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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 09:47 AM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Well there is a rumor that the Samsung Galaxy S Pro is Wimax/CDMA/GSM and it is android >.>

TP2 has its advantages and disadvantages..In the end run we will all most likely go Android...while there is some hope for WP7 so far it is not looking well..but who knows..

I mean what killed winmo was M$ being dumb and telling ppl early that there will be no app backwards compatibility...

The TP2 is a good phone yes..but we are entering a new era where phones are much more powerful then what they used to be..that by not switching we will loose out..
fair point, I forgot to add it has to be a HTC lol

HTC's I have Full Flashed To Metro. (I define Full Flash as Phone, Text, Picture Message, Email, and youtube, GPS on some) Diamond,Touch Pro,Imagio, Touch Pro 2
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 10:53 AM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Honestly the further this thread goes, its just going to be people arguing how the Touch Pro 2 is better than any android device. This is only going to end with someone getting pissed, banned, and thread closed.

with that being said, i have almost all of my co-workers phones all spl unlocked or rooted for my customizing pleasure, and quite honestly, the TP2 upgrading just goes much smoother.

with the TP2, i run task29, load an .nbh file on a sd card and thats all.

with android i have to go through the recovery and wipe everything, load a .zip with the rom, load another .zip with alot of the needed programs, push a bunch of .apks through the ADB, customize some stuff, make sure everyone knows using a rom with HTC sense makes the built in alarm never shut up till you reset the phone, look for another alarm clock to push to it, find some bug fixes, and deal with everyone's Force Closes because they wanted to have one of the 65,000 apps. seriously. download one stupid app and you get force closes and you have to wipe the phone and start over.

but seriously, port me some windows 3.1 action. thats all it takes to get my rocks off.
WM 6.5 may be being phased, but the heartbeat of the windows mobile community is like a heard of elk.
Actually the windows mobile community is more like a rabbit family than a heard of elk. all it takes is a slight bit of action and next thing you know theres a million of them.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 11:23 AM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
Not jumping to android anytime in the near future.
Just got me and the wifey a couple of hd2's!!!
I think I can get by for quite awhile on 1ghz and all that memory. Still setting it up and it's not even activated yet, but man this phone is cool! I'll probably start cooking Roms for it next week, since I like 6.5.x better than 6.5, but so far it is very nice right out of the box.
The HD2 is such an awesome phone, I would buy three of them immediately if I could use them on verizon service.

Switching to t-mobile is not a legit option for me however.

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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 01:27 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by jnuts5423 View Post
i couldnt agree more myself. im saddened by the new specs of wp7. there goin droid like. from what i know, (and i dont own a droid, so correct me if im wrong) you cant install apps from a storage card. thats a huge thumbs down for me. i can take my sd card and pop it into any wm phone and go to work. or i can email cabs, save them, and then install them. no dioing that with a drroid. and i havent seen any different stlye UI's yet. they all look the same. and the task killer option is a joke. why wouldnt they put a task manager into the device. seems like a no-brainer to me. i got to download something to close my apps.
with saying that, the processor is smokin. camera is phenominal. hd video comin in the droid x is very hot. and its got a tv out option for your recorded videos. sorry no other option can be viewed. no youtube on the tv. but still. i can see both sidees. but im stickin with my pro. the 3.2 mp camera is fine for me. the half size processor does the trick for me. and ill keep my pop up keyboard. thats my two sense. get it sense. LMAO!
Android allows you to install apps from a storage card. Android has a ridiculous number of UI's. The task killer option? There are dozens of different task killers to choose from.

So basically all of your negatives on android were mistaken, except that yes there is no task killer built into the core android OS iteself, just like there is no task killer built into the core windows mobile OS itself. Third parties add their own.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 01:30 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

for the love of pete, this is theTP2 FORUM,

not a competition between windows and android, both have their strong points and weak points, its a matter of user preference, some prefer one, some the other, so can we just agree to kill this whole thing because its really annoying to open every new thread and see android can do this, and winmo could do this.

sorry for the rant, but dammit this is annoying
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 01:35 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by pimpsuprazx View Post
for the love of pete, this is theTP2 FORUM,

not a competition between windows and android, both have their strong points and weak points, its a matter of user preference, some prefer one, some the other, so can we just agree to kill this whole thing because its really annoying to open every new thread and see android can do this, and winmo could do this.

sorry for the rant, but dammit this is annoying
I agree 100%. As soon as people with TP2's stop posting threads about how much better their phone is than Android to reassure themselves, it will all go away.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 01:38 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
I agree 100%. As soon as people with TP2's stop posting threads about how much better their phone is than Android to reassure themselves, it will all go away.
yea but with respect, it doesn't help with some people poking at the fire so it blows up into a whole pissing contest
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 01:42 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Probably not. But its a little annoying to see people who obviously have never used Android making claims against it that are completely illegitimate just to boost their own ego or something. I mean, the TP2 is a great phone. Some Android phones are better. I really dont understand people that tie their phone OS of choice or consequence in with their ego, like they must have the "best" phone or they are less of a person. Get over it. TP2 hardware wise is way behind other phones. Windows Mobile is way behind other OS's. That doesn't mean that the TP2 with windows mobile isn't a great phone, its just that there are better phones out now, as there should be.

Last edited by muyoso; 06-26-2010 at 01:53 PM.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 01:46 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Stock and Rooted

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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2010, 01:59 PM
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Re: Strong Points of the TP2 [over Android]

Originally Posted by Wesley762 View Post
that works lol
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