to text someone a question/statement and waiting for them to get it and reply, I call them and get instant gratification. Honestly, I think I've sent maybe 20 TMs in the past 8 months since I got the new phone.

I'm almost 100% certain I did a hard reset when I upgraded the OS to the new 6.5 when Sprint first released it. I went through yesterday and deleted alot of stuff out of main storage and moved some downloaded .cab stuff over to the card. Deleted a couple of programs that I really don't remember installing and brought my memory report up to around 70%. I ran a youtube video this morning and it actually ran through nonstop so perhaps I've cleaned out the system memory enough to not require a continuous rebuffering.

I've only just started reading the threads on the overclocking and don't know if I really want to do this yet. I use my phone for work also and don't need to have my phone unusable in teh middle of needing to look up some obscure pediatric medication that I haven't used in years in the middle of a crisis only to find out my phone has frozen.
Thats why I waited until I know that I didn't really need my phone for a day before I flashed and did the overclocking.

BUT, I had the TP2 when it first came out, there wasn't any unlocker or custom roms that were installable yet. Using the disable push internet and the dynamic resouce proxy and maybe one other cab, my resource memory was down to 42% on restart. Battery lasted forever and it was pretty darn quick, also being 6.1/2.1 helped.

If reliability is that important, then I would suggest that you do a hard reset, then flash a stock sprint 6.1/2.1 ROM and if you all ready are running that, you can easily get your resource memory below 50%. Disable manilla /touch flo and you'll be running smooth as glass.

If you do all that and you are still having problems, then it's possibly a program that you're installing to your phone that is giving you problems.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 05:04 PM
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Re: My Sprint TP2 runs slow. Help

Well, I am still running the stock Sprint 6.5 ROM and did the upgrade myself after it first came out. I'm not sure that I have the dynamic resource proxy installed and running. Is that something that was listed here? I really haven't spent alot of time running through all the pages of info on the TP2 since I got it. Unfortunately for me, time doesn't allow me to do it as much as I'd like. About the only time I have to do it is when I begin to have problems and need them fixed. But that takes away from other things that need to be done so I get farther behind. I love how the new electronic age has made things so much easier and allows us more free time.....;.......... Just like I can't wait until my hospital goes paperless so everything will be so much easier to chart......
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