I got it taken care of, Thanks Guys!!
I can not use Mobile Sense. I have SPB Mobile Shell 3.5.5 and MSense tells me to install Shell 3.5.2 and then try to reinstall.
I ended up just writing my own menu bar. Currently it is not much, just a selector option and the one menu bar, but now that I have a grasp on it, I am gonna write some more advanced and sleek looking menu bars and (hopefully) do a public release of my changer.
I am also working on my Custom ROM alot these days (Changed it's name to "Dragons Lair", before it was just "Digital Dungeon" which is what I call my programming "team").
My Rom uses Mobile Shell 3.5 (Though once it gets a public release it will only come with a Trial, as I can not provide any kind of warez or cracks) and I plan to do a ton more with it to make it look more spiffy.
Currently though, I boot with 118.71MB of free RAM (and still have a nice setup and a good ammount of programs).
However, I do need a little help with some programming if anyone knows a decent ammount about it, I am tryin to modify the Carousel so I can select any tab and not just the tab that is up front (So that I could click on the far back tab and have it auto bring it to the foreground).
Thanks again in everyones help, and more thanks all around.