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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 06:31 PM
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Change Rom Version

Well, I am working on building my own Custom ROM. My question is (when I get to that point), How do I go about changing the Rom Version name and the Rom Date?

I have tried to google it but with no luck yet. Any help at all on how to go about doing this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Phone: hTc Evo 4g LTE
HBoot: 1.12.2222 (S-Off)
ROM: MeanROM v6.0 (OC @ 1.72 GHz)
Kernel: #Mean-v0.5.1728
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: Change Rom Version

Originally Posted by jamio88 View Post
Well, I am working on building my own Custom ROM. My question is (when I get to that point), How do I go about changing the Rom Version name and the Rom Date?

I have tried to google it but with no luck yet. Any help at all on how to go about doing this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
It all depends on which kitchen you are using, there are several out there..........
Stock and Rooted

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Old 07-16-2010, 10:30 PM
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Re: Change Rom Version

Originally Posted by jamio88 View Post
Well, I am working on building my own Custom ROM. My question is (when I get to that point), How do I go about changing the Rom Version name and the Rom Date?

I have tried to google it but with no luck yet. Any help at all on how to go about doing this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
ROM Version is comprised of two items; the XIP and the SYS.

The XIP version is driven out of the file "d92a4f0a-378a-4482-8fd3-bd127a05e4de.dsm" which you would find in the XIP package "MSXIPKernelLTK".

The SYS version is driven out of the file "d0b41563-b345-4444-aa15-986e7c7fff99.dsm" which you would find in the SYS package "OS".

ROM date comes from NK.EXE, specifically the S000 portion of the NK.EXE module. You can find the date by searching (hex editor) for Dec.Nov.Oct.Sep. Three lines, four month abbreviations per line, preceed the date for the ROM.

There are some things that you can do to tailor the rom version and aku, without cooking ... very limited, but it's something.


Best regards,
Mine has theft deterrent!
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