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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 02:00 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
Probably not. But its a little annoying to see people who obviously have never used Android making claims against it that are completely illegitimate just to boost their own ego or something.
You know what would be really cool? If we all go over to the Android forum and Rant and Rave over there.

(At least then I won't have to read how much better the android is.)
Oditius...(Samsung Mesmerize) US Cellular
The wife says I send too much time on the computer. But I am not on it when I sleep? So that can't be true!

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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 02:33 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by Oditius View Post
You know what would be really cool? If we all go over to the Android forum and Rant and Rave over there.

(At least then I won't have to read how much better the android is.)
I agree. If you want to make a post saying that the TP2 is better than Android, go over to the Android section where your assertions might be challenged.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
Let me just state some things I like about Android that the TP2 will never do with Windows Mobile:

1. Centralized app store with 65,000 applications, most of which are free.
2. All app updates happen through a centralized app store, and you update with 2 screen presses.
3. Voice to text in EVERY search field in ANY application
4. The on screen keyboard takes control in text fields, allowing you to tap "Next" at the lower right to skip to the next text field and "Done" after you have reached the last. This is better than having to tap the screen hiding the keyboard, scroll down, tap the next text field which brings up the keyboard again.
5. Google search integrated searches the web, your files on the phone and your programs for ridiculously easy access.
6. Full Flash implementation which will NEVER come to Windows Mobile.
7. Entire OS actually utilizes the back button, including applications. Have never had to use the back button in windows mobile, and when I have used it, it never did anything predictable.
8. The OS is designed completely to be used with fingers and not a stylus. No tiny OK buttons or menus to deal with. Windows Mobile has never rid itself of these completely.
9. Keyboard auto capitalizes first letter of each word when in a name field.

These are just some of what I have noticed running the latest build of android on my TP2. I have spent about 2 hrs in the OS total. This list, unlike the OP's list, is valid and is actually based on things Windows Mobile either cannot do or does not do anywhere near as well. I could go into how nobody released apps on windows mobile anymore and how android is the only real competition to the iPhone in that regard, but I didn't put that in the list because its not actually a feature of the OS itself.

PS - The very point that these threads are being made is proof that Android is a more modern and "better" OS. No one who owns a Mercedes goes onto a car forum and gives a 10 point list why their car is better than a Toyota, while the opposite happens quite often.
1. Centralized app store with 65,000 applications, most of which are free.


2.All app updates happen through a centralized app store, and you update with 2 screen presses.

With the Handango App.

"Automatic Updates – New content and promotions delivered automatically at
intervals YOU define"

3. Voice to text in EVERY search field in ANY application

Pretty dang close Tellme

4. The on screen keyboard takes control in text fields, allowing you to tap "Next" at the lower right to skip to the next text field and "Done" after you have reached the last. This is better than having to tap the screen hiding the keyboard, scroll down, tap the next text field which brings up the keyboard again.

Add Tab function.

5. Google search integrated searches the web, your files on the phone and your programs for ridiculously easy access.

Last time I checked I can use google.com I have a search feature on my phone to find things to.

5. Full Flash implementation which will NEVER come to Windows Mobile.


6. Entire OS actually utilizes the back button, including applications. Have never had to use the back button in windows mobile, and when I have used it, it never did anything predictable.

The Hardware back button never fails for me………………………..

8. The OS is designed completely to be used with fingers and not a stylus. No tiny OK buttons or menus to deal with. Windows Mobile has never rid itself of these completely.

Running 6.5.x (there are Official Phone on the market with it) only time I use the styli is on the occasion I need to Soft reset.

9. Keyboard auto capitalizes first letter of each word when in a name field.

Mine does too.

If you want to get technical than ya some of these are not pre installed with the OS, but there are lots of quirks that Android has that it takes additional software out of the box to get the full user experience.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 03:19 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

LOL, great post Wesley.

The amount of misinformation in that post you replied to is simply amazing.......

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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
LOL, great post Wesley.

I amount of misinformation in that post you replied to is simply amazing.......

Thanks, I was going to post a reply to it yesterday but did not have the time, I found the time to respond today. I think its pretty cut and dry, if you have Android and WM on the exact same hardware your user experience is pretty much going to be the same. there is always going to be one app or another that does better on each platform, and there are always going to be fan boy's of each. Simply put I think they are both on a level playing field.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 04:20 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by Wesley762 View Post
1. Centralized app store with 65,000 applications, most of which are free.


2.All app updates happen through a centralized app store, and you update with 2 screen presses.

With the Handango App.

"Automatic Updates – New content and promotions delivered automatically at
intervals YOU define"

3. Voice to text in EVERY search field in ANY application

Pretty dang close Tellme

4. The on screen keyboard takes control in text fields, allowing you to tap "Next" at the lower right to skip to the next text field and "Done" after you have reached the last. This is better than having to tap the screen hiding the keyboard, scroll down, tap the next text field which brings up the keyboard again.

Add Tab function.

5. Google search integrated searches the web, your files on the phone and your programs for ridiculously easy access.

Last time I checked I can use google.com I have a search feature on my phone to find things to.

5. Full Flash implementation which will NEVER come to Windows Mobile.


6. Entire OS actually utilizes the back button, including applications. Have never had to use the back button in windows mobile, and when I have used it, it never did anything predictable.

The Hardware back button never fails for me………………………..

8. The OS is designed completely to be used with fingers and not a stylus. No tiny OK buttons or menus to deal with. Windows Mobile has never rid itself of these completely.

Running 6.5.x (there are Official Phone on the market with it) only time I use the styli is on the occasion I need to Soft reset.

9. Keyboard auto capitalizes first letter of each word when in a name field.

Mine does too.

If you want to get technical than ya some of these are not pre installed with the OS, but there are lots of quirks that Android has that it takes additional software out of the box to get the full user experience.
You have got to be joking. Handango is not a centralized app store. Find me Bing, Google maps, Tom Tom, Garmin, etc, etc, etc. They don't have it. They sell THEIR games and apps there, that is not a centralized app store and you look silly comparing that to the Android Market.

TellMe is not even remotely close. Tell me requires you to launch the TellMe app and has very limited functionality. Android has voice search in every aspect of the OS and throughout all programs. You again are making yourself look silly.

Skyfire is not a full flash implementation. Its server side rendering of flash. It does not function nearly as well as on Android and again is limited.

The hardware back button never fails, but what does it do when you are in Opera? Does it go back a page? Does it take you back into the OS? What does it do when you are in a menu? Its different every time you press it. In most programs it just kicks it back to the OS. That is not the same at all.

6.5.x does not make windows mobile fully finger friendly. Go into the settings and it instantly falls back to small non finger friendly lists and layouts.

That is the amazing response? Tell me and skyfire and Handango? These aren't even close to the same thing that android has, and makes me think you don't even know anything about Android. I WISH these things could compare, but I mean, they are not even close. People that have used both would be laughing out loud reading your post.

Last edited by muyoso; 06-26-2010 at 04:24 PM.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 04:40 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
You have got to be joking. Handango is not a centralized app store. Find me Bing, Google maps, Tom Tom, Garmin, etc, etc, etc. They don't have it. They sell THEIR games and apps there, that is not a centralized app store and you look silly comparing that to the Android Market.

TellMe is not even remotely close. Tell me requires you to launch the TellMe app and has very limited functionality. Android has voice search in every aspect of the OS and throughout all programs. You again are making yourself look silly.

Skyfire is not a full flash implementation. Its server side rendering of flash. It does not function nearly as well as on Android and again is limited.

The hardware back button never fails, but what does it do when you are in Opera? Does it go back a page? Does it take you back into the OS? What does it do when you are in a menu? Its different every time you press it. In most programs it just kicks it back to the OS. That is not the same at all.

6.5.x does not make windows mobile fully finger friendly. Go into the settings and it instantly falls back to small non finger friendly lists and layouts.

That is the amazing response? Tell me and skyfire and Handango? These aren't even close to the same thing that android has, and makes me think you don't even know anything about Android. I WISH these things could compare, but I mean, they are not even close. People that have used both would be laughing out loud reading your post.
Show me Native support for Exchange on Android, Oh wait its not there.

Show me Native support for Microsoft Office for Android, Oh wait it's not there.

Show Me How you can install apps without a Marketplace on Android, Oh wait you can't (without Modding your Device) and that would not be installed in the OS. I Enjoy the fact that I have choices where I get my software and I don't have big brother tracking what I use and someone Making the choice whether or not the App is ok.

I can go on and on all day long saying android sucks and WM rules, but you know what? I am not, I like both OS's and again I don't know how many times I have to keep saying this but both have there perk's and there flaws. if you can't handle someone debunking you than find some other website to troll on where they are going to let you.

Last edited by Wesley762; 06-26-2010 at 04:42 PM.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 04:51 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

eh, wesley, you're fighting a losing battle on many of those points.... i use both the evo and tp2, love both, but for different reasons. Both have advantages but they are far from the same level. You can't be happy with the winmo equivalent to some of these points, it's just not possible if you've ever used the alternative.

Anyway, how can you compare han-f'n-dango to the android market? With handango, you're overcharged, quality apps are highly lacking and you won't find free apps that are actually useful (if any). It's a clunky way to download/install apps. I downloaded 30 (useful) free apps on my first day with the evo and in record time.

Again, you're trying to compare tellme to voice to text on android? Nah, sorry that's crazy. Something tells me you've never used android and have no idea how powerful that tool is. Tellme doesn't even work right for most devices because microsoft abandoned the project (it was supposed to come out for multiple phones last year, but only available on the intrepid - maybe 1 more). And when it does work, no it's not damn near close. It's a completely different type of voice to text. On android you can use anywhere you can enter text. Tellme is only used in that program and it sucks - I remember uninstalling on the first day.

Don't compare google search on android with the website. I don't think you understand the significance of integration... I won't even break it down for you.

Back button IS garbage on winmo and you know it (or maybe you haven't realized). For the most part, except surfing with some browsers, all it does is minimize/close crap, it doesn't actually go back an action like it should. There's a reason why people barely use it on winmo and also why developers have to create ways to go back within the software.

I agree that you don't need a stylus anymore on winmo thanks to HTC and/or 6.5.x, but the OS is far from finger friendly. Resistive screens are not finger friendly either, they're fingernail friendly. For the longest time i thought i was fine with resistive, then i tried capacitive for a week and realize how crappy resistive is. Only reason to like it is if you need it for character input like in china.

I applaud your effort, but you're defending the wrong points. Actually, you should be highlighting what WinMo can do OVER android, not what it can't do nearly as well. That just makes WinMo look bad. Unfortunately, as each day passes, WinMo is losing ground on what it can do over Android. That's why I'm using both platforms now.

This is coming from a user of both. I can list what i think is better on winmo, but that's for another day.

Btw, you can install stuff outside of the market easily without root.

Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by Wesley762 View Post
Show me Native support for Exchange on Android, Oh wait its not there.

Show me Native support for Microsoft Office for Android, Oh wait it's not there.

Show Me How you can install apps without a Marketplace on Android, Oh wait you can't (without Modding your Device) and that would not be installed in the OS. I Enjoy the fact that I have choices where I get my software and I don't have big brother tracking what I use and someone Making the choice whether or not the App is ok.

I can go on and on all day long saying android sucks and WM rules, but you know what? I am not, I like both OS's and again I don't know how many times I have to keep saying this but both have there perk's and there flaws. if you can't handle someone debunking you than find some other website to troll on where they are going to let you.

You have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you are talking about.

You can install ANY application you want on android by selecting a SINGLE check box in the settings that says "allow apps of unverifiable source" or something like that.

Android has native exchange support through activesync.

OH NO, microsoft office isn't on android. There are a ton of alternatives. You are REALLY grasping here.

The fact is, you CANNOT go on all day saying how Android sucks and Windows Mobile rules, because half of the "points" you make are dead wrong and the other half are comically ridiculous like saying Handango is equal to the Android Market.

Last edited by muyoso; 06-26-2010 at 05:20 PM.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 05:32 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
Anyway, how can you compare han-f'n-dango to the android market? With handango, you're overcharged, quality apps are highly lacking and you won't find free apps that are actually useful (if any). It's a clunky way to download/install apps. I downloaded 30 (useful) free apps on my first day with the evo and in record time.

I think that everyone needs to stop making this we got 65k in app's a deal closer, I mean realistically how many version's of solitaire do you really need. Yes they have a Ton of app's but WM has just as many. So ya not every single WM app is not in one place, you know what? thats ok because I don't have one company controlling over whether or not that or this app is acceptable.

There are TON's of FREE Apps,




I just don't see the Market place a winning argument.

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
You can install ANY application you want on android by selecting a SINGLE check box in the settings that says "allow apps of unverifiable source" or something like that.
Wait are you telling me that you would have to go somewhere else besides the Market place? would that not defeat the purpose of your argument of the Market place?

More to come...........
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